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Monday, December 5, 2011

Career Goals: Setting Career Goals and Career Objectives

Monday, December 05, 2011
Career Goals: Setting Career Goals and Career Objectives
Every now and then we come across people who are unhappy with their jobs. The reasons of their unhappiness may vary – they do not like their work schedule, or they do not like a particular colleague in their office, or even that they do not like their boss. However, these vague reasons actually serve as a cover for the underlying reasons of all dissatisfaction with jobs – the employee is unaware of or has not given thought to his or her career goals and objectives.
It is only when a person has a clear thought about his/her career goals and objectives that he or she gets ultimate satisfaction from his/her job and therefore progress faster.
This article covers many examples for your career goals & objectives.
Sample Career Goals, List of Career Objectives and Goals
Here is an example list of some basic career goals that an employee should think about and keep in mind:
Growth in Resources
Change is the only constant, be it in everyday life or in a profession. With the change and growth in business, it is only natural that one would have to constantly upgrade and enhance their knowledge and resources that he or she offers to the business or to the client. Therefore, upgrading one’s knowledge and resources to grow as a professional is another important career goal that one should pursue.
Financial Aspect
The financial aspect is one of the most important ones. If a person is underpaid, he or she will become bitter and frustrated and this will be manifested in his or her work ethics and work method. If a person is overpaid, they may become lethargic and may not be as productive to the company as they were when they were hired and therefore, may soon be given the pink slip. Therefore, another important career goal is to be paid only as much as the job position is worth for the company.
No activity in this world is carried out without a certain level of satisfaction being one of the person’s requirements. One important career goal should be to be satisfied with whatever you are doing. Of course, that does not mean that you should stop experimenting or impede your enhancement process. You should make sure that you are completely satisfied with whatever job you are doing.
New Experiences
We spend almost three-fourths of our life in the professional world. Therefore, it is logical that we look into our professional lives not only to progress and get ahead in life, but also to learn new things and gain new experiences. An added experience only adds to a person’s richness in terms of thought and knowledge. Therefore, another important career goal to keep in mind is to accumulate experiences such as learning about the cultures of different countries, meeting new people and basically becoming familiarized with customs and traditions worldwide. This will only enable us to increase our tolerance levels and change perspectives.
Another important career goal that a person should look for is stability. Once a professional gets into a stable company, he or she does not bother about his/her day to day needs and can concentrate on growing as an individual and a professional, which will only add to the growth of the company.
Examples of Career goal statement: Your long term career goals
There are other important aspects of defining your career goals & objectives – having a career goal statement. For example, you may define your long term vision of a career – what would you like to achieve at any given time frame? You should set up a time limit and check/assess your career statements as corner stones.
Here are some examples of career statements:
Comprehensive Growth
Growth is the most important career goal that an employee should look into. There is never a limit for the growth of an individual in a job. In fact, even if a person becomes a CEO of a company, the next level of growth for the individual on a professional level is being an entrepreneur or becoming a proprietor. However, growth does not happen overnight, and being diligent and dedicated to a job is one of the most important aspects of growing. Therefore, one should be dedicated and serious about the job. Only when a person achieves consistency in their productivity, will he/she be able to achieve comprehensive growth on a professional level.
Another example of a career goal statement is – setting a timeframe for becoming a manager or a leader. Once you have mastered the art of doing, you should seek and find a pathway for becoming a leader in your organization and relegating your skills and resources.
Possessing a Backup
If you ever visit a wealth manager, the first thing that he or she will tell you is to invest your money in different nests. The same goes for our resources. One should remember that no company hires the person, but hires his or her services, which are critical resources for the company. However, if you invest all your resources in one place, there is a very good chance that you may not get the returns that you had hoped for. Therefore, it is suggested that you consider a second, parallel career as soon as the opportunity arises.
Second career
One of the most important advantages of having a second career is that a person becomes financially free and can therefore take certain risks in his or her job, which would otherwise not be taken. Risks are just opportunities in disguise and there are chances that the risks may actually turn out to be a lucrative proposal for the company that the individual is working for.
Logical Conclusion: A Business
After all the years of experience and work in a profession and business, it is only logical for a person to think of having a business of their own. Once the person has a business of his or her own, he or she can use all the expertise and knowledge he or she has about the business for his or her own benefit. Therefore, ultimately having one’s own business should be one of an individual’s career goals.
Gaining Expertise
It goes without saying that once a person spends an amount of time in the business and profession, he or she becomes experienced in the job. Once the individual’s experience passes a certain level, he or she is considered to be good enough to become a job consultant. Every employee should have a career goal to become so experienced in his or her profession that he/she can be hired as a consultant by other companies.
“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.”
Quote from Bhagavad gita
Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free
Bhagavad Gita

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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1 comment:

jaylen watkins said...

Guidance for setting Career goals and objectives are very helpful and applauding act.

Nice article posted in this regard.

Sample Statements

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