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Monday, November 22, 2021

God is Infinite


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


God is Infinite

God is infinite, No creed, doctrine, dogma, name, from or ritual can never limit the limitless Being. It does not matter how we worship Him as long as we are genuine and sincere in our feeling for Him. Religion is not in theory. God is too great to be confined in any theory or belief. The only place. He can manifest fully is in the pure heart.

            True God-vision comes when we see Him everywhere, when we see Him in all and not merely in one creed or scripture. When we perceive God only in one place or one thing, that vision is fleeting, but a true knower of God sees Him everywhere so his awakening is steadfast. He indeed is blessed who can see God in everything and that man alone is religious. So long as we see two, we do not know how to perceive the great Cosmic Power that underlines all things. Seeing the same in everything is perfection.

I care not where the spiritual flower grows whether in the East or in the West, it will have the same beauty and fragrance and give the same joy to whoeer comes near it. So a spiritual being is the same whether in East or West, he will radiate the same Truth and beauty and holiness wherever he may be

Whenever we reach the heart of an individual or of a nation therein we find something which is neither individual nor national, but universal. It is the same heart but it heats differently in different nation. Truth is ever the same though its outer manifestation may very.


Sowing seeds of hope and action where we are

Speaking Tree, Spirituality, World, TOI


By Daisaku Ikeda


The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic continues to not only create a grave public health crisis around the world, but also to severely impact the economy and other aspects of human society. We are faced with the urgent challenge of restoring social connections and people’s livelihoods while halting the spread of infection.


The sudden disruptions to our daily lives during this unprecedented time have given rise to a deeper appreciation of the ways in which our lives and livelihoods are supported and sustained by the efforts of so many others. We have been able to surmount the severe challenges of the pandemic thanks to the dauntless efforts of frontline health workers and all those whose work helps secure the lifelines of society.


Thinking of their selfless struggles, I am reminded of Gandhiji’s encouragement against despair in the face of daunting tasks. He wrote: “It’s a matter of whether one touches the life of an individual. We can’t look after thousands of people. But if we can touch one person’s life and save that life, that is the great change that we can effect.”





To uplift those in our immediate environment; to help the individual in front of us – this, I believe, is the vital perspective we must adopt in our communities as we work, step by step, to solve problems and rebuild society from the ravages of the pandemic.


The Lotus Sutra, the great Buddhist heritage of India, contains the lines, “This, my land, remains safe and tranquil” and “My pure land is not destroyed.” These words pulsate with this same robust spirit – the determination to bring peace and security to this world and keep it from destruction.


While the pandemic seems to have finally begun to subside, the work of steadily resolving a host of problems in order to restore our lives, the economy and society – all of which have been deeply impacted – still lies ahead. Gandhiji’s encouragement and the spirit of resolve expressed in the above passages from the Lotus Sutra are important touchstones in this effort; one which must be led by the determination to move forward together despite all obstacles.


In addition to the Covid-19 crisis, we are also confronted by the reality of climate change. In response, the SGI has created the international exhibition, ‘Seeds of Hope & Action: Making the SDGs a Reality’. At schools and universities in India, young people and students who have viewed this exhibition have been inspired to strengthen their belief that every individual has the potential to bring about positive change.


The year 2021 has been one of unparalleled challenges, with countries around the world navigating many crises simultaneously. With firm conviction that our steady efforts to tackle these difficulties are helping to build a world in which every person can live in safety and security, let us begin to plant seeds of hope and action exactly where we are.


The writer is honorary president of the Soka Gakkai and founder of the Soka school system. He lives in Japan



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won second odi by 7 wk, in isal est Bengal no 7 got Hero of the Match


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