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Monday, October 3, 2022

Towards the goal supreme

 Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta


Towards the goal  supreme


The unripe mind may be Satvic, Rajasic or Tamasic . those who have the Satvic mind are religious by nature. They have a keen desire to realize God, to walk along the path of righteousness and to do good to others,. They strive also to acquire their qualities but due to various treasons such as misfortune, physical unfitness of their thinking themselves week and incompetent, they do not advance far and easily lose heart. Those who have the Rajasic mind are so much engrossed with the world and worldly pursuits that they do not bother themselves much about religion, or they pretend to be religious or at the utmost try to make the best of both worlds. Those who have Tamas are mostly the evil-doers. Their only thought and endeavor is how to injure and ruin others. They are lustful greedy –sinners.

persons of an unripe mind who devote themselves to doing good to their country or to the world, or who build up institutions for allied purposes, do more harm than good to the world in the long run despite their lofty aims. They cannot long remain faithful to their higher ideals amidst the various blows and counterblows of the world they succumb to temptations in spite of hard struggles. The desires for name, fame, position and power grow strong in them, while jealousy hatred narrowness and selfishness get such a hold over them that all their work ends in smoke. Not only that, but by infecting society with the poison which is within them, they even corrupt many well-meaning persons, and arouse suspicion and mistrust in the public mind towards all philanthropic works and religious bodies and institutions and even against religion itself.


Nine-step blueprint to raise our consciousness

By Manish Garg


Navratri is the core principle of teachings in the Shakti tradition. It is a reminder to every practitioner to rise from lower to higher consciousness.


Before proceeding further, let us have some clarity on the glossary. Bhaga is purity. Agni is considered the symbol of purity and the colour of fire is called Bhagwa. One who possesses roop, beauty, is roopwaan; one who possesses dhan, wealth, is dhanwaan; similarly, the one who has Bhaga, the purity of consciousness, is called Bhagwan.


Equally, for the feminine gender, one who possesses roop is roopwati; one who possesses dhan is dhanwati; similarly, the one who has Bhaga, the purity of consciousness, is Bhagwati. Shakti tradition is primarily matriarchal, therefore, the principal deity is Bhagwati. Every committed practitioner is a Parvati, who has to ascend the parvat, mountain, of tapasya, arduous hard work, and immerse herself into a yajna, an enterprise of the evolution of consciousness.

Navratri codifies the practice of Bhagwati. It is the code of discipline that a Parvati has to undertake to become Bhagwati, pure.

Day one starts at the manifested lowest form of consciousness as the daughter of stone Shailputri. Day two is dedicated to Brahmcharni, the stony sadhak goes through a strong physical and mental discipline to tame her body and mind and makes herself ready for the next level of progression.

On day three, the practitioner gains stability on the strong foundation of discipline and Parvati enters the practice of meditation. Serenity of mind is denoted as Chandraghanta. Meditation makes her pure and full of divine possibilities as Kushmanda, on day four of the journey. This divine possibility bears fruit in the form of vairagya, skand, detachment. At this stage the practitioner is called Skandmata. Continuous practice on the path, powered by discipline, devotion and dispassion bestows the sadhak with supreme knowledge. At this stage the practitioner is called Katyayani.


Blessed with knowledge and detachment, the practitioner continues through a very long time – Kaalratri – and attains a state of supreme tranquility, Mahagouri. The practice reaches the state of perfection – Siddhidatri. The sadhak becomes Durga, the highest state of consciousness, and finally overcomes the entire heaviness – lassitude, sloppiness and ignorance – of his consciousness called Mahishasur.


Durga is the one who has conquered the durg, fort of her ignorance. Durga is the one who has performed the most durgam, onerous, task of winning over the demons of her consciousness.


Consciousness is the controlling element of this existence, and the purpose of existence is the evolution of consciousness from jad, inert, to chetan, animate.  Navratri is the journey from jad to chetan.


We need to devote nine days, in other words, our entire life towards intense discipline and meditation to raise our consciousness and win over the heaviness of our mind, body and consciousness.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week in epl whu no 7 got a goal,   

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