Monday 19–April- 2010
How to Find Peace of Mind
You have seen those rare individuals who have a quiet feeling of contentment evincing satisfaction with life and a sense of being in harmony with the world. There is no great mystery about it. Peace of mind comes not from being without worries not from having everything one wants, not from being the most popular person. Everyone has worries. they are as mocha a part of life as breathing and sleeping.
Money is not the answer. Some of our wealthiest people are tragically unhappy. Popular , honour, power-none of these automatically bring peace of mind.
Peace can only come from within. All of us have the power within. All of us have the power within us to give ourselves peace of mind, and yet, in our modern world, with its tensions, nervous strains and everlasting rush, it is one of our scarcest commodities.
Peace of mind is a state of happiness in which a person has an inner sense of well-being and peace, with no nagging doubts suspicions and enmities to rise up and upset him. The only place to start developing peace of mind is with yourself.
The reason you do not have peace of mind is lodged somewhere in yourself.
Take worry, for instance. Many people are habitually given to worrying , rarely with good reason. Face up to your worries, sort them out, decide which are yours, and leave the rest. You will be surprised to find how many things you have been worrying about that did not actually concern you.
Confront the worries which are left. If you are concerned about illness , seek treatment if you have a personal or emotional problem, find guidance. Once you have met your problems and made a decision about them, do not let them keep eating you.
Try to make the most of your job. Do not set your goals too high. Take one thing at a time. And remember that too much driving ambition , like a run-away horse, can drag you and harm you. Set your targets within the bounds of your capabilities and be honest.
Many people make themselves their own whipping boys. Give yourself a break. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself takes thee joy out of living. Be your own best friend-it is you that you have to live with most. Try the following simple rules Block that worry! Learn to meet your worries and mastery them. Do not let them master you .
Take it easy. The body is a machine, a delicate and precise one; it cannot operate at top speed all the day. Give yourself plenty of time for the things you have to do. Avoid that hurried feeling of always being five minutes behind schedule. And some time every day, take time to rest. Let your mind and body be idle once in a while. Do not put it off. Postponing, besides being the thief of time, will rob you of peace of mind. You cannot be happy when you keep thinking about little things you intended to do but have not. Either get them done or forget about the. Learn to live with yourself. Be on your own side. This does not mean continually patting yourself with the same respect you would accord a dear friend.
Be honest with yourself, with others and in all things. Eat wisely. A well-balanced diet is essential to good health.
Find some kind of wholesome diversion. Adopt a hobby that you can lose yourself in ; if your interest is in music, set aside a time to play or listen. Be sure not to take too may responsibilities.
Be generous in relation with others. This can involve money , time or little service, and it should be done with no thought of return.
Have faith. There is no peace of mind without faith in something- oneself, one’s work a noble cause . and deep religious faith with belief in its teachings is a well-tried path to peace of mind.
You will not find some of these rules easy to follow at first. Still, if you follow them and substitute them for old habits, you will find that living is more fun with peace of mind.
-(Condensed)-(courtesy: Modern Practical Psychology)
The nature of life is to change.
There are men who are studious and industrious;
For them time is money.
There are men who are civilized and cultured;
For them self-respect is money.
There are men who are courageous and adventurous;
For them self-confidence is money.
There are spiritual aspirations and military soldiers;
For them self-discipline is money.
There are selfish and sensual
For them money alone is money.
Quote from True Religion Always Helps
And if we analyze the real issues of our lives. We shall find that the basic requirements are just these; real growth, advancement, protection from injury, and maintenance, leading to self-fulfillment.
Life is important not only because through living alone we come to realize all its values , life is the most vibrant divine principle that sustains the universe the Lord says in the Gita, ‘Life in all begins am I . reverence for all life is another name for the worship of God. But I must not forget that the divine principle that is in me also deserve my worship. How do I do that? By not desecrating myself. By arising and awaking and not stopping till the goal is reached. But how often we prefer sleeping to arising. Dozing off to awaking. Standing to moving ahead. We disregard time by taking life for granted. We sanctimoniously delude ourselves with the thought that we shall do better when we are better. Here and Now
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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