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Just like SMS to wish, After doing various test on experimental basis we have devised a method, like finding success through wishes and prayers. Its like wishing ponds or make a wish kind of thing, no you donรข€™t need to through coin or penny just joining freely in our site would do. You can join in to wish your success and for success of your nation. more the nos of browser by signing up in www.7thhaven.in and more the observer in weekly wisdom we think more the success they would be able to achieve for their nation for any and many nation. Grater the nos of wishers grater the success, progress and prosperity for them and for their nation. So join in if you lover your success and your nation , . ITS ,SPIRITUALITY REDEFINED(Made Easy) This is royal knowledge, the royal secret, supremely holy, directly experience, righteous, easy to practice and imperishable.I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.รข€“  Acknowledgement I Express My Heartfelt gratitude to all the support system I received form many commercial, technical, net server, software companies and also to those who have untouchables involvement and for their encouragement and guidance in all respects for the preparation of this website www.7thhaven.in inI am also indebted to all for providing me with all the necessary assistance necessary for the conduction of this site. Fr Samrat FOR THE BEST AND SAFE EXPERIENCE OF JOURNEY OF LIFE OBSERVE WEEKLY WISDOM Birthdays are not gauged by time and the years you spend on earth. But by your thoughts and actions which determine the real worth Society and the human being are not two different entities; when there is order in the human being, there will be order extermally. Because there is disorder in all of us, there is disorder outwardly. -J.Krishnamurti.BELIEVE IN FACTS AND YOURSELF MORE THAN THE STARS . INTELLEGENT OBSERVATION ALWAYS PAYS. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON THE FOLLOWING THEME AND ANY VISION OF THOUGHT ON ANY CURRENT EVENT THEN WRITE TO US(within 7777 words) ALSO CHECK IN LIVE AND CHECK OUT THE ABSOLUTE MAGIC OF 7,9,10 IN ALL SPORTS ARENA Suitable articles will be published & rewarded-Most of us can read the writing on the wall.We just assume it's addressed to someone else-----Every moment is full of possibilities. It only requires your keen appreciation and best use of it to prove them to the world.The King may make a nobleman, but he cannot make a gentleman.Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world.Even The actions of men are like index of a book; they point out what is most remarkable in them. if a very wicked person worships God to the exclusion of any body else, he should be regarded as righteous, for he has rightly resolved- Bhagavad Gita- When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt laws are broken-An original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one whom nobody can imitate.What we lern with pleasure we never forget- My way of joking is telling the truth; that is the funniest joke in the world The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Visitors To Our Garden

Monday 14th February-2011
Visitors To Our Garden
All of us love garden which teems with life such as beautiful flowering plants and fruit-yielding trees. Besides these don’t we find insects and birds creeping crawling and hovering?
It’s indeed fortunate to have a beautifully grown and tended garden around. While tending to the plants in our garden or while digging I the flower beds, we see earthworms or many other insects hidden in the soil. Furthermore, if we dig into a heap of compost, we often find a host of small insects or centipedes creeping out of it. So our gardens provide home to a large species of animals, and insects like , snails, sludge, spider etc. These small creatures not only build their homes in the soil but also help in making it more fertile.
The earthworms that dig into we soil mix the various layers of soil and make it porous and airy . Moles also do it though at a much larger scale. Most of these creatures live a hidden life, to protect themselves from predators and come out to feed only at night. Hence both plants and animals live together and are interdependent upon each other. Some insects feed on plats and once they die they decompose and become manure, which serve as good for plants.
Some flying insects like butterflies and bees also help plants in reproducing through pollination. Dead leaves from plants decompose on the ground and thereby provide food and shelter for the smaller creatures. There are many insects that survive on each other. For example spiders build webs and trap insects which sere as their food.
There are some occasional visitors to our gardens. They are various types of birds which feed upon insect and earthworms. If there are trees or berry bushes in the garden then these provide home and food for birds and other animals like squirrels and chipmunks. Thus nature is able to maintain its balance and all creatures and plants thrive through interdependence. Often a lot of wild plants like weeds, lichen, moss, mushrooms and toadstools find their way into our gardens and we remove the weeds to make our garden look neat and spruce.
To live healthy one has to eat smart. We don’t have to starve ourselves totally. We must make smart choices.
We should never skip breakfast. It forms the most important meal of the day. Good and nutrient-rich breakfast keeps us going through the day.
We should never skip a meal so that we could prevent eating a greedy and big meal. Instead we must have a small frequent meals.
We all must recollect what we were taught at school- That we should eat slowly, chew every bite 32 times and take at least 20 minutes to finish our meal. It works wonders because this gives us a feeling of fullness.
It is always advisable to avoid processed foods. Unprocessed food is available. Plenty. It includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and limited quantity of protein like eggs and milk.
Vegetarian diet rich in fiber will make us feel full soon and also helps move fat through our digestive system faster so that less fat is absorbed
Sugar in diets adds “empty calories” and no other nutrient to the body. So keep it to the minimum. We must also learn that when a product claims to be fat-free, it is not necessarily sugar-free or calorie-free..
Eating vegetable salad with no mayonnaises or any other high-fat dressing, is the best option.
We should not totally cut down on fat intake for various metabolic processes in our body. So stick to the recommended levels and avoid junk food, deep fired oily food, cakes, pastries and chocolates.
Balanced diets teamed up with regular exercise is the best option to stay healthy.

Quote from the Essence of the Bhagavad-Gita
And how will you fight?
Fight with equanimity, looking with evenness upon joy and misery, victory and defeat, gain and loss
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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