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Monday, August 28, 2023

Unleashing Creativity: A Journey of Discovery and Persistence

 **Unleashing Creativity: A Journey of Discovery and Persistence**


For many, the concept of "CREATIVITY" appears as an imposing fortress, with us on the outside looking in. We lament our perceived lack of innate talent, believing creativity to be the realm of prodigies. However, this notion is far from reality. Creativity isn't an exclusive gift granted only to a chosen few. It doesn't simply materialize by chance. The capacity for creativity resides within every human being, yet its realization demands diligent effort. It requires sustained dedication towards an ideal.


Consider the story of Sir William Herschel, the pioneer of modern astronomy. He embarked on crafting an unparalleled telescope, but his journey began with learning to grind and polish mirrors. After numerous attempts, his first mirror fell short of perfection. He persisted through a staggering two hundred attempts before fashioning a telescope that met his standards. Similarly, Brahms devoted nearly two decades to composing his "FIRST SYMPHONY."


While building bridges, writing poems, or discovering stars might be beyond our reach, a life infused with profound and creative living compels us to continually work towards expressing our unique perspective on existence. Our endeavors might seem humble, but they summon our curiosity and inventiveness. This process harnesses the same creative forces that guide geniuses. Creativity isn't confined to a particular sphere; it's an attitude applicable from baking a cake to constructing a spacecraft. The "Talented" grasp this instinctively, while the rest of us must learn it.


Facing difficulty in translating ideas into reality often leads us to prematurely dismiss them and doubt our creative prowess. Producing anything worthwhile demands tenacity. Even those like Mozart, who could conceive symphonic movements in a flash, painstakingly transcribed each note. Some claim to lack ideas altogether, when in truth, they mean they lack grand or revolutionary ones. Yet, quality ideas surround us daily—sourced from people, travel, and reading. Some individuals sprout ideas like mushrooms but abandon them due to impatience with small beginnings. If they can't commence grandly, they abandon the effort altogether, a detrimental approach to creativity. Helen Keller expressed, "Letting valuable resolutions and emotions fade without results hampers more than immediate opportunities; it actually hinders future accomplishments."


Beyond the desire to craft or create, to give tangible form to our emotions, lies the arduous realm of discipline—a term often met with ambivalence. However, true creativity thrives in daily, moment-by-moment discipline, more than in momentous triumphs. Following a concert, a woman approached Kreisler, exclaiming, "I'd sacrifice my life to play as you do!" The esteemed violinist solemnly replied, "I did." Sacrificing one's life involves selecting a specific goal from myriad possibilities and steadfastly working towards it, even amid exhaustion, confusion, and fear. It entails embracing the process and effort of the journey, not merely the potential rewards. It signifies unwavering commitment through storms and setbacks, experimenting, failing, and persisting until skills are honed and success is attained.


Too frequently, I encounter the plea, "Teach me how to be creative." This very request denies the essence of creativity. The profound truth lies in creativity being a revelation of ourselves, our distinct approach to life's challenges and wonders. It's a journey of uncovering our unique responses to existence and embracing the discipline it demands.


**Rediscovering Bliss: Transforming Everyday Activities into Joyous Expressions**


The fallacy that persists as the world's greatest mistake is the notion that bliss springs from activity. However, the truth reveals itself in reverse. A common tendency is to categorize activities into two realms: enjoyable and undesirable. Once labeled as pleasant, an activity becomes coveted; once labeled as unpleasant, it is shunned. This marks the genesis of human compulsion.


When humans gain consciousness, a fundamental choice emerges: between bliss and misery. The answer stands clear. Once immersed in bliss, every activity assumes a blissful nature. Whether it's a moment of prayer or a simple act like urinating, each endeavor can morph into a joyful journey.


The question arises: How can consciousness infuse our daily existence? The avenues are many. Start with the simple act of sleep. Each night presents a remarkable opportunity: to become aware of the dimension beyond death. After all, sleep is essentially a fleeting taste of death.


Strive to become conscious of the transition from wakefulness to slumber. If that proves challenging, focus on the shift from sleep to wakefulness. Replace your regular alarm with a sound, tune, or chant that prompts mindfulness—either of your breath or your body. Achieving a state of awareness during waking and sleeping bestows a semblance of deathlessness. When the time arrives to shed your physical form, you'll do so with grace and mindfulness.


Another avenue is to cultivate love within your heart. Love transcends human relationships; it burgeons within your own being. Your inner world need not be enslaved to external factors. Spend time with something seemingly insignificant to you: a plant, a pebble, or a chair. Engage in this practice for 15 minutes daily over a few days. Gradually, you'll discover the ability to look upon it with the same affection as you do a cherished loved one. When you regard everything with love, the world metamorphoses into a realm of beauty. This straightforward practice wields transformative power.


An additional method to heighten attention toward mundane activities involves adjusting your kitchen tap to release only five or ten drops per minute. Devote 20 minutes daily to observing each drop: its formation, descent, and its gentle splash on the ground. This practice delves into a branch of yoga called "dharana," the art of flow. It's an exercise in honing attention, transforming intermittent occurrences into a continuous stream. As your attention and awareness flourish, your sensitivity and clarity magnify considerably. The realization dawns that you and the water are not separate entities. The sense of isolation was merely a construct of your mind.


Always remember that activity arises from your inner state. Endeavoring to manipulate external actions without addressing your inner world leads to enslavement. This misconception perpetuates a spectrum of human compulsions—from substance dependencies to sexual cravings. By altering your approach, you come to recognize that while external stimuli might trigger responses, human experiences are entirely self-created. Through awareness, you can harness your system in a manner where even the act of breathing becomes a profound pleasure.


As the architect of your own well-being, life ceases to be a pursuit of bliss and transforms into an embodiment of it. You can infuse every daily task, every routine act that appears as domestic monotony, with the radiance of joyous expression.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


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