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Monday, November 1, 2021

Path of Spirit Peace and Blessedness


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Path of Spirit Peace and Blessedness

We must however, take care of this body because it is a shrine, a temple of God. So it must be preserved, but not for the sake of itself. And a light must be kept burning in that shrine. When through meditation we have kindled the soul-nature within us, then the light will come.


The spiritual life requires great concentration, for it is concentration that creates the right atmosphere. If you hold hateful or evil thoughts you create an evil atmosphere; similarly, when your mind is fixed on holy things, even if you are not trying to create a holy atmosphere , you do create it and others feel it., whenever you  gather all your heart and soul together to accomplish anything, it is accomplished. You surround yourself with an atmosphere of that, you’re internal and external nature becomes attuned with the Source of all things and you cannot fail to succeed.


Eradicating internal toxins and bliss out

 By Geetika Jain        

These days there is a lot of awareness and wariness regarding air pollution, food adulteration, water contamination, and plastic abuse. Toxicity from external sources adversely impacts our health and physical wellbeing. Hence, we take stringent measures to evade it.


But the moot question is – do only external toxins harm us? We are so careful about what we ingest, but how many of us are aware of the noxious toxins we inadvertently keep on churning within our own system? Internal toxins are hatred, repressed anger, jealousy, grudges, neurotic fear, ill-will towards others, and guilt, to name a few.


The injurious effect of external toxins can be perceived as the manifestation of physical diseases, but the consequences of the aforesaid internal toxins can be dire and far-reaching. They result in cryptic mental aberrations and psycho-somatic ailments. However, a lesser-known fact about their damaging potential is – they accelerate ageing to a great extent and can disfigure the facial countenance irreversibly.



According to the Yajur Ved, “Attractiveness and magnetism of your personality is the result of your inner radiance.” When we consciously choose love and compassion over hate and rancour; generosity over selfishness and miserliness; contentment and peace over greed and competition; heartfelt forgiveness over grudges and revenge; and strive to live a life replete with magnanimity – we make our way to sound health and goodness-induced glowing and ageless beauty.


The fact that thoughts have unlimited power is a much-mulled inference. They are the source of our feelings, emotions, attitudes, and consequently, behaviour. It has been deduced empirically that an individual remains young or grows old in accordance with his thought process. It is so because our subconscious mind is conditioned by our thoughts. If most of our thoughts dwell constantly on the noble, value-oriented, beautiful aspects of life, we get infused with positive, happy feelings and emotions. This in turn leads to the release of positive, happiness-inducing hormones, creating a blissful inner harmony. Immunity is enhanced, health parameters improve, and the ageing process is arrested significantly. An upright and confident posture is maintained. Inner purity and a clear conscience are amply reflected as serenity and contented happiness on a radiant face.


Conversely, if our thought process is negative, focussing on frustrating, ugly, and self-defeating aspects – the entire inner make-up is disrupted. Turmoil ensues. Involuntarily, stress hormones are released, feelings and emotions plunge into gloom. Negativity of all hues assails us and festers inside. Over time, it takes a toll on both the health and looks of an individual.


Life is a roller-coaster ride, punctuated by both happy and unhappy experiences. Every challenge of life offers us a hidden lesson. One should have the sagacity to embrace the desired lesson and proceed ahead on life’s journey. Clinging to grief and bitterness of the past is folly.


Cultivating a heart filled with love and forgiveness is the only feasible panacea. Meditation is the sole and surest path leading to love and inner harmony. Meditation is the highest pedestal for God-communion. Hence, no form of negativity can coexist with meditation. With perseverant practice, even deep-rooted negativity starts getting diluted and gradually disappears. Health, happiness, and beauty are restored




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week in wct20 Aus won by 7 wk,


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