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Monday, October 30, 2023

The Four Forms of Consciousness and the Path to Unity with the Supreme Being


 Words of Wisdom and Belief for a Fulfilling Life

Health enough to make work a pleasure.

Wealth enough to support your needs.

Strength enough to battle with difficulties and overcome them.

Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them.

Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished.

Charity enough to see some good in your neighbors.

Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others.

Faith enough to make real the things of God.

Hope enough to remove all anxious fears of the future. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I believe

I believe in the eternal importance of the home as the fundamental institution of society.

I believe in the immeasurable possibilities of every boy and girl.

I believe in the imagination, the trust, the hopes, and the ideals that dwell in the hearts of all children.

I believe in the beauty of nature, of art, of books, and of friendship.

I believe in the satisfaction of duties fulfilled.

I believe in the little homely joys of everyday life.

I believe in the goodness of the great design that lies behind our complex world.

I believe in the safety and peace that surround us all through the love of God. -  



Do not take life too seriously. Listen patiently when others speak. Have a sense of humor - a smile creates happiness, wherever you are. Keep the goal of your life in view, have some direction in life, and you will be happy. There is nothing worse than feeling useless! Money earned without sweat creates its own problems. When God is near, how can you fear? Blessed are the people who take delight in other people's good fortune. -  


Life must have a certain quality

Life, whether a person is successful or not from a worldly point of view, must have a certain quality, and that quality can only come from integrity. "Integrity is both a quality of the mind and of the soul. Intellectual integrity is the capacity to be objective and dispassionate in the heat and dust of battle and in the hurly-burly of everyday existence… integrity of the soul is the dearest and most precious possession that a person can have." -  


One of life's richest millionaires

Count your assets. If you have a clear conscience, a good liver, three good friends, and a happy home; if your heart has kept its youth and your soul its honesty, cheer up! you are still one of life's richest millionaires.


Character is my degree; Life is my examination; Universe is my university


To make life truly beautiful

Both rain and sunshine are needed to make a rainbow. Both joy and sorrow are needed to make life truly beautiful and colorful


So you were also a coward, then!

Son: Daddy, were you a good batsman in your days?

Daddy: Of course, my son.

Son: So you were also a coward, then!

Daddy: Why do you say that?

Son: Because a good cricketer always hits and runs!

 The Four Forms of Consciousness and the Path to Unity with the Supreme Being


Consciousness takes on four main forms - the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state, and turiya, the state of absorption of the self into Pure Consciousness. In the turiya state, the Supreme Being exists in His pure form, much like milk remains milk and does not transform into curd or butter. Turiya is said to have control over the other three forms, which is why God is often referred to as the master of the three lokas - the three forms of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.


Each of these forms of consciousness has its unique characteristics:


1. Waking State: In this state, the conscious mind is most active. People tend to place more faith in the reality of things directly perceived by their senses (indriyas) rather than abstract thoughts.


2. Dream State: In this state, one's belief system is primarily based on the workings of the mind. The senses are not directly active in this state, and reality is shaped by the mind's creations.


3. Deep Sleep State: In deep sleep, neither the sense organs nor the conscious mind are actively engaged. One is unaware of the workings of the mind. Both the senses and the mind operate indirectly, with their essential functions sustained by the Supreme Being.


In all these states of consciousness, individuals are entirely dependent on the support of the Supreme Being. Without His witness and control, human faculties are powerless. For instance, in the waking state, your eyes and ears may function, but the power to see and hear originates from the Supreme Being. He can withdraw these abilities at will. Without His support, one is left with nothing and can achieve nothing.


The activities of the mind during dreams are also under the control of the Witnessing Entity. Without God's consent, none of the forms of consciousness can manifest themselves. He serves as the ultimate Witnessing Entity for all individual and collective expressions of consciousness. While the other three forms are relative, the Supreme Being is absolute, the Eternal Consciousness, and the ultimate truth.


No matter what you do, God observes everything. You cannot conceal your intentions from Him. Therefore, your objective should be to align your inner and outer expressions, harmonizing your inner and outer selves. Each person has two personas - the inner self and the outer self. The inner self is less complex, while the outer self may appear more polished.


The purpose of sadhana (spiritual practice) is to bridge the gap between these two personas and merge them into one. When your inner and outer selves are in perfect harmony with the Supreme Being, the duality of your existence will dissolve, and you will find lasting peace and greatness. This is the path to true bliss.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment in laxmi puja  7 color rainbow found in London in epl mc Ginn no 7 scored a goal

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