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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stress Busters

Monday 12–April- 2010
Stress Busters
By Swami Shivapremananda
1. One of the best means for stress relief is the practice of mediation before breakfast or before supper for 24 to 29 minutes.
2. Sit in a comfortable posture, either cross-legged on a soft cushion, or on a straight-back chair, with both the feet together on the floor. Close the eyes and keep the neck and back relatively straight without being rigid.
The following are some of the requirements for stress relief.
3. Communicate more with friends than you normally do. Try to make friends. Be first to smile when meeting someone. Show your interests in those you meet, in their welfare, in what they do , and try to be helpful and supportive.
4. Exercise regularly for an hour at least, such as practicing a balanced format of asana and pranayama, before breakfast or before supper. If not, walk at least three miles rapidly.
5. Be regular in your habits, such as in eating and sleeping. Eat moderately but plenty of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should be cooked for easy digestion. Sleep at least seven hours. Avoid sleeping during day. It is better not to stay up late.
6. Be interested in your work. If there is no satisfaction in your regular job, find something useful to do for a couple of hours, such as joining a charitable institution.
7. Have some hobby , such as reading history, biography, or learning a language or to play an instrument.
Take a break form daily routine , periodically , and go on a holiday, including some new places to see.
From time to time, learn to relax, sitting in an easy chair, or lying down on the floor after moving the body part by part slightly, relax physically for a few minutes. Next , feel the coolness and the warmth of the breath a couple of minutes. Finally, feet the movement of the abdomen, breathing spontaneously. Get up after moving the body part by part, and stretching, rolling over on both sides
As general rule, practice detachment as opposed to being confrontational and , wherever possible , by being co-operative.
What is Culture?
By Swami Chinmayananada
Culture is the measuring scale of civilization. The difference between an uncivilized nation and a civilized nation lies in their culture. When a set of people live for along period of time, in a particular geographical area, respecting certain values and virtues of life there comes a fragrance which is called their culture. The quality of such culture depends upon the type of values followed.
The values respected by the people are, in the beginning, ordered by external conditions of life thus, in the first age of civilization, geographical and climatic conditions and environment influenced the people and determined their values of life. Once such values are determined and a culture is set, the external environment will have little influence over the culture thus established.
Even in our day-to-day experiences of life, we can clearly observe how external environment and happening exercise initially their distinct influence on the development of our culture. A poor boy, living in the rugged atmosphere of the slums, seems to develop a tendency to protest and fight while another, born of wealth and security, is generally more refined and cultured. This can be observed particularly in a bus queue where the latter waits and takes his turn while the former often protests, rushes and forces himself in.
Civilization flourishes with the promotion of culture, but when cultural values degenerate, the civilization of a society breaks down as we have seen in the fall of Egyptian, Greek , and Roman Empires. The great religious masters of this country, using their own earnest efforts have time and again, revived the values for which the country stood and thereby arrested the degeneration of our culture. When culture degenerates, there is an increase in cruelty and immorality in the country and its philosophy is misinterpreted leading to confusion and disorder among its people. This , in short, is more or less the sad condition of the present world. The need of the hour is forthwith to arrest degeneration by reviving the great the values of life.
In no other literature in the world have these values been so beautifully and exhaustively dealt with as in the scared books of our country . Hence, it becomes the primary duty of each one of us to dedicate oneself to unearthing the sacred message of our books and highlighting the values for the rest of mankind to follow and be richly benefited.
Knowledge tempered with experience will become wisdom.
Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one.
Quote from True Religion always Help-When nothing Else can Console
‘I have seen with mine eyes the Tathaagata walking upon earth and teaching men his wonderful doctrine. But you would not have listened to the words of righteousness while surrounded with temptation, while under the spell of passion and yearning for worldly pleasures. You would not have listened to the teachings, of the “Tathagata, have listened to the teachings of the Tathagata, for your heart was wayward. And you set your trust on the sham of your transient charms.
‘The charms of a lovely form are treacherous, and quickly lead into temptations, which have proved too strong for you. But there is a beauty which will not face, and if you but listen to the doctrine of our Lord, the Buddha, you will find that peace which you never would have found in the restless world of sinful pleasures.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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