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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Spiritual Healing


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Spiritual Healing


Whenever we are tried or disturbed, instead of allowing our mind to be full of agitation, if we withdraw it entirely from the source of disturbance, we shall not only have a sense of refreshment, but by disconnecting ourselves in this way from our trouble we shall giant a more correct view of it and be able to find the remedy for it. This is a general principle and not merely to be applied to physical ailments. These ailments are after all not as important as we think. Let us take this question up very frankly. Here in the Occident, especially since the rise of certain modern movements. Healing has played tremendous part. There are some people who hold that unless a person has good health he does not amount to anything; that illness is great curse. In India there is quite another attitude. Thee, when a person has a little fever or headache or some other physical ailment, it is not held that he has fallen from grace or that a curse has fallen upon him. On the contrary, it is felt that to be able to meet these conditions with absolute equilibrium, without being afflicted, is a great achievement. If we are able to keep our balance in all circumstances, no matter what comes, affliction will not appear to be affliction, because we shall have a consciousness and a power by which we can cope with everything. Is not that much better than merely trying to follow the path of affirmation? To deny pain when you feel it is a very good practice; but to keep on denying it, if it continues, is to be slightly lacking in a sense of true value.


What you’re longing for is also longing for you


By Sumit Paul


While reading Persian mystic Jalaluddin Rumi, I stumbled upon a soul-gladdening thought that made me pause and go into a state of trance: ‘Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’ve been with each other all along.’ What a heart-warming thought. Reading these lines brought to mind Hafiz Shirazi’s immortal verse: ‘Love is perennial. It chooses the lovers, not the other way round.’


True love is divine in nature – Ishq-e-Haqeeqi. Walt Whitman wrote in the first edition of Leaves of Grass, “We existed forever for each other/ Waiting for that moment to be divinely aware.” This is the turning point in love: To be aware of that precise moment when both understand that they have loved each other through ages and births, as a young Muhammad Iqbal put it: ‘Dil dhadakta tab bhi tha/ Par aaj ye ayaan hua/ Hum mein hain aap/ Aur aap mein hum/ Iss baat ka irfaan hua’ – Heart throbbed then as well/ But today I’ve realised that you’re in me and I’m in you/ This is the greatest realisation.


‘Tishnagi gar aab zoyad az jahaan/ Ab hum zoyad ba-aalam tishnagaan’ – It’s not only the thirst that longs for water/ Water also craves the thirsty man. This Persian couplet by Rumi resonates with all of us. We all search for the ultimate with a blinkered vision, not knowing that what we have been looking for is not separate from us. Our search for truth begins and ends at our very doorstep.

 Remember, what you’re longing for is also longing for you. To quote Asadullah Khan Ghalib, ‘Hum hain mushtaaq aur woh bezaar/ Ilahi ye maajra kya hai?’ – I’m agog, and my beloved is also restless/ God, what’s going on?


Metaphysically, all things come out of our inner self, the recesses of the soul. We remain unaware of it and try to find that in the clamour and clutter of the outer world. We’re just like the musk-deer that keeps running after musk, which it contains in its navel. As Krishnabihari ‘Noor’ put it: ‘Main daudta phira jiski khatir/ Woh toh pahle se tha dil mein haazir’ – What I hankered after/ That existed already in my heart.


Adi Shankara’s mystic interpretation of Advait or non-dualism deserves a mention here: That all are essentially divine. Divinity resides in all of us as an inalienable entity. God, or whatever you may call it, is not separate from the jiva. Further explanation leads to the Upanishads’ lofty proclamation, Aham Brahmasami – I’m Brahmn; and Tat tvam asi – Thou art That. Islamic tasawwuf, spirituality, also proclaims the same thing: An-Al-Haq, You’re the Supreme, the ultimate Truth.


Human beings are unrealised souls. They’re like fallen angels, as Iqbal put it: ‘Raah bhatka farishta hoon main/ Jannat hai mera ashiyaana’ – I’m an angel who has lost his way/ Otherwise, paradise is my abode. We’re unaware of our own divinity and the innate potential. That we carry an ocean of possibilities and a plethora of opportunities is still elusive to us. Kabir rightly said, ‘Tu moko dhoondhe kidhar/ Main toh hoon tere andar’ – Where do you look for me?/ I’m forever within you. If only we understood this simple key to a blissful life!



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment in isl Mohanbagan no 7 scored a goal, Arsenal no 7 scored a goal   

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