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Monday, July 4, 2022

Vedanta in Daily Life


Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta


Vedanta in Daily Life

This highest aspiration of the individual soul is fulfilled when it realizes its spiritual oneness with the divine Being, and that spiritual oneness is the central idea and ideal of Vedanta. Vedanta teaches that there si one existence one reality, one truth one God, one life, and one sprit. All these differentiations and distinctions which we perceive with our sense, are factitious and unreal. They are all on the surface. Go below the surface and there you will find the undercurrent of one spirit, and when that one spirit is properly realized we understand that we are inseparable parts of that one stupendous whole. We must love, we cannot help loving and through that Divine love we realize the highest ideal of our lives. A student of Vedanta who recognizes that spiritual oneness sees that one universal Spirit is manifesting through all-living creatures and all human beings, and therefore, he loves all human beings, and also he loves all animals. The most practical result of this love, or the recognition of oneness, is that a student of Vedanta never injurers or kills any living creature, because he knows that there is one life that the difference between and animalcule and a human beings is only in degree but not in kind. The same life force is expressed in so many ways. Wherever the humanitarian ideas of Vedanta are preached. There prevails compassion for everybody. There prevails compassion for poor animals there hospitals and built , not only for men, women and children but also for lower animals there is to be found the desire to take care of the poor suffering brothers ,. Therefore, student of Vedanta does not necessarily kill any animal for food because he says: “When I cannot give life to any living creature, what rights have I to take it? Let it stay on and live: it has its purpose to fulfill; I must not interfere” And having this ideal in his mind be does good to all and would rather give his own life then take the life of others. Such a should is great blessing to humanity, as also to all living creatures.


The practice of this ideal will bring the most wonderful result which are morally and spiritually perfect. Therefore we should teach our children to love all creatures for even the lower animals possess life and feelings. From our childhood, we have been taught that lower animals have been created for our food. Now, we must change that idea and teach out children that the lower animals are also fulfilling certain principles of life and are on certain grades of evolution and in course of time; they will rise to the plane of human beings and will reach perfection. Therefore, we must be kind to them. Thus in practical life we should learn compassion and that compassion, when properly carried out  will lead to Divine love and realization of the Supreme.


Mysticism can link finite with infinite


By Shri Shri Anandamurti


Since the dawn of civilisation, one often-asked question is about salvation of human beings. The supra-psychic existence that remains in close proximity to a corporeal framework, and uses that very corporeal framework as the only medium of its own emittances and emanations, can attain salvation. As per ancient scriptures, Shiv states that even having a corporeal structure one can attain salvation, if one changes the idea of microcosm into macrocosm.


Possibilities and potentialities of attaining salvation lie in the very existence of the supra-psychic being. What is infinite in macrocosm is finite in microcosm, but potentialities are the same. So, what is required is to develop one’s finite attributes into infinite ones through the process of mystic approach.


What is mysticism? Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to find out the link between finite and infinite. And when that link is established, Shiv-vakya comes true, that is, Shiv-vakya materialises.


Para And Apara


In Brahmn Vandana, while ascribing so many attributes to Brahmn, it has been said that He is Paresha. What is Paresha? Para and apara are two counterparts of each and every existence.  Para and apara are two portions – two counterparts of the same entity.


The seen portion is called apara and the subjective portion is para. Now, what you see or do with the help of your sensory, motor organs or that external object, in the first phase, is apara and your sensory and motor organs are para – the para counterpart of that apara. And in the second phase, the next interior phase, those gates or organs are apara and the mind is para. Then in the next inner phase, your mind is apara and the unit spirit is para. And in the final phase your atman, your unit spirit, is apara and He is the Supreme Para. He is the Lord of all Paras. Hence, he is called Paresha.


Best Existence


So, when one withdraws one’s propensities from the objective world towards subjectivity, one attains that Paresha.  One becomes one with that Paresha, and therein lies the secret of sadhana. So, the Supreme Entity is Paresha and is also the Prabhu. ‘Pra’ means ‘Prakrsta’,  that is the ‘best’ and ‘bhu’ means ‘being’. Prabhu, therefore, means ‘the best existence’. It is said that He is Sarvendriyagamay – He cannot be achieved by any indriya. What are indriyas? There are five motor indriyas, five sensory indriyas and the 11th one is the mind. Mind is also an indriya; that is why the Vedas too say, ‘That is’, where all the expressions of indriyas, where all the inferences fail and where mind too fails, that is Supreme Subjectivity. When that mind along with indriyas is withdrawn and placed into Him, then it is param sthiti, supreme stance. In that stance, there is no fear. Sarvendriyagamay Satya – it is the Supreme Truth, that is, where ‘sat’ is fully established, it is called ‘satya’. And what is ‘sat’? Sat means ‘that which undergoes no metamorphosis’. So, in this universe of ours, that Paresha, that entity, is the only satya. He cannot be your mental object. While meditating on the Supreme, you cannot accept Him as your object, because everything is His object. He is the Supreme Subject. So, what is necessary – and herein lies the charm – is that while doing japa and dhyana, you should think that He is seeing you, you are His object.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won second  t20 scoring 227/7               

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