Monday 31/October /2011
Challenges Mould Character
We are all for making life as simple and as easy as possible. We do –not want to face problems. We dislike every circumstance that casts a shadow of disappointment, pain, etc. But the fact is that life is not like that for anyone. It is also true that some people have great number of misfortunes and some, a little less. The secret of dealing successfully with life’s difficulties is the recognition that they are there to be dealt with, not to be evaded.
Life is a challenge. Challenge and difficulty are much more potent forces in moulding fine character than are ease and luxury. They are challenges to one’s power of concentration, will power and courage. They give an opportunity to show the stuff one is made of and they further strengthen the strong. Positive facets of one’s character.
Over a period, we begin to establish a new and helpful habit-pattern of confident and optimistic thinking. The optimistic way of thinking is in itself a powerful attribute in facing life’s challenges, in all its spheres. It makes us more capable of dealing with them. Our resources of morale, and sense of understanding are also enhanced for a successful living.
Thus difficulties and challenges may be regarded as circumstances that give us the opportunity for replacing weak habits by strong ones. Attitude of doubt by determination, thereby strengthening our character.
No success ever comes on its own. Behind every success there are untold stories of trials, failures, losses, humiliation and miseries.
Gold Mine Within You!
A beggar had been sitting by the side of a road for over thirty years. One day a stranger walked by “Spare” some money? ”mumbled the beggar mechanically holding out his old cap.
“I have nothing to give you”. Said the stranger. Then he asked; “What is that you are sitting on?”
“Nothing , “ replied the beggar. “Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for several years”.
“Ever looked inside?” asked the stranger.
“No”, said the beggar. “What is the point? There is nothing inside”.
“Have a look inside”, insisted the stranger . The beggar managed to open the lid With astonishment, disbelief, and elation , he saw that the box was full of gold coins.
Guru says, “ I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside. Not inside any box, as in the parable, but somewhere eve closer; inside yourself.”
Those who have not found their true wealth , which is the radiant joy and unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth. They are looking outside for scraps of pleasure for security, or love , while they have a gold mine within that not only includes all those things but is infinitely grater then anything the world can offer. (Source ; Ideas Exchange)
What most interferes with our own seeing the good qualities in others are our own shortcomings.
Every one wishes to have truth on his side but it is not everyone that sincerely wished to be on the side of truth.
The best we can.
To do at each moment the best we can and leave the result to the Divine’s decision is the surest way to peace , happiness, strengths progress and final perfection.
If trust the first requisite for making a friend, faithfulness is the rist requisite for keeping him.
Greatness comes only to those who seek not how to avoid obstacles but to overcome them.
Regular Periods of Solitude
To do much clear thinking a man must arrange for regular periods of solitudes when he can concentrate and indulge in the imagination without destruction.
Quote from Bhagavad-Gita
The Gita is not a book for study and examination as a text-book It is a book that tells men how-to regulate their activities and their minds. It is like a travel guide. It is a guide-book for the journey of lives. We should travel with its help. Not commit it to memory. Merely committing it to memory will not enable us to reach the journey’s end.
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