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Just like SMS to wish, After doing various test on experimental basis we have devised a method, like finding success through wishes and prayers. Its like wishing ponds or make a wish kind of thing, no you don’t need to through coin or penny just joining freely in our site would do. You can join in to wish your success and for success of your nation. more the nos of browser by signing up in www.7thhaven.in and more the observer in weekly wisdom we think more the success they would be able to achieve for their nation for any and many nation. Grater the nos of wishers grater the success, progress and prosperity for them and for their nation. So join in if you lover your success and your nation , . ITS ,SPIRITUALITY REDEFINED(Made Easy) This is royal knowledge, the royal secret, supremely holy, directly experience, righteous, easy to practice and imperishable.I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.–  Acknowledgement I Express My Heartfelt gratitude to all the support system I received form many commercial, technical, net server, software companies and also to those who have untouchables involvement and for their encouragement and guidance in all respects for the preparation of this website www.7thhaven.in inI am also indebted to all for providing me with all the necessary assistance necessary for the conduction of this site. Fr Samrat FOR THE BEST AND SAFE EXPERIENCE OF JOURNEY OF LIFE OBSERVE WEEKLY WISDOM Birthdays are not gauged by time and the years you spend on earth. But by your thoughts and actions which determine the real worth Society and the human being are not two different entities; when there is order in the human being, there will be order extermally. Because there is disorder in all of us, there is disorder outwardly. -J.Krishnamurti.BELIEVE IN FACTS AND YOURSELF MORE THAN THE STARS . INTELLEGENT OBSERVATION ALWAYS PAYS. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON THE FOLLOWING THEME AND ANY VISION OF THOUGHT ON ANY CURRENT EVENT THEN WRITE TO US(within 7777 words) ALSO CHECK IN LIVE AND CHECK OUT THE ABSOLUTE MAGIC OF 7,9,10 IN ALL SPORTS ARENA Suitable articles will be published & rewarded-Most of us can read the writing on the wall.We just assume it's addressed to someone else-----Every moment is full of possibilities. It only requires your keen appreciation and best use of it to prove them to the world.The King may make a nobleman, but he cannot make a gentleman.Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world.Even The actions of men are like index of a book; they point out what is most remarkable in them. if a very wicked person worships God to the exclusion of any body else, he should be regarded as righteous, for he has rightly resolved- Bhagavad Gita- When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt laws are broken-An original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one whom nobody can imitate.What we lern with pleasure we never forget- My way of joking is telling the truth; that is the funniest joke in the world The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example

Monday, December 26, 2011

Wishful Thinking

Monday, December 26, 2011
Wishful thinking
Whenever I feel that a “certain thing” is impossible, I slip into wishful thinking and imagine that “the certain thing” has already been accomplished. So wishful thinking is a form of day dreaming. When we make a temporary compromise by walking away from truth, we think we sustain ourselves through passive inaction and we hope that things will turn out the way we ant . But sooner or later we have to return to reality, adjust to it n a creative way and accept daily living as a challenge not as compromise. I DO DAY DREAM that I hate none, peeve at none love all and also of a world where there is no hunger, hatred, violence, greed; and only peace and happiness that reins supreme. All this remains wishful thinking if I don’t contribute my mite towards this end. There is nothing wrong with day dreaming now and then for a few moments or hours if it is used as relaxation from tension. Then I recall happy moments, successful moments in the past and renew my energies for the present.
As Miguel de Unamuno said. “To think is to converse with oneself”. You can’t use day dreaming in the process. When you converse with yourself, you must play ball(as I do mentally) to find the big you. Only then will you be able to converse with others. When you are a friend to yourself, you will be a friend to others. And you cannot be a friend to yourself by inadequate thinking, by wishful thinking, or by daydreaming. As we say, think creatively , then do creatively our part. When ? Now! Is this our world or isn’t t? Isn’t the time ripe to abide by what the Father of our ancestors stood for and not compromise the values in the making of our nation and also be as duty conscious as Sri Lal Bahadur Sastri?
By Birth
By birth man does not become an outcast nor does he become a high caste man. He becomes high or low according to his deeds.

What The Heart Gives
What the heart gives away is never gone . It is kept in the heart of others. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risks. Secure a special place in your heart. A certain place only you can enter. For there will come a time when you need to find yourself and only your heart will show you the way.
Wisdom Speaks
Waters contain All disease dispelling medicaments, useful for the upkeep of our body, so what we may live long to enjoy the bright Sun.
That there is ambrosia in waters, There is healing balm in them, And there are medicinal herbs, Know this all.
And by there proper use, become wiser –Rig Veda
I seek the Lord of the waters of golden appearance.
May He hear our entreaty and grant us a place of ablution.
Whatever gift I have received at the hand of the crafty.
Whatever sin of thought or word or deed I have committed.
From this may Indra, Varuna, Brhaspati and Surya cleanse again and again.
I have eaten and drunk to excess, or consorted with people of violent ways.
May Vaurna wipe it all way.
Thus , rid of impurity and evil and free from my sin.
May I find liberation and pass to the world of The Lord of Creation. Taittiriya. Aryanka

Better Left Unsaid
Some thoughts are better left unsaid some feelings are better kept to yourself, but love has its way of expressing itself despite the silence. Always say you are sorry to people you have wronged. Remember, it is not always what you say that hurts, but the words that you don’t.
The Seven Ups
Wake up
Decide to have a good day
Dress up!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
Shut Up!
Say nice things and learn to listen.
Stand up!
For what you believe in . Stand up for something or you will fail for anything.
Look up!
Keep yourself centered .Remember you are important.
Reach up!
For something higher. Trust with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.
Lift up!
Lift up to God in prayer.
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it’d be easy; they just promise it would be worth it.

Quote from The Essence of Bhagavad-Gita
Whatever you experience through your senses is nothing but the magic of the Magician. Out is His own sweet will , he has projected this world out of Himself.
Controlling My own Prakriti, I send forth, again and again, all this multitudes of beings, helpless under the sway of maya. Bhagavad Gita

Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : WHS Hockey world scored 7 goals SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com

Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Develop Pleasing Personality

Monday, December 19, 2011
How to Develop Pleasing Personality
Most of us want to possess pleasing personality. Here are the tips to acquire this personal trait:
Accept a person as he is and where he is. This attitude takes away hostility in human relationship. It is not possible to behave pleasantly with one whom you hate. When you accept a person as he is , you can relax and feel free the concerned person. Then he too will be happy and friendly with you.
Be out going. Maturity provides you with this important quality. You must be other person- centered rather than self-centered. Too much selfishness takes away the friendly nature to go out of the way to help a person in need.
Be a good listen and be interested to listn with patience and sympathy for the other person.
Look for the good in everyone. Think and live positively instead of negatively.
Concentrate on other person’s achievement. Do remember that there is good in everyone and sincerely look for it.
Be a person with original ideas and thoughts of peace which help you to possess pleasing personality
Wear a smile . This is one of the features of good personality. Smile at everyone. There is no better way to spread sunshine at all times.
Be enthusiastic. This is the one special quality that goes along with pleasing personality.
Always keep on image of yourself having the qualities of a pleasing person like out going nature, ever available tendency to help and smile to greet everyone you meet.

We all live with the objective of being happy our lives are all different and yet the same.

How Does Sap Go Up A Tree?

Every single part of the human body receives a constant supply of blood which is pumped by the heart. In plants and trees, every single part receives water and nourishment, which we call sap. But a tree has no pump because in has no heart. So how does the sap go up a tree?
Science still cannot explain this mystery exactly. But there are several theories about. Though not a single theory seems to offer the complete answer. Scientists believe that there are several forces at work to make this possible. One explanation has to do with ‘osmotic pressure”. In living things, liquids and dissolved materials pass thought membranes. This is called ‘osmosis’. When there are dissolved chemicals in contact with a membrane, they press against the membranes. This is called “osmotic pressure”. If there are any particles in a solution, more particles press against the membrane and seep through than in solutions with fewer particles.
Minerals and water used by plants come from the roots. Since the soil contains more minerals than the plant, the osmotic pressure causes the minerals to enter the plant. The dissolved minerals remain in the plant cells. The water evaporates. In this way water from the soil continuously moves upward through plants.
Another way of explanting how a sap goes up a tree has to do with “transpiration” and the cohesion of water from leaves is called “transpiration”. The attraction of one water particle o another is called “Cohesion”.
Transpiration provides the upward “pull”, As water evaporates from the cells of the leaves, it creates a vacuum in he cells directly below the surface. So these cells draw on the cells below them for a new supply of sap.. And this contains right down to the roots of the tree. Cohesion holds the water particles together as they move up.

Deep –Sand Fishing
In some parts of the Sahara Desert in North Africa there are underground streams. When people dig into the sand to reach the fresh water they sometimes catch Live Fish!

The soul of one hw loves God always swims in joy and always is in a mood for singing.

Quote from The Essence of Bhagavad-Gita
O my mind, why do you love this body which is like a corpse? Why don’t you remember Him who is consciousness Itself and dwells in the body making all bodily functions possible?

The Lord . This body , O son of Kunti, is called the Field, and he who knows it is called the Knower of the Field by those who describe them .

Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Saaf cup India won and man of the tournament got 7 goals, epl manunited no 10 scored a goal, SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com

Sunday, December 11, 2011



This focus on self -reliance can be found among the non-rich as well: …a strong allegiance to the American Dream can lead even regular folks to overestimate their own self -reliance in the same way as rich people. As behavioral economist Mark Wilhelm of Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis pointed out, most people could quickly tell you how much they paid in taxes last year but few could put a dollar amount on how they benefited from government by, say, driving on interstate highways, taking drugs gleaned from federally funded medical research, or using inventions created by people educated in public schools. However, focusing solely on individual self -reliance ignores the reality of our dual particle/wave nature . None of us exists in a vacuum; we are all dependent on people and forces outside of us. As Albert Einstein once said: A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of others. Our focus on self -reliance can even blind us about our selves. Ernest Becker, in his Pulitzer-winning book The Denial of Death noted: We don’t want to admit that we are fundamentally dishonest about reality, that we do not really control our lives. We don’t want to admit that we do not stand alone, that we always rely on something that transcends us, some system of ideas and powers in which we are embedded and which support us. This power is not always obvious. It need not be overtly a god or a stronger person, but it can be the power of an all-absorbing activity, a passion, a dedication to a game, a way of life, that like a comfortable web keeps a person buoyed up and ignorant of himself, of the fact that he does not rest on his own center. This preoccupation with self -reliance flies in the face of today’ s interconnected world . It also limits our potential. To understand this, think for a moment about computers. A computer by itself can make you productive in doing things like managing a business’s finances or writing a book. But a computer connected to the internet can do so much more. The same applies to people. To succeed in life it’s not enough simply be self -reliant; we need to be connected to the world around us as well. "Of one thing I feel certain: this same technical progress which, in itself, might relieve mankind of the great part of the labor necessary to its subsistence, is the main cause of our present misery. Hence there are those who would in all seriousness forbid the introduction of technical improvements. This is obviously absurd. But how can we find a more rational way out of our dilemma?" ~ Albert Einstein
Quote from the essense of Bhagavad Gita

Though the Lord is the ruler of the three worlds,he is absolutely free from ego,Sitting in the heart of the jiva He smiles watching the arrogant behavior of the jiva which is born out of his petty ego and pride.
All works is performed by the gunas of Prakriti. But he whose mind is deluded by egotirm things "I an the doer" Bhagavad Gita

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : In saff cup man of d tournament got 7 goal 4m india(4-0), in semi afganistan9got a goal in cricket nz wön secönd test by 7 run.indias9 got man of d match In epl sun 7 got a goal 4m setpiece. SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision. com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com

Monday, December 5, 2011

Career Goals: Setting Career Goals and Career Objectives

Monday, December 05, 2011
Career Goals: Setting Career Goals and Career Objectives
Every now and then we come across people who are unhappy with their jobs. The reasons of their unhappiness may vary – they do not like their work schedule, or they do not like a particular colleague in their office, or even that they do not like their boss. However, these vague reasons actually serve as a cover for the underlying reasons of all dissatisfaction with jobs – the employee is unaware of or has not given thought to his or her career goals and objectives.
It is only when a person has a clear thought about his/her career goals and objectives that he or she gets ultimate satisfaction from his/her job and therefore progress faster.
This article covers many examples for your career goals & objectives.
Sample Career Goals, List of Career Objectives and Goals
Here is an example list of some basic career goals that an employee should think about and keep in mind:
Growth in Resources
Change is the only constant, be it in everyday life or in a profession. With the change and growth in business, it is only natural that one would have to constantly upgrade and enhance their knowledge and resources that he or she offers to the business or to the client. Therefore, upgrading one’s knowledge and resources to grow as a professional is another important career goal that one should pursue.
Financial Aspect
The financial aspect is one of the most important ones. If a person is underpaid, he or she will become bitter and frustrated and this will be manifested in his or her work ethics and work method. If a person is overpaid, they may become lethargic and may not be as productive to the company as they were when they were hired and therefore, may soon be given the pink slip. Therefore, another important career goal is to be paid only as much as the job position is worth for the company.
No activity in this world is carried out without a certain level of satisfaction being one of the person’s requirements. One important career goal should be to be satisfied with whatever you are doing. Of course, that does not mean that you should stop experimenting or impede your enhancement process. You should make sure that you are completely satisfied with whatever job you are doing.
New Experiences
We spend almost three-fourths of our life in the professional world. Therefore, it is logical that we look into our professional lives not only to progress and get ahead in life, but also to learn new things and gain new experiences. An added experience only adds to a person’s richness in terms of thought and knowledge. Therefore, another important career goal to keep in mind is to accumulate experiences such as learning about the cultures of different countries, meeting new people and basically becoming familiarized with customs and traditions worldwide. This will only enable us to increase our tolerance levels and change perspectives.
Another important career goal that a person should look for is stability. Once a professional gets into a stable company, he or she does not bother about his/her day to day needs and can concentrate on growing as an individual and a professional, which will only add to the growth of the company.
Examples of Career goal statement: Your long term career goals
There are other important aspects of defining your career goals & objectives – having a career goal statement. For example, you may define your long term vision of a career – what would you like to achieve at any given time frame? You should set up a time limit and check/assess your career statements as corner stones.
Here are some examples of career statements:
Comprehensive Growth
Growth is the most important career goal that an employee should look into. There is never a limit for the growth of an individual in a job. In fact, even if a person becomes a CEO of a company, the next level of growth for the individual on a professional level is being an entrepreneur or becoming a proprietor. However, growth does not happen overnight, and being diligent and dedicated to a job is one of the most important aspects of growing. Therefore, one should be dedicated and serious about the job. Only when a person achieves consistency in their productivity, will he/she be able to achieve comprehensive growth on a professional level.
Another example of a career goal statement is – setting a timeframe for becoming a manager or a leader. Once you have mastered the art of doing, you should seek and find a pathway for becoming a leader in your organization and relegating your skills and resources.
Possessing a Backup
If you ever visit a wealth manager, the first thing that he or she will tell you is to invest your money in different nests. The same goes for our resources. One should remember that no company hires the person, but hires his or her services, which are critical resources for the company. However, if you invest all your resources in one place, there is a very good chance that you may not get the returns that you had hoped for. Therefore, it is suggested that you consider a second, parallel career as soon as the opportunity arises.
Second career
One of the most important advantages of having a second career is that a person becomes financially free and can therefore take certain risks in his or her job, which would otherwise not be taken. Risks are just opportunities in disguise and there are chances that the risks may actually turn out to be a lucrative proposal for the company that the individual is working for.
Logical Conclusion: A Business
After all the years of experience and work in a profession and business, it is only logical for a person to think of having a business of their own. Once the person has a business of his or her own, he or she can use all the expertise and knowledge he or she has about the business for his or her own benefit. Therefore, ultimately having one’s own business should be one of an individual’s career goals.
Gaining Expertise
It goes without saying that once a person spends an amount of time in the business and profession, he or she becomes experienced in the job. Once the individual’s experience passes a certain level, he or she is considered to be good enough to become a job consultant. Every employee should have a career goal to become so experienced in his or her profession that he/she can be hired as a consultant by other companies.
“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.”
Quote from Bhagavad gita
Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free
Bhagavad Gita

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : curling cup, cyrstel palace no 7 goal, japan scored 7 goal India scored 7 goals in fih hockey, SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com

Monday, November 28, 2011

How the Act of Daily Goal Setting Makes You Successful

Monday, November 28, 2011
How the Act of Daily Goal Setting Makes You Successful
Successful people “think” success all the time. That is why their goals are firmly lodged in their subconscious. The subconscious is brilliant at prioritizing. It listens to you and gauges from your thoughts what you think is the most important task.
This means that what you think about most of the time is what The Subconscious will think is the most important thing for you and will try to find creative solutions. If you think about problems, The Subconscious will try to find you more problems. If you think about solutions, goals and dreams, it will try to make them come true.
But The Subconscious goes even further when trying to understand what you think is important; it “listens” to your feelings.
A thought imbued with a powerful emotion must be more important than a thought that had didn’t emotionally affect you at all, even if you think that through over and over and over again.
Luckily, it has been proven that a positive thought is over 100 times as positive as a negative thought. This makes it a lot easier to drive positive emotions into your Subconscious.
This makes it all easier
It is enough to be positive and keep your thoughts on what you want — and you don’t have to go monitoring your thoughts all the time.
It is enough to imbue your thoughts a few times a day with a powerful positive emotion when thinking about your goals. The more you can do it the more powerful this exercise will be.
For many, reading their goals or making plans become a chore, something that fills them with negative emotions. This ruins the full potential of these activities; filling yourself with positive emotions while thinking about your goals will make them a lot more powerful.
Over the last several years I have been taught several exercises that can help you focus more on your goals and spend more time thinking about and feeling about them. What I want you to remember when doing these exercises is to have fun. Never see them as a chore, you are living your goals, it is something to enjoy.
If you don’t feel uplifted at the thought of focusing on your goals, you might as well not do the exercise today. Do it tomorrow instead, because it will do more harm than good if you are in the wrong mood when thinking about your goals.
How this power can affect your life
In my business, I constantly need to come up with new ways to improve efficiency, new ideas to test and new subjects to teach. It takes a lot of creative work — and creative work has always been one of my weaker areas. Luckily, thanks to all my work with goal setting (and because of my focus on my goals), my Subconscious knows these are the things I need the most help with and that they are very important to me.
Every day I get new ideas of things I can try out, products I can create, seminar subjects I can offer, and so on. All of them aren’t good, but when you throw enough “mud against the wall”, something will stick. And that is what my Subconscious does — it feeds me idea after idea.
An Easy Exercise
Daily Goal Setting
This method is used by countless thousands around the world and for everyone who has tried it, the effects have been incredible.
• Each morning take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your 10 top goals. Don’t look at the day before, just think about what you want to most and write them down.
• Remember to write them in the positive present tense and remember to set a deadline for each goal. Just like we did when setting your long term and short term goals. (For example you could set the goal “I make 10 000 dollars per month by the 31 of December 2010.”)
• Do this for all 10 goals.
In the beginning, writing down 10 goals might be difficult. Each day they might look a bit different and some of the goals you write never come back again. If you forget a goal, it is because it wasn’t all that important and something more important has taken its place.
What difference does it make?
By starting your day setting your 10 top goals you jump-start your creativity — which will motivate you for the rest of the day. You will have programmed yourself to focus on your goals and to move towards them and their completion.

What will happen to you?
If you do this, you will start to realize what is important to you. You’ll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish. You will know what you want and you will find yourself presented with opportunities that you haven’t noticed before. You will be more creative in finding ideas and chances to make your dreams reality.
An Action Exercise
1. Buy a notebook and a pen at your local bookstore.
2. Start writing down 10 goals every morning, without looking at the day before.
3. Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way and capitalize on them.
Daily goal setting can change your life for the better. It will help you keep moving faster and faster towards your goals and dreams.

7 Ways to Clear the Clutter and Find your Life

Is clutter taking over your life?
Maybe it is and you don’t even realize it. As a personal productivity coach I work with clients helping them organize their lives to work more efficiently and achieve more of what they want from life.
On one occasion I was working with a business owner who was experiencing a lot of stress and feeling very overwhelmed. We started by clearing her office of clutter. While we sifted through the mountains of paperwork and the many notebooks on her desk, she found a check for 1,800 euro that she had forgotten to cash. Her life was so disorganized and out of control that she did not miss that check.
If you can relate to my client and have had a similar experience, it may be time to take back the control. Clearing the clutter can be a clever place to start.
1. Start small
Just like creating new habits the trick is to start small. Don’t try to tackle too much all at once; it usually ends in frustration, dissatisfaction and ultimate abandon. Choose a small area or one drawer to get started and schedule time to complete the task. It usually works better to schedule time rather than have a physical plan because often the de-cluttering takes longer than expected. If you spend hours trying to de-clutter a space to not achieve it can turn the expedition into a negative experience.
2. Make sure everything has a place
One of the reasons we allow clutter to accumulate is because we don’t know where to put it. We move things around from surface to surface not quite knowing what to do with them. Create a place for everything and if necessary go out and buy more storage containers. But be careful, the more storage containers you have the more you will fill.

3. One in two out
You have probably heard of this tactic before. Every time you buy something new, throw out or give away two things, this will ensure the quantity of items you own decreases over time rather than the gradual creep of belongings. It also prevents you from buying unnecessary things as you know you will have to throw out some possessions when you get home.
4. Become a charity King or Queen
Know that every time you donate clothes, books or toys to a charity shop you are helping people. Rather than let things clutter up your drawers they could be doing good in the world. Separating yourself from your belongings becomes easier if you are doing it for a purpose.
5. Remember objects don’t define the person
For years I kept a snowboard in the corner of my sitting room as it represented the person I wanted to be — bold and carefree. I live in a country that doesn’t have mountains with snow. I wasn’t very good at the sport and at best I could go snowboarding once a year. Sounds ridiculous when you look at it objectively, but for me it represented a part of my life I didn’t want to let go of. Selling my snowboarding gear was a liberating experience. I felt the moment I let it go out the door I matured. I am who I am and don’t need an object to express my personality.
6. Create rituals to prevent clutter creep
If you manage to de-clutter and get things under control, how are you going to prevent the clutter from coming back into your life?
Create rituals. Do the washing up straight after dinner, get the children to tidy their toys before bed, tidy up time comes before lunch every day. By creating rituals for certain events they become so much a part of your everyday life they don’t feel like a hassle. These little rituals just like brushing your teeth before bed become semi-automated and help to keep your life under control.

7. Music and celebration
Turn on your favorite music and get started. Music can uplift and inspire, it can turn the most mundane task into something enjoyable. When you have finished acknowledge your achievements and reward yourself, something you should do with all areas of your life. Great things deserve recognition and celebration. Treat yourself and admire your hard work.
If you have any more de-clutter tips I would love to hear them
Quote from the ESSENCE OF
Whatever has happened, has happened for good.
Whatever is happening, is happening for good.
Whatever is going to happen, it will be for good.
What have you lost for which you cry?
What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
What did you produce, which has destroyed?
You did not bring anything when you were born.
Whatever you have, you have received from Him.
Whatever you will give, you will give to Him.
You came empty handed and you will go the same way.
Whatever is yours today was somebody else's yesterday and will be somebody else's tomorrow.
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Hockey Bellgium scored 7 goals agaist polish winn by 4, velecia scored 7 goals , pak won 219/7, tas made 247 robil cup SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com

Sunday, November 20, 2011



Whenever an item is taken from the Collection Bucket, ask yourself: “Is this actionable?” In other words, “Is this something that I can take care of right now?” If the item is not actionable: toss it in the trash, file it for future reference, or place it in a regularly-reviewed tickler file for possible future action. If the item is actionable: do it, if it will only take a few minutes, delegate it, if it’s somebody else’s responsibility, or defer it. Using this system, most items are processed immediately. Some items are deferred. Deferred items may be: placed on a calendar if they must be done at a specific date and/or time, or put on list of Next Actions if they’re things that need to be done ASAP. There’s a special subset of actionable items called Projects. These are multi-step tasks. Each Project gets its own file, and the Next Action for each Project is placed in the Collection Bucket. After the GTD has been implemented, the Collection Bucket should be emptied once a week (or as often as necessary). That’s it. That’s the system. Here’s a graphical representation: Scott Moehring, a former (unofficial) GTD coach, created an outstanding advanced workflow diagram [PDF, 321 k]. I have this hanging above my desk as a constant reminder. Moehring has graciously granted me permission to offer this as a free download . Adapting the System for Personal Use One of my mantras is “Do what works for you”. The Getting Things Done system is presented primarily as a tool for business use, but it’s easily applied to one’s personal life . They key is to modify it so that so that it fits the way you live and work. Here’s how I got things done: Preparation I made a trip to an office supply store to pick up: file folders, an automatic labeler , four 12 ×12 tiles of cork, a nice wooden inbox, thumbtacks, scotch tape, and a few other items. (If you’re feeling frugal, you can do without this stuff. Allen says that ideally you would buy the best quality components you could afford — if your tools are a pleasure to use, you’re more likely to use them.) Collecting Stuff I gathered together all of my Stuff, both physical and mental, and piled it on the kitchen table. To gather the physical Stuff, I walked from room- to -room with a box, into which I stacked all the Stuff I could find (e.g. magazines, photographs, junk mail, to -do lists, letters, etc.). To gather the mental Stuff, I walked from room- to -room with a stack of index cards, onto which I wrote all the Stuff that occurred to me (e.g. put away clothes, clean cat food area, hang painting on guest room wall, organize DVDs, prune laurel from back porch, etc.). Sorting Stuff Collecting all my Stuff in one spot took several hours. Next, I began to process it. Mostly this was easy. I just started with what was in front of me, picked it up, and asked myself what the item was and what needed to be done with it. If it was something I could deal with in just a few minutes, I dealt with it. (For example: books that needed to be shelved.) If it was something that needed to be dealt with soon, but that would take longer than just a few minutes, I set it aside in a Next Actions pile. (For example: canceling cell phone .) If I no longer needed the item, I threw it out. (For example: house flyers.) If it was something that I wanted to keep for Reference, I made a new file folder (labeling it with my handy automatic labeler). (For example: all of the various songlists I jot down for future CD mixes .) If it was something for somebody else, I put it in a Delegated pile. (For example: anything related to the bathroom remodel, which Kris was in charge of.) If it was a part of a larger Project, I stuck it in a folder marked Projects. (For example: organizing all of my writing, from high school til today.) If it was something that needed done on a specific date, I entered it into iCal . (For example: my upcoming dentist appointment.) If it was something that didn’t need done right away, I stuck it in a Tickler file to process later. (For example: scheduling a poetry night.) If it was something that was just an idea, something that I might want to do someday, but it won’t kill me if I don’t, then I put it in a file marked “someday/maybe”. (For example: buy a nice leather easy chair.) The sorting process took an entire day. When the kitchen table was clean once more, I had several file folders filled with to -do lists. I also had a stack of Next Actions. Organizing Stuff I tucked my reference file folders (and there were several dozen of them) into a desk drawer. I put the Projects file into my inbox (because I needed to break it down later, creating individual files for each project). Most of my organization, though, involved the stack of action items: I hung the aforementioned cork tiles on the wall next to my desk. I labeled the top corkboard “Next Actions”. For each action item, I created an index card. (Actually, I used some old business cards — they’re the perfect size.) I tacked the index cards to the cork in no particular order. After two-and- a -half days, I was finished. My version of the Getting Things Done system was set up and ready to use. Doing Stuff When using the canonical GTD system, you process the Next Action, no matter what it is. For my purposes, I made an exception. I cherry-picked. I selected a few cards at a time, and then I did whatever they said: clean car, buy mini- to -mini cable, check hoses on washing machine. If the action was something that I know comes up repeatedly (clean car, for example), then I tucked it in a drawer for later use. After my initial Brain Dump, I had 53 Next Actions. I did eleven of them the first day. I did six more then next. The rest I tackled over the following weeks. Ready for Anything You know that freedom you feel when your on vacation? That wonderful sense that there’s nothing to worry about? That’s what this system attempts to give you. When I exercise the discipline to get things done, I’m happier. Things seem to fall into place. Some of you probably believe this is silly. It probably seems like a lot of effort to take care of something that you can do in your head. The point, though, is that this system gets everything out of your head. When you’re trying to juggle 53 Next Actions in your head ( along with a dozen Projects, a dozen someday/maybe wishes, a score of calendar items, and a bunch of other ideas), it can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel stressed, or bewildered, or desperate. With the Getting Things Done system, everything is out of your head and on paper. You don’t have to think about things anymore. You just do them. Conclusion Getting Things Done offers a solution for creating order out of chaos. Unfortunately, I tend to lose focus on the system with time. Things happen, and I forget to process my inbox for several weeks, and then it becomes intimidating. Weeks turn to months. Eventually the chaos returns. When this happens, I perform a system reset. I start over from scratch. But even the experts have trouble sticking to the system. Scott Moehring — who shared the advanced workflow diagram posted above — told me: I go on and off with GTD, but it is always part of what I do. I am always happier when I follow it. [...] I collect almost everything, but it falls off in varying degrees from there. My worst part is the Weekly Review, and I think it is the most critical part. Two things really help me, though: keep it as simple as possible, and manage your e-mail this way. I’m sure you can imagine the ways in which GTD concepts can be extended to your financial life . In the future, I hope to share some of the ways I’ve combined the two.

QUOTE FROM Essance of Bhagavad geeta Frigtened by the nature of this world-the great Shukafva was reluctant to be born here and he remained in the womb oe his mother for eighteen long years.

verivy:this divine maya of Mine cmsisting of the gunas: is hard to over come. but those who take refuge in Me alone-shall cross over this maya. Katha

Illustrated live Review/ Revision-7 week : INDIA Won by an innin on 631/7 epl arsenal 10 got two goals sa 310/10 you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job dea ls Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12 Posted by www.samratvision.com

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna
QUOTE FROM Essance of Bhagavad geeta

Frigtened by the nature of this world-the great Shukafva was reluctant to be born here and he remained in the womb oe his mother for eighteen long years.

verivy:this divine maya of Mine cmsisting of the gunas: is hard to over come. but those who take refuge in Me alone-shall cross over this maya.

Katha Illustrated live Review/ Revision-7 week : INDIA Won by an innin on 631/7
epl arsenal 10 got two goals sa 310/10 you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job dea ls Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12 Posted by www.samratvision.com

Monday, November 14, 2011



How to Respect the Civil Rights of Others By an eHow Contributing Writer Civil rights are rights that protect individual citizens of each country and are protected by the government of a nation. These rights are written as a legal document. They include rights like the right to a trial, the right to vote and the right to have freedom of speech. Know your rights and those of the people around you. Follow these tips to respect the civil rights of others. Difficulty: Easy Instructions 1 . Know your civil rights. Determine the civil rights in your country. Research the rights people have so you know what to expect and what others should expect. 2 . Treat everyone equally. Show respect and live peacefully. Don't deny anyone a civil right. Do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of age, class, sex or gender. 3 . Be aware of how others are treated. You can't assume everyone is treated equally. Know the facts. Join a civil liberties group or read articles about civil rights. Look online for articles and facts. 4 . Read your civil laws. Know the details of specific rights. Be clear. Understand the language involved in the laws. 5 . Be proactive. Join a group that helps others. Stand up for others and help people attain their rights. Join an online forum to get more information about protecting civil rights. Talk to others who are already respecting the rights of others. 6 . Educate others; especially our youth. Teach them the laws, the civil rights and the thinking behind the rights. Then live by example. Show young people how to treat others. 7 . Fight for the rights of others, especially those who can't defend themselves. Volunteer to help others or volunteer for civil rights groups in your area. 8 . Become an activist. Help teach the world how to respect the civil rights of others. March for a group whose rights need protecting or join a movement to show your support. Tips & Warnings Treat others how you want to be treated. Don't confuse civil and criminal law.

Knowledge vs Wisdom

Knowledge is a noun that refers to the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience. It refers to the hard facts and the data that can be available to anyone if he has the right resources. For example, you can have practical, medical or scientific knowledge. You can also say that someone has a wide knowledge of, for example, the taxation system. Wisdom , on the other hand, is a noun that refers to the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. Someone may have all the knowledge about a subject but may not have the wisdom to utilize this knowledge properly to be able to act in a sensible manner! That is why they say you can gain knowledge by educating yourself but you can gain wisdom only by experience. Knowledge also refers to the state of knowing about a particular fact or situation. For example, she sent the letter without my knowledge or the film was made with the King’s full knowledge and approval. Knowledge can also be used as an idiom . For example, something can be common or public knowledge implying that everyone in a particular group or community knows about it. For example, you can say someone’s dishonesty was common knowledge in the club. Wisdom can also be used as referring to the sensibility of doing something. For example, you can say I question the wisdom of giving a child so much money. Wisdom also refers to the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time. For example, the wisdom of the Native American people. Wisdom when used in the phrase ‘conventional wisdom ’ refers to the collective belief or view that a people or society can have.

QUOTE FROM THE ESSANCE OF BHAGAVAT GEETA HE WHO IS AFRAID OE DEATH-DOES NOT KNOW THAT THE SUPREME LORD:WHO IS OF THE NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND DEATHLESS DWELLS IN HIS HEART I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha

Illustrated live Review/ Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Fedx won as 7,7 Aus were all out at 47/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job dea ls Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12 :42 AM 0


Sunday, November 13, 2011


Knowledge vs Wisdom Knowledge

is a noun that refers to the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience. It refers to the hard facts and the data that can be available to anyone if he has the right resources. For example, you can have practical, medical or scientific knowledge. You can also say that someone has a wide knowledge of, for example, the taxation system. Wisdom , on the other hand, is a noun that refers to the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. Someone may have all the knowledge about a subject but may not have the wisdom to utilize this knowledge properly to be able to act in a sensible manner! That is why they say you can gain knowledge by educating yourself but you can gain wisdom only by experience. Knowledge also refers to the state of knowing about a particular fact or situation. For example, she sent the letter without my knowledge or the film was made with the King’s full knowledge and approval. Knowledge can also be used as an idiom . For example, something can be common or public knowledge implying that everyone in a particular group or community knows about it. For example, you can say someone’s dishonesty was common knowledge in the club. Wisdom can also be used as referring to the sensibility of doing something. For example, you can say I question the wisdom of giving a child so much money. Wisdom also refers to the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time. For example, the wisdom of the Native American people. Wisdom when used in the phrase ‘conventional wisdom ’ refers to the collective belief or view that a people or society can have.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha Illustrated live Review/ Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Epl Aaroon Lennon7 goal a goal, motogp 77 got a podium. QLD WON AS 233/7 TO WA 229/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job dea
ls Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12 :42 AM 0 comments

Sunday, November 6, 2011

MONDAY 7 TH NOVEMBER 2011 Today’s post comes from Anna Hoyt, an AmeriCorps VISTA serving with the C4 Network. When I think about all the meaningful phrases, quotes, and challenges that I have heard in my life so far, I’m not exactly at a loss for material. I like to read inspiring books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, and spend time with wise people who have lived longer than I have in hopes of gaining greater insight on this thing called life. You could say I’m a personal development junkie. With all this great wisdom being poured into my life, you might expect me to give you dozens of meaningful one-liners, right? Well, not today. I just want to share one which has made a significant change for the better in my life. I read this in a book many years ago, and my parents would also say it to me growing up as a kid; “ Make the most of every opportunity .” I had a chance to put this principle into play recently on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The plan for my day was to participate in a service project with a local organization that included cleaning up an area of the city and doing various projects outdoors with a group of over 1,000 individuals. I was so excited to participate in an MLK Day service project for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, the plan for the day quickly changed when the phone rang, as I was at home getting ready on the morning of MLK Day. I heard the unwelcomed news that due to flooding in the region, the service project was cancelled. My eager and hopeful mindset shifted in about 30 seconds. I then recalled this powerful challenge I have lived by for many years now, make the most of every opportunity . This was not going to be a wasted day, or a day off for me. I resolved to find a way to utilize my resources to make the day of service successful. Through the network that HandsOn and AmeriCorps provide, I was able to call up another AmeriCorps member serving in another part of the Seattle area who was coordinating a completely different project. She invited me to join in her effort to clean transitional homes for AIDS victims moving from the crisis of homelessness to self-sufficiency through a local organization. I had an incredible day serving alongside fellow community members and sharing in a great day of service to honor Martin Luther King Jr. What could have been a very discouraging day resulted in a new opportunity to partner with others and make a real impact in our community. I’ve learned that the challenge to make the most of every opportunity can be a statement that you read once and never think about again; or it could be something more. It could become the way you live. Instead of looking at a frustrating coworker as a hindrance to our workday, we can start seeing it as a chance to learn to live based on the virtue that we ought to be kind rather than act how we feel. Rather than viewing our packed schedule as busy, we can see that we have the opportunity to learn how to create healthy boundaries. Instead of looking at the devastating economic challenges of our neighbors who have no home as someone else’s problem, we can see them as an opportunity to make a difference ourselves and get involved. Whatever opportunities you are given are yours to do with what you choose. My advice. Make something great of what you have. You don’t know if you’ll get another chance just like it again. Each day. Each opportunity . Make it count. Make it a win for others, and it will be a win for everyone. Anna serves as an AmeriCorps VISTA member through the HandsOn Network with an organization called The C4 Group. She bases out of Seattle, but works nationally to implement a community engagement model called The Care Strategy in five different cities across the United States, by partnering with five other AmeriCorps VISTA members who serve in various faith based organizations. Quote 4m Essense of Bhagavad Gita Controlling My own Prakriti I send forth,again and again,all this multitude of beings,helpless under the sway of maya I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Epl Aaroon Lennon7 goal a goal, motogp 77 got a podium. QLD WON AS 233/7 TO WA 229/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12:42 AM 0 comments

Today’s post comes from Anna Hoyt, an AmeriCorps VISTA serving with the C4 Network. When I think about all the meaningful phrases, quotes, and challenges that I have heard in my life so far, I’m not exactly at a loss for material. I like to read inspiring books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, and spend time with wise people who have lived longer than I have in hopes of gaining greater insight on this thing called life. You could say I’m a personal development junkie. With all this great wisdom being poured into my life, you might expect me to give you dozens of meaningful one-liners, right? Well, not today. I just want to share one which has made a significant change for the better in my life. I read this in a book many years ago, and my parents would also say it to me growing up as a kid; “ Make the most of every opportunity .” I had a chance to put this principle into play recently on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The plan for my day was to participate in a service project with a local organization that included cleaning up an area of the city and doing various projects outdoors with a group of over 1,000 individuals. I was so excited to participate in an MLK Day service project for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, the plan for the day quickly changed when the phone rang, as I was at home getting ready on the morning of MLK Day. I heard the unwelcomed news that due to flooding in the region, the service project was cancelled. My eager and hopeful mindset shifted in about 30 seconds. I then recalled this powerful challenge I have lived by for many years now, make the most of every opportunity . This was not going to be a wasted day, or a day off for me. I resolved to find a way to utilize my resources to make the day of service successful. Through the network that HandsOn and AmeriCorps provide, I was able to call up another AmeriCorps member serving in another part of the Seattle area who was coordinating a completely different project. She invited me to join in her effort to clean transitional homes for AIDS victims moving from the crisis of homelessness to self-sufficiency through a local organization. I had an incredible day serving alongside fellow community members and sharing in a great day of service to honor Martin Luther King Jr. What could have been a very discouraging day resulted in a new opportunity to partner with others and make a real impact in our community. I’ve learned that the challenge to make the most of every opportunity can be a statement that you read once and never think about again; or it could be something more. It could become the way you live. Instead of looking at a frustrating coworker as a hindrance to our workday, we can start seeing it as a chance to learn to live based on the virtue that we ought to be kind rather than act how we feel. Rather than viewing our packed schedule as busy, we can see that we have the opportunity to learn how to create healthy boundaries. Instead of looking at the devastating economic challenges of our neighbors who have no home as someone else’s problem, we can see them as an opportunity to make a difference ourselves and get involved. Whatever opportunities you are given are yours to do with what you choose. My advice. Make something great of what you have. You don’t know if you’ll get another chance just like it again. Each day. Each opportunity . Make it count. Make it a win for others, and it will be a win for everyone. Anna serves as an AmeriCorps VISTA member through the HandsOn Network with an organization called The C4 Group. She bases out of Seattle, but works nationally to implement a community engagement model called The Care Strategy in five different cities across the United States, by partnering with five other AmeriCorps VISTA members who serve in various faith based organizations.
Quote 4m Essense of Bhagavad Gita
Controlling My own Prakriti I send forth,again and again,all this multitude of beings,helpless under the sway of maya

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : Epl Aaroon Lennon7 goal a goal, motogp 77 got a podium. QLD WON AS 233/7 TO WA 229/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www. youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals Posted by www.samratvision.com at 12:42 AM 0 comments

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Challenges Mould Character

Monday 31/October /2011
Challenges Mould Character
We are all for making life as simple and as easy as possible. We do –not want to face problems. We dislike every circumstance that casts a shadow of disappointment, pain, etc. But the fact is that life is not like that for anyone. It is also true that some people have great number of misfortunes and some, a little less. The secret of dealing successfully with life’s difficulties is the recognition that they are there to be dealt with, not to be evaded.
Life is a challenge. Challenge and difficulty are much more potent forces in moulding fine character than are ease and luxury. They are challenges to one’s power of concentration, will power and courage. They give an opportunity to show the stuff one is made of and they further strengthen the strong. Positive facets of one’s character.
Over a period, we begin to establish a new and helpful habit-pattern of confident and optimistic thinking. The optimistic way of thinking is in itself a powerful attribute in facing life’s challenges, in all its spheres. It makes us more capable of dealing with them. Our resources of morale, and sense of understanding are also enhanced for a successful living.
Thus difficulties and challenges may be regarded as circumstances that give us the opportunity for replacing weak habits by strong ones. Attitude of doubt by determination, thereby strengthening our character.
No success ever comes on its own. Behind every success there are untold stories of trials, failures, losses, humiliation and miseries.
Gold Mine Within You!
A beggar had been sitting by the side of a road for over thirty years. One day a stranger walked by “Spare” some money? ”mumbled the beggar mechanically holding out his old cap.
“I have nothing to give you”. Said the stranger. Then he asked; “What is that you are sitting on?”
“Nothing , “ replied the beggar. “Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for several years”.
“Ever looked inside?” asked the stranger.
“No”, said the beggar. “What is the point? There is nothing inside”.
“Have a look inside”, insisted the stranger . The beggar managed to open the lid With astonishment, disbelief, and elation , he saw that the box was full of gold coins.
Guru says, “ I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside. Not inside any box, as in the parable, but somewhere eve closer; inside yourself.”
Those who have not found their true wealth , which is the radiant joy and unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth. They are looking outside for scraps of pleasure for security, or love , while they have a gold mine within that not only includes all those things but is infinitely grater then anything the world can offer. (Source ; Ideas Exchange)
What most interferes with our own seeing the good qualities in others are our own shortcomings.
Every one wishes to have truth on his side but it is not everyone that sincerely wished to be on the side of truth.
The best we can.
To do at each moment the best we can and leave the result to the Divine’s decision is the surest way to peace , happiness, strengths progress and final perfection.
If trust the first requisite for making a friend, faithfulness is the rist requisite for keeping him.
Greatness comes only to those who seek not how to avoid obstacles but to overcome them.
Regular Periods of Solitude
To do much clear thinking a man must arrange for regular periods of solitudes when he can concentrate and indulge in the imagination without destruction.
Quote from Bhagavad-Gita
The Gita is not a book for study and examination as a text-book It is a book that tells men how-to regulate their activities and their minds. It is like a travel guide. It is a guide-book for the journey of lives. We should travel with its help. Not commit it to memory. Merely committing it to memory will not enable us to reach the journey’s end.
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7th Heaven moment of the no India no 7 got man of the sereid , Nsw won by 7 wk, chased 317, arsenal no 10 got a hatirck, Chelsea no 10 giat, sreia a league no 10 hdries gota goal, , SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www.youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals

Monday, October 24, 2011


Monday 24 /October /2011 Man Has No, Power Over Others’ Minds Within the area of his own mind man has all power, but in respect of others minds his power is extremely limited. He can command his own mind, but he cannot command the minds of theirs, He can choose what he shall think. Therefore, a man can reform his own mind. If not, be cannot avoid the results of his own thoughts and actins. It will be in the nature of his thought and action which procures painful or blissful result. Knowing that a man can think and do as he chooses and that all those have the same liberty a man should have consideration for others ‘thoughts. To think and act, ignoring the consideration of others is violation to others liberty. One must harmonize oneself with others’ minds. Acknowledging their freedom of choice. Selfishness and oppression from the spiritual standpoint are one and the same thing. Every selfish thought or act is a manifestation of egoism and is an action of unfairness. It is met with suffering and defeat. The unselfish man is the who, abandoning the “I” as the source of judgment, refrained from encroachment upon the boundless freedom of others. Realizing the right to their choice. He realizes that his duty lies in acting rightly towards them. Festival of India The Indian Subcontinent is a land of festivals. India is the melting pot of diverse cultures and religions, which enrich its heritage. The word ‘fest’ indicates joy and celebration Festivals In India thus occur throughout the year due to diverse cultures and religions that follow their own calendar . There are another Calendar in India, other than the Roman Calendar. They are the Hindu Calendar. The Hindu calendar is lunar calendar. And Hindus follow this calendar to every ritual and festival they observe through out the year. What is Mythology? Mythology refers to stories of explanations of the origin and meaning of the world and the universe and their religion to a particular culture or civilization. Mythological stories differ from folk tales and legends. They tend to be integrated in the religious doctrine of a particular culture and are considered sacred and factual. Mythological stories also contain supernatural and divine subjects. Folk tales and legends, on the other hand are more lighthearted and entertaining. Though mythological stores are characteristic of the pre scientific world , many aspects and beliefs of the modern world perpetuate the mythic tradition. The most well known myths in Western Civilization are those of ancient Greece. The historic source for our knowledge of this mythology are the Theogeny by Heslod and the Illiad and Odyssey by Homer. All the three works date from the 8th century B.C. Other significant mythological systems are Teutonic, or Norse, mythology of Scandinavia and Germany. The source for this mythology are the Eddas (1200 B.C)The sources for the Hindu mythology of Asia and India are the Vedas(1200 to 660 B.C) The basis of Irish Celtic mythology are three cycles of stories the Mythological cycle. The Ulster cycle and Feniaian cycle. Other significant mythological systems are those of Africa, Native America and the Pacific Islands. Bound to Succeed. If any young man can get into something where he is interested and can see a goal, a line of interest, he is bound to succeed. All Mankind Minus One If all mankind minus one, were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, that he , if he had the power , would be justified in silencing mankind. Perfect Wisdom Perfect wisdom has 4 parts, namely , wisdom, the principle of doing things right; justice; the principle of doing things openly in public and private; courage; the principle of not fleeing form danger, but meeting it; and moderation, the principle of controlling desires and living within limits. Quote from Bhagavad-Gita Shri Krishna’s Life and teaching s focus on this central theme-how we can reach the One with the help of knowledge. What does it matter who that One is? From whoever all this universe has sprung is that One and we have t go to the One. Call the One by any name –God (Isvara), The Divine, (Bhagavan), the Divine Mother (Kali) or the All pervading (Brhaman) The one is neither masculine nor feminine nor even neuter. Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the no 77 Varon Aaroon dbut got 3/24 , mancity no 10 scored two goals, SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www.youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals

Monday, October 17, 2011

I cannot accept the money

Monday 17-October -2011
I cannot accept the money
Vidyasagar of Bengal was well-known for his charity to the needy. One evening when he was passing by a house, he overheard a conversation. A money-lender was harshly pressing for the payment of the hundred rupees that, he claimed, Ram, the dead husband of the poor lady, owned him. The lady replied through her young son that though her husband did not tell her about he debt, she would any how repay it after the period of mourning.
Vidyasagar went to that house the next morning. The young boy informed that his father had died a few days back. Vidysagar felt very sad and asked the boy to call his mother. He told the lady that he was a friend of Ram and that when he was in a great difficulty, he had taken a loan of hundred rupees form him (Ram). Ram had told Vidyasagar at that time that he borrowed the amount form a money lender. So he had come to pay back the amount . The lady replied through her son; Before his death he did not tell me about this. I cannot accept the money’ Vidyasager could not believe his ears. For a long while he unsuccessfully tired to persuade the lady to accept the amount. Even telling a lie he could not succeed. Vidyasager left in great surprise . (Courtesy; “The Vedanta Kesri)
Proverb are short sentences, drawn from long experiences
Emulate sterling qualities..
The world always gives praise to men of sterling qualities . Many of the greatest men have performed common and ordinary duties with the same thoroughness demanded by great tasks. The seemingly commonplace duties of daily life have an important part in developing the industry. Perseverance and courage essential in major affairs . To become a leader and an authority in any field of activity, you must first practice yourself to the daily routine of seemingly insignificant things. Make the best of what you have and greater things will follow.
Humour in Management
Prison vs Full time work
In prison you spend a majority of your time in an 8x10 cell. At work you spend most of your time in a 7x7 cubicle.
In prison you get three meals a day. At work you only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for the one.
In prison you get time off for good behaviour. At work you get rewarded for good behaviour with more work.
At work you must carry a security card and unlock and open all the doors your self. In prison, a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
In prison you can watch TV and play games. At work you get fired for watching TV and playing games.
In prisons you get your own toilet. At work you have to share.
In prison they allow your family and friends to visit. At work you cannot even speak to your family and friends.
In prison all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required. At work you have to pay all the expenses to go to work place and then they deduct from your salary.
In prison you spend most of your life looking through bars from the inside wanting to get out. At work you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go to bars.
In prison you can join many programs’ whish you can leave at any time. At work there are some programs you can never get out of.
In prison there are trouble some wardens. At work , we have manages. –(courtesy ;”Business mandate “)

Quote from Bhagavad-Gita
The Gita describes another characteristic of the illumined person;” free from passion, fear and anger.” Suppose I am making a special and earnest effort to get a certain thing. Now someone or something comes a hindrance or an obstacle in the way. The feeling that is then generated in the mind is called anger (krodha). The excessive desire to possess anything is called passion (raga) or lust (kama). One who is without lust and anger has no attachment to anything . No matter what work we do, if we do it without attachment, it will take us to the knowledge of the One. We shall see clearly that, like meditation, our daily common activities can also lead us to the knowledge of the One, which is the goal of the yogis, for this reason we should keep attachment out of our lives; everything must be done with a higher purpose in mind and we should remain calm. No work of an illumined person is done under the sway of passion and anger, which are the products of selfishness. Thus in order to attain knowledge we have to keep our senses under control, give up all selfish prayers and desires, and remain steadily focused on the ideal , unmoved by joy and sorrow.
Then extolling knowledge, Sri Krishna says;
O Partha this is the meaning of firmly having one’s being in Brahman. Once this state is reached, no more can sorrow and delusion trouble the person. Even if this experience comes at the moment of death, that person transcends death and realizes his or her immortal nature.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7th Heaven moment of the week Dhoni no 7 won man of the match as 87* not out and India win first one day scoring 300/7 to eng 174/10, epl sunderland 7 , arsenal 10 scored goals live , in moto gp (27) won in Birthday sa won as 148/7 to 147/8 Redbacks won by 7 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www.youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals

Monday, October 10, 2011

Love and Desire

Monday, October 10, 2011
Love and Desire
Many of us, as adults, do all sorts of things to gain acceptance, approval and love from our parents and other loved ones. In many cases, our efforts go unnoticed or unrewarded. No matter what we do, it's not good enough. No matter what we do, we receive criticism and harsh judgment. No matter what we do, we don't get the same attention and consideration that is shown to others.
The end result is our feeling bad about ourselves. We feel unloved and unlovable. We feel defective and inadequate. We feel rejected and abandoned. It's very painful.
Despite this pain that we cause ourselves by repeatedly putting ourselves in these no-win situations, hoping against hope that somehow something will change, we continue the love-seeking and approval-seeking behaviors that get us nowhere.
When we try to communicate our needs and generate a dialogue in an attempt to learn if there's something we're doing that's getting in the way or pushing them away, these efforts fall on deaf ears. We don't get honest answers. We are left feeling confused, hurt and angry.
And still we seek their love and believe there's an emptiness inside of us that only their love can fill.
Truth be told, we will never feel whole if we are waiting for approval and love from others. We must learn to love ourselves despite how others perceive us and treat us.
One way to begin the process of loving ourselves is to stop victimizing ourselves and beating ourselves up by repeatedly putting ourselves in situations where we get rejected and hurt.
If we have made efforts to break through whatever walls have been put up, and these efforts continue to be ignored, unappreciated, and invalidated, at some point we need to stop making these efforts and accept the fact that we're most likely never going to get the love and approval we desire.
At some point we need to accept the fact that we can't squeeze blood from a stone. At some point we need to appreciate that it's okay to want love from others but not to need it, and that we shouldn't jump through hoops in attempts to get it.
At some point we need to respect ourselves, validate ourselves, nurture ourselves and love ourselves by discontinuing these desperate attempts to achieve the impossible.
Instead, we mourn the relationships that haven't lived up to the potentials we hoped for. We feel sad that we don't have the love that we would like from those relationships. But we don't minimize ourselves anymore. We don't put ourselves in situations that will lead to us feeling neglected and rejected. We stop trying to push the river where it doesn't want to go.
We accept the relationships as they are, with their limitations. We release any anger and resentments we are harboring. We feel good about ourselves for taking care of ourselves, for not living in denial, for not doing the same things and expecting different results. And we look elsewhere for acceptance and love if that is what we desire.
Quote from Bhagavad-Gita Gita
Beliefs and facts of Hinduism.
Hinduism is for those who want to:
• Follow the real proven religion of Peace
• Follow an eternal religion founded by God himself and not a man
• Follow a religion with unlimited Prophets of God and not just one
• Follow scriptures spoken and written down by God himself in person
• Follow a religion that has existed for millions of years and not just a few thousand
• Follow the original religion of man
• Stop killing all together (vegetarianism)
• Know and love God as a person, rather than just a name
• Know exactly who the person God is. His description, history, scheduled incarnations and so on
• Consider all living beings including the animals as brothers and sisters
• Believe that God created all living beings and thus we are all his sons and daughters
• Know when exactly is the Day of Judgment
• Know exactly why some are born poor/diseased/rich and so on
• Follow scientifically proven ideologies (Vegetarianism, Karma, Reincarnation, Yoga…)
• Know all the answers and no speculation
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, dating back to millions of years.
Hinduism is the most peace-loving Religion of all. This can be proven by the fact that Hindustan (The Land of the Hindus) or India has never attacked or invaded another nation. The Hindus have never stolen land belonging to others. The Hindus have never used force to convert others. The Hindus have never treated other humans as slaves. The other religions certainly cannot say the same.
The Hindus have the richest culture of all.
The Hindu scriptures are the oldest known to man. There main scripture of Hinduism is the The Bhagavad-Gita. The Bhagavad-Gita is the only word of God in Person. It is the conversation between a man called Arjun and God himself in the human form, Lord Krishna.
Hinduism preaches that there is only ONE god, who has many different manifestations. Hinduism is the only religion based on following a God who was actually seen by millions of people in the past and who will be seen again by millions in the future. God appeared as Lord Ram about 2 million years ago, as Lord Krishna 5000 years, as Lord Buddha 2500 years ago, and will appear again as Lord Kalki in 427,000 years time.
Hinduism is the only religion, which clearly states that there is life on other Planets, and actually gives description of life and the names of other Planets with living beings. This information can be found in the Shrimad Bhagavatam.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 story of the week Vetta with 7 won f1 champion and ctl20 Mumbain India won as 139/10 to 108/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.com check live illustration video on www.youtube.com/samrat747 use it all your emailing job deals

Monday, October 3, 2011


Main difference between  an animal and a human is the capability of expressing ideas in human. All living beings whether these are animals, plants or human being, have some feelings or emotions but only a human can express his feelings. One more superiority in human over other living being is that, human have reasoning ability. And this ability assigns him some duties towards others. Only persons, performing their duties are entitled to enjoy their rights. Rights are always complementary to duties. But the questions arises, what are our duties and rights. And what are criteria to define one's duties and rights. In my view, the only criteria for defining duty is, never try to trespass others rights. And if every person will follow this rule, nobody will have to define his or her right . Nobody likes to fight for his or her right unless or until he is being hurt by someone else. Duties and rights can be categorised in many ways. But two very basic categories of duties and rights are, legal and moral . But the irony of people in modern days is, that nobody talks about his duties. He wants to get his rights at any cost. But in the process he never think that for his own rights he is knocking off someone Else's rights. Is described in "Bhagwat Gita" , the great Hindu Book that, don' t behave as you don't want to be behaved. In defines how a person should behave with others . If all bodies on the planet will follow this rule, I am sure there will be no need to teach people about their rights and duties. If every body perform his or her duties he or she would definitely be paying respect to others rights.
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not


Main difference between  an animal and a human is the capability of expressing ideas in human. All living beings whether these are animals, plants or human being, have some feelings or emotions but only a human can express his feelings. One more superiority in human over other living being is that, human have reasoning ability. And this ability assigns him some duties towards others. Only persons, performing their duties are entitled to enjoy their rights. Rights are always complementary to duties. But the questions arises, what are our duties and rights. And what are criteria to define one's duties and rights. In my view, the only criteria for defining duty is, never try to trespass others rights. And if every person will follow this rule, nobody will have to define his or her right . Nobody likes to fight for his or her right unless or until he is being hurt by someone else. Duties and rights can be categorised in many ways. But two very basic categories of duties and rights are, legal and moral . But the irony of people in modern days is, that nobody talks about his duties. He wants to get his rights at any cost. But in the process he never think that for his own rights he is knocking off someone Else's rights. Is described in "Bhagwat Gita" , the great Hindu Book that, don' t behave as you don't want to be behaved. In defines how a person should behave with others . If all bodies on the planet will follow this rule, I am sure there will be no need to teach people about their rights and duties. If every body perform his or her duties he or she would definitely be paying respect to others rights.

Monday, September 26, 2011


MONDAY 26 SEP 20111
Making friends is always easy. It depends on how outgoing you are. If you're shy , then you need to build up your confidence to actually be popular . This guide might help you but what you really need is socializing skills and of course a cheerful smile . Just be yourself . Don't be afraid to express your opinions. If someone insults you, just ignore them. The people who are jealous and hate you will be outnumbered by the people who love you for being yourself. Ads by Google Why Men Lose Attraction 10 Ugly Mistakes Women Make That Ruins Any Chances Of A Relationship CatchHimAndKeepHim.com Be optimistic . Even if you are feeling really down, remember that there's always something out there to smile about. A positive outlook will make people want to be around you a lot more. Be cautious, however. There's a point where optimism can be annoying. Don't be too optimistic. Crack a joke . (Having a sense of humor is important, but don't get too carried away, there are some things you have to be serious about.If you joke about your friend in a rude way it could damage your relationship with them.) Smile as much as you can ! Signs of encouragement let people know you care about what they are saying. But have a reason to smile. Make it clear you have a reason to smile with humor or optimistic words. Smiling without a reason, or smiling too much may creep people out. Share interesting/silly ideas . Your thoughts can open up many doors that can lead to friendship. Listen more than you talk . Instead of nodding and smiling and occasionally wiping the drool off your face, try to take what the person says and run with it. Add your own thoughts into the mix - but don't hijack the conversation. Start by doing little things if you are very reserved . For example, every time you go to school, work, or wherever, say hello to one person and have a one-on-one conversation with them. Say "hello" to those that don't talk much . (Share something about yourself, such as where you're going or why you're there. Avoid talking about the weather - as Tom Waits says, "Strangers talk about the weather." Try to compliment them. Don't expect perfection out of anyone, especially yourself . For example, if you forget your own name while introducing yourself ( which probably won't happen), just make fun of the situation. Be Patient . If you are still among strangers, the apprehension of a conversation may cause a delay in comments. Don't worry, that will go away in short order. Talk to older people, maybe even your own folks . They will be less likely to ridicule you, therefore making it easier to learn to talk well. Place importance on making social contacts . The people who are considered popular may not be the sharpest tacks in the box, but they are acquainted with important people who may contribute to their future careers. It is never too late to feel that being popular is important. If your work environment allows for it, host a party, organize a sports game, etc. Love yourself . It is difficult to like others when you do not appreciate yourself for who you are. Try exercise to improve your self-esteem. Start your journey to "self-discovery." Be loyal . Little things count. If you make an appointment, be on time. If you're in a group, show up early, and stay late (even if you don't have anything to say at the moment). Be nice to others . Always give compliments, but don't try too hard. If you are shy, take a deep breath and risk it - you never know what might happen. Again, if you are shy on the outside but a little crazy on the inside, let it out once in a while. Wear your hair up high and spin around or dance . Others will laugh and find you funny and fun to be with. Try not to be defensive over something that is possibly your own issue . For example, don't shout, "Why are you so prejudiced?" or " Why don't you like women?" when due to past situations you may just be overly sensitive. Try to always believe the best of others and give them the benefit of the doubt that can go a long way in getting to know the real person. If it turns out they are a bigot, then move on to befriend the next person and don't waste any more energy. It may take a few tries to find friends that "click." And anyway, if you' re arguing with someone about something stupid such as shoes, drop it. Try to get out of arguments that are dumb. If you're arguing because you were sticking up for your friend such as something like someone was making fun of her and you were trying to stand up for her, then I completely understand. Be honest . Lying will make people not want to be your friend any more, because they will not trust you anymore. Respect everyone, no matter what they think or say . They are a person and deserve to be treated with respect. If you treat people well they will treat you the same. (Build confidence)Try to get younger friends if you are in middle school . Hanging out with kids a year or two younger than you will help build confidence, which will help you with kids around your own age. I know, no one wants to hang out with the 10 year old next door. But i promise just hang out and talk to them and your confidence will skyrocket! Avoid saying something that could be taken the wrong way, but don' t over-analyze what you want to say. If you think about it too much, not only will you miss out on your chance to contribute to the conversation, but what you do end up saying might sound scripted and unnatural. A pendulum has to swing in the opposite direction before it lands in the middle, so if you have too much of a problem over-thinking things, first let go of it allowing for errors or failed attempts -- and let yourself say things that could be taken the wrong way (be inaccurate) until you get the hang of it, and then learn how to " filter" out those errant efforts at conversing and associating for fun and friend. Find people who share your interests . Get up, move and join a group of classmates that has similar interests whether at lunch or at a party. In that environment, it would be easier to meet people and make friends . And it's fine if your friends don't have much in common with you as long as you both are happy and comfortable. If they judge/don't approve of something you do, they aren't friends. If they don't approve of you smoking for example, don't look at it the wrong way. They're only trying to protect you. So, don't remain on the edge looking in; your move... Ads by Google Why Can't I Find a Date? Maybe because you're looking in the wrong places. Try Geek 2 Geek www.gk2gk.com Halloween At Hot Topic® Shop Now For Awesome Halloween Costumes And More At HotTopic.com®! www.HotTopic.com/Halloween Make Him Addicted To You Say These “Secret” Words To Make Him Give His Heart To You HaveTheRelationshipYouWant.com/Love Everybody likes some attention, (even the shy ones). Pay a little attention to people, and often they'll repay you warmly. It doesn't take much. Do not be selfish. Many think if they are generous their friends would take advantage of them. This is an absurd paradox. If your friends were taking advantage of you, you would see right through them, and they should not be considered your friend! Avoid prejudice, even among age. It is not impossible for a 20 -year- old to be a friend to a 70 -year-old. Don't limit your possibilities. Earn some money. You'll be able to go out and do more things, and if you get a job , you'll meet more people there who have similar experiences. Surround yourself with people you want to be like. Be passionate about what you believe in - keep your own opinions and ideas. Take genuine interest in other people, and they will do the same for you. A great way to start a conversation with some one new is to ask advice. Everyone wants to show off a little and most likely they'll be happy to help. Start out slowly with people. Begin conversations with open-ended questions like, "How's it going?" and let the other person run with the conversation. Calibrate their initial response, to gauge whether they are responsive to more conversation. Don't forget about your other friends! Introduce them to each other. That way, you'll have more to talk about and your friends can make more friends, too. Sometimes people need a little coaxing. You might have to ask them "How are you?" and "What have have you been up to?" in succession before you get a deep enough response to bring about further conversation. People often underestimate how self-conscious other people are. When you interact with other people, remember that they can often make the conversation uncomfortable because of their own insecurities. The best thing to do is to be confident . Confidence gives you a greater vantage point in which to see the social inadequacies of other people. Aim to get respect from other people instead of their approval. People are attracted to the people that value themselves. If you are looking for other people's approval then you are implicitly saying that "I value this person's opinion of me, and valuation of me as my indication of worth." You have to value yourself and not seek anyone else's value assessment of you. Surround yourself with other people and you will attract more people. People take shortcuts, and in the absence of spending hours with you to find out who you really are, they look to see that you are liked by other people (it's called social proof). As a result, they come to the conclusion, "if other people like you, then I suspect I can like you as well." One thing that people like to talk about is sports. A good way to start a conversation is "Hey! How 'bout them (team)?" (If they are into sports that is) It's easier to talk to people if you have shared an experience with them. Clearly the friends you have at the moment predominantly talk about interesting things they did in the past. Don't be afraid to ask them for the

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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