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Monday, November 29, 2021



Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta



From the above parable we learn that very few can resist the irresistible desire to be absorbed in the Lord, THE Abode of Bliss. He who can come down from the glorious height is called an incarnation of God. All great men of the world who are regarded as incarnation of God by different nations are men of the above description. They never care for their own enjoyment. Such great souls alone are qualified to do good to the world. They do not work out of necessity or compulsion like the ordinary man of the world. They work out of unselfish love for humanity that is why the infinite and unmanifested Lord of the whole Universe is more appreciated worshipped and loved in these manifested aspects of His. Men have erected countless temples, shrines , pagodas and churches in honour of these God men, to whom they will have to remain eternity indebted for the immeasurable good they have done, undergoing all sorts of miseries inflicted upon them by those very ungrateful people for where good alone they lived labourd and died.


After having had a clear conception of the higher and lower regions in both their outer and inner aspects, the seers of old were able to achieve the grandest victory over death, ignorance and misery, by realizing the Schchidanada.


Existence, knowledge and Bliss Absolute .


By God we means these three highest perfection, eternal Existence, infinite knowledge and undying Bliss. Your struggle will never come to an end for lives and lives together, until you realize these. The seers of old were able to know their infinite Self by the irresistible strength of their will, you also can succeed in the same manner if you have as strong a will as they had. What has been done once may be done several times over.


Says the Sruti. If you know the highest truth in this life then you shall really live. But it in this life you do not know it, great shall be the number of deaths you shall have to fall a prey to May the grace of the Lord  enable you to realize the Truth in this life!


“Life is a game, play it!” I don’t’ know who said it first, but many thought leaders have echoed this profound statement. I draw it from one of the messages of Sri Sathya Sai Baba who has inspired me in playing my game of life.


How can you compare life with a game? A game is a formally arranged sport, indoor or outdoor, between two persons (chess), or amongst several competitors (track events), or amongst teams (cricket, football, etc.). In life also, you must play the game of competition individually or in groups to achieve a degree, qualification, employment, promotion, name and fame encountering success and failure. In a sports game, you can choose to be a player, observer, coach, mentor, umpire, or sponsor. In the game of life also, you play different roles according to your goals, as you move from childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and elderly person, until the last breath, when the game is over.


The most important things in a game are the ‘Rules of the game’ which are crucial to decide win or lose. Rules are laid down in detail in a transparent manner, which should be followed by every player. However, within the rules, the players can play different strokes to showcase their best performance. A game usually involves a game plan or a strategy, guided by the coach. The umpire’s decision is final. In many games, there is a referee or second umpire who agrees (or disagrees) with the verdict. In cricket, you have a third umpire, a video camera, which helps in verifying the decision based on evidence.


In the game of life too, you have to follow certain rules and regulations, starting with civic duties, casting votes, paying tax, following traffic rules, or obtaining licenses and permits. Every game of life, whether it is acquiring a degree or winning an election is fought with successes and failures, owing to hard work or at times luck. Here, the umpires are the authorities, examiners, supervisors, bosses, those in power, or even the public. The second umpires are the referees, external examiners or appellant authorities, who are appointed to ensure that the rules of the game are followed. The third umpire, especially in case of litigation, is the judiciary or court which considers the strength of evidence to declare the winner.


There are two differences between games in sports and games of life. In the game of life, you are compelled to play different roles. As a family member, you must play husband, wife, brother, sister, father, mother, so on and so forth. You can’t deny a particular role.


Secondly, in life, the rules of the game change! They change from time to time and place to place. They are unpredictable. You need to plan your moves according to the expectations of others and your ability, keeping in mind the circumstances.


The rules of the game in life are ultimately bound by Dharma, which is nothing but duty and code of conduct. Our ancient scriptures declare that if you hold on to Dharma, Dharma will protect you (Dharmo rakshati, rakhatah). One is always expected to cherish fundamental values like Truth (Sathya), Right Conduct (Dharma), Peace (Shanti) and Love (Prema) irrespective of whether the game is tough or not. However, the application of rules of Dharma is a tricky issue because it involves exercising one’s discretion of ‘right and wrong’ which leads to an ethical dilemma. For example, if someone assaults your loved one in public, would you like to walk away silently forgiving the misbehavior, or take some immediate action whatever best is possible under the circumstance? The final verdict should come from your inner voice which is beyond court evidence. This brings us to the role of the fourth umpire in the game of life. You may call this fourth umpire as Almighty God or your inner voice which ultimately decides whether you have won or lost.



Life is a game, play it!

Balachandra Adkoli in BV Lens, India, Spirituality, TOI

How to win the game of life?


First and foremost, understand and follow the rules of the game or Dharma. Be committed to good principles of life, which translate to good living. Hold on to universal values. Inculcate a healthy lifestyle by following good eating habits (Aahar), exercise – physical and mental (Vihar), positive thinking (Vichar) and service (Seva) beyond self (Aachar). Techniques like yoga and meditation are useful to overcome stress and resolve conflicts. Self-management techniques, including management of time and stress, are now available in plenty.


Secondly, work with a good coach and a mentor. The coach will hone your technical skills and competence. But you need a mentor who will guide, motivate, handhold and help you to self-actualize your potentiality. In addition to mentor and coach, you need support from your colleagues and collaborators who will serve as a ‘community of practice’ and share their experiences to ensure your growth. When you are stuck up, they can be the game changers! Their constant feedback and constructive criticism can help you to overcome endless hurdles between you and your winning stroke. Thirdly, learn to manage your success as well as your failure. No one can win all games in a row. Failure is just a stepping stone to success. Sometimes you need to take one step back to move two steps forward. Reflect on your failure, meditate upon it, change your game plan and bounce back with resilience. Don’t get attached to the results, win or lose. Just move forward. This is the essence of the Bhagawad Gita.


Fourthly, don’t shy away from setting high goals that are aimed at the public good. The highest ‘Olympic medal’ in the game of life is decided by the fourth umpire, your inner voice, and not necessarily the medals and awards which are usually bagged by a handful of people in a competitive world. So life is a different ball game, play it differently




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN WBBL Harmanpreet no 7 got player of the Seires, and in final no Kepp7 of perth won player of the math.


Monday, November 22, 2021

God is Infinite


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


God is Infinite

God is infinite, No creed, doctrine, dogma, name, from or ritual can never limit the limitless Being. It does not matter how we worship Him as long as we are genuine and sincere in our feeling for Him. Religion is not in theory. God is too great to be confined in any theory or belief. The only place. He can manifest fully is in the pure heart.

            True God-vision comes when we see Him everywhere, when we see Him in all and not merely in one creed or scripture. When we perceive God only in one place or one thing, that vision is fleeting, but a true knower of God sees Him everywhere so his awakening is steadfast. He indeed is blessed who can see God in everything and that man alone is religious. So long as we see two, we do not know how to perceive the great Cosmic Power that underlines all things. Seeing the same in everything is perfection.

I care not where the spiritual flower grows whether in the East or in the West, it will have the same beauty and fragrance and give the same joy to whoeer comes near it. So a spiritual being is the same whether in East or West, he will radiate the same Truth and beauty and holiness wherever he may be

Whenever we reach the heart of an individual or of a nation therein we find something which is neither individual nor national, but universal. It is the same heart but it heats differently in different nation. Truth is ever the same though its outer manifestation may very.


Sowing seeds of hope and action where we are

Speaking Tree, Spirituality, World, TOI


By Daisaku Ikeda


The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic continues to not only create a grave public health crisis around the world, but also to severely impact the economy and other aspects of human society. We are faced with the urgent challenge of restoring social connections and people’s livelihoods while halting the spread of infection.


The sudden disruptions to our daily lives during this unprecedented time have given rise to a deeper appreciation of the ways in which our lives and livelihoods are supported and sustained by the efforts of so many others. We have been able to surmount the severe challenges of the pandemic thanks to the dauntless efforts of frontline health workers and all those whose work helps secure the lifelines of society.


Thinking of their selfless struggles, I am reminded of Gandhiji’s encouragement against despair in the face of daunting tasks. He wrote: “It’s a matter of whether one touches the life of an individual. We can’t look after thousands of people. But if we can touch one person’s life and save that life, that is the great change that we can effect.”





To uplift those in our immediate environment; to help the individual in front of us – this, I believe, is the vital perspective we must adopt in our communities as we work, step by step, to solve problems and rebuild society from the ravages of the pandemic.


The Lotus Sutra, the great Buddhist heritage of India, contains the lines, “This, my land, remains safe and tranquil” and “My pure land is not destroyed.” These words pulsate with this same robust spirit – the determination to bring peace and security to this world and keep it from destruction.


While the pandemic seems to have finally begun to subside, the work of steadily resolving a host of problems in order to restore our lives, the economy and society – all of which have been deeply impacted – still lies ahead. Gandhiji’s encouragement and the spirit of resolve expressed in the above passages from the Lotus Sutra are important touchstones in this effort; one which must be led by the determination to move forward together despite all obstacles.


In addition to the Covid-19 crisis, we are also confronted by the reality of climate change. In response, the SGI has created the international exhibition, ‘Seeds of Hope & Action: Making the SDGs a Reality’. At schools and universities in India, young people and students who have viewed this exhibition have been inspired to strengthen their belief that every individual has the potential to bring about positive change.


The year 2021 has been one of unparalleled challenges, with countries around the world navigating many crises simultaneously. With firm conviction that our steady efforts to tackle these difficulties are helping to build a world in which every person can live in safety and security, let us begin to plant seeds of hope and action exactly where we are.


The writer is honorary president of the Soka Gakkai and founder of the Soka school system. He lives in Japan



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won second odi by 7 wk, in isal est Bengal no 7 got Hero of the Match


Sunday, November 14, 2021



Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


The Gita has a simplicity which we very often miss. We are accustomed to complicate things. We cannot appreciate simple things. The human mind wants in the name of philosophy and religion, something striking in the form of books dress ritualistic. Simple character or simple ethical beauty is not much appreciated. Simple beauty is not understood by ordinary men. Truth which is simple is clothed in a variety of ways and we get not the naked truth but a clothed truth. When you come to the Gita, we have the presentation of the simple truth which helps to take us across life’s problems. it frees us from all attachments to joys and sorrows and good and bad . It gives us absolute calm; and a freedom from all conditions-extent and internal. We want this independent and freedom of the individual to be maintained of all Costa. This is what philosophy seeks to confer on life. If we have this else do we requires? One who attains ties remains fresh in spite of life’s aging and retains the freshness of a new –born babe even unto death. He has philosophy to guide him. This is the true test of philosophy-a philosophy which helps us to pass through life’s struggles without getting scorched which helps us to remain as fresh at the end of the journey as at the beginning.


You have the power to be happy, practice it

Speaking Tree in India, Spirituality, TOI

By Prem Rawat


It is a good thing to know others, but it is a wise thing to know yourself. Nature has bestowed on every living thing the necessary power that is required for its survival. It is inherent in everyone and is an incredible thing. It can change the impossible into possible, sadness into happiness, war into peace and hate into love. The question is ‘Do you realise, the power you have is a gift of nature?’


As a human being you are bestowed with the true power of abundant kindness, joy, love, truth and peace within yourself. These are the things that can change the face of your own world. Despite all turmoil, there is abundant source of happiness in you, which can be brought forward whenever and wherever you need. In the deepest hour of sorrow, you still have the power to change sorrow into happiness. The only thing you require is to practise these powers, because whatever you practise, you get good at it. If you find yourself getting angry within no time, it means you have practised anger the most in your life. Practise peace in your life and you can get good at it.



Everything in your life begins with you sowing seeds. Love, kindness, peace, understanding, doubt and confusion are like the seeds you have been given. Depending on which seed you sow in the soil of this life, those will be the trees you see in the garden of your life. They all start out as little seeds, but as they sprout and grow, they manifest their particular characteristics. Some you will like and others you won’t. It is up to you which seeds you sow and nurture in your life. It’s not only a question of sowing the seeds but also that of nurturing, watering and protecting them so that they grow in the soil of our life. To feel kindness, to feel true love, to understand what it is like not to be in doubt and confusion, this is something you do first for yourself and then for other people. And it will be a step towards humanity and peace.


When you focus on problems, you will have more problems and when you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities. Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets into them. So, don’t let what’s happening around you get to you and weigh you down. Life is an opportunity – the truest opportunity, as we only have this one life to navigate. The breath coming into us is the definition of opportunity. Sometimes we need to be reminded to keep our focus clear and remember what is real, because we get impressed by money, followers, degrees and titles. One should instead be impressed by kindness, integrity, generosity and humility. This should be real and practical.


We often look at things from the perspective of overcoming situations, people and ideas. It means somebody is going to win and somebody is going to lose; but when we are victorious over ourselves, nobody loses. It’s only a win-win situation. If life is a lottery, we all hold winning tickets in our hands.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week in wbbl Renegade won scoring 92/7 in wt20 final man of the match scored 77


Monday, November 8, 2021

Divine Nature


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta,


Divine Nature

There is no distinction of sex in the soul, the India that is to be the future India, must be much greater then ancient India.

From the day Sri Ramakrishna was born dates the growth of Modern India and of the Golden age.

Every action that helps a bring manifest its divine nature more and more is good; every action that retards it is evil.

The only way of getting our divine nature manifested is by helping others do the same.

The poor, the down-trodden the ignorant let these be your God.

All expansion is life, all contraction is death. All love is expansion all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life.

What the whole Hindu race has thought in ages, Sri Ramakrishna lived in one life; His lie is the living commentary to the Vedas of all nations.


Great enterprise, boundless courage, tremendous energy and above all, perfect obedience-these are the only traits that lead to individual and national regeneration.,

Infinite power will come unto you- never fear be pure have faith be obedient.

I do not depend on men or things. The Lord alone I depend upon –and He works THROUH ME.

Guru bahkti will conquer the world-this is the one evidence of history.

The kingdom of heaven is already in existence if we will have it; perfection is already in man if he will see it.

Know partiality to be the chief cause of all evil.

Bear with everyone’s shortcomings. Forgive offences by the million.

In all countries it is the middle classes that do all great works.

It is criticizing each other that is at the root of all mischief. That is the chief factor in breaking down organsiations.  


How to bask in the light of the Divine-Self
Speaking Tree

By Radhanath Swami


The Bhagwad Gita, verse 8:15, states that the world is indeed an evanescent place of hardships. Social distress stems from the individual level with the mind at its source. The Gita further adds that the mind can be your best friend and also your worst enemy.


When intelligence gets ousted by the rusty mind, the power of reasoning, logic and judgment enter into a stay-put mode. The Gita states that by nature, the mind is restless, obstinate and overbearing. Just as we have a hard time dealing with toddlers, the same is the case when it comes to mind. It keeps vacillating between extremes, is quick to judge, snubs good advice, scoffs at discipline and is averse to wisdom. When the mind substitutes intelligence as the centre of command, it becomes a lot easier for one to succumb to every temptation hands down.



Ravan’s mind


Ravan, the formidable demon in the Ramayan, also happened to be a yogi. The definition of a yogi is one who is greater than an ascetic, greater than the wise and greater than a materialist. But Ravan was licentious. Though he had tremendous resourcefulness, reflecting in his conquest over the upper and lower planetary systems, yet he would succumb to the lower propensities of the mind, like lust, anger and greed. What a travesty! The prowess of Ravan was eclipsed by his submission to the mind. As a result, he acted out subversively, deceitfully and insidiously. Though powerful, yet he tripped over temptations at the drop of a hat, alluding to his weakness of the heart. The Gita calls this weakness ‘hridaya daurbalyam’, the conditioning, samskaras, the things stuffed in the subconscious state.


According to Patanjali’s Yog Sutra, samskaras are also termed as ‘chitta vritti’, the preconditioning, the shadow-self. The Gita talks about the three prominent vices that subsume the conditioned state. They are lust, anger and greed. Added to these are three more vices: pride, envy and illusion. All six can shroud the intelligence. When this happens, it should come as no surprise that people suffer both at the individual and collective levels. The formidable six vices become excited whenever they find the mind as the centre of command, thus, harnessing all available resources to satiate their demands.


Illuminating texts


Wisdom texts like the Gita act as a source of great illumination to come out of the shadow-self. It is said that for those endeavouring on the breakthrough path of self-discovery from the shadow-self, the Divine kindles from within, the lamp of transcendental wisdom.


Just as a nation’s capital is fortified by strong governance, similarly, when divine wisdom dawns upon consciousness, intelligence gets fortified, setting us free from the shadow of samskaras and the compulsiveness of the mind. It illumines our true nature as part of the Divine-Self. We beam with love, selflessness and purity, and cooperate with others harmoniously. It elevates us to the threshold of divine love.


The writer is the spiritual guru at ISKCON




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week in epl Lie Barnes no 7 scored a goal, in wbbl Rengegade won by 7 wk,


Monday, November 1, 2021

Path of Spirit Peace and Blessedness


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Path of Spirit Peace and Blessedness

We must however, take care of this body because it is a shrine, a temple of God. So it must be preserved, but not for the sake of itself. And a light must be kept burning in that shrine. When through meditation we have kindled the soul-nature within us, then the light will come.


The spiritual life requires great concentration, for it is concentration that creates the right atmosphere. If you hold hateful or evil thoughts you create an evil atmosphere; similarly, when your mind is fixed on holy things, even if you are not trying to create a holy atmosphere , you do create it and others feel it., whenever you  gather all your heart and soul together to accomplish anything, it is accomplished. You surround yourself with an atmosphere of that, you’re internal and external nature becomes attuned with the Source of all things and you cannot fail to succeed.


Eradicating internal toxins and bliss out

 By Geetika Jain        

These days there is a lot of awareness and wariness regarding air pollution, food adulteration, water contamination, and plastic abuse. Toxicity from external sources adversely impacts our health and physical wellbeing. Hence, we take stringent measures to evade it.


But the moot question is – do only external toxins harm us? We are so careful about what we ingest, but how many of us are aware of the noxious toxins we inadvertently keep on churning within our own system? Internal toxins are hatred, repressed anger, jealousy, grudges, neurotic fear, ill-will towards others, and guilt, to name a few.


The injurious effect of external toxins can be perceived as the manifestation of physical diseases, but the consequences of the aforesaid internal toxins can be dire and far-reaching. They result in cryptic mental aberrations and psycho-somatic ailments. However, a lesser-known fact about their damaging potential is – they accelerate ageing to a great extent and can disfigure the facial countenance irreversibly.



According to the Yajur Ved, “Attractiveness and magnetism of your personality is the result of your inner radiance.” When we consciously choose love and compassion over hate and rancour; generosity over selfishness and miserliness; contentment and peace over greed and competition; heartfelt forgiveness over grudges and revenge; and strive to live a life replete with magnanimity – we make our way to sound health and goodness-induced glowing and ageless beauty.


The fact that thoughts have unlimited power is a much-mulled inference. They are the source of our feelings, emotions, attitudes, and consequently, behaviour. It has been deduced empirically that an individual remains young or grows old in accordance with his thought process. It is so because our subconscious mind is conditioned by our thoughts. If most of our thoughts dwell constantly on the noble, value-oriented, beautiful aspects of life, we get infused with positive, happy feelings and emotions. This in turn leads to the release of positive, happiness-inducing hormones, creating a blissful inner harmony. Immunity is enhanced, health parameters improve, and the ageing process is arrested significantly. An upright and confident posture is maintained. Inner purity and a clear conscience are amply reflected as serenity and contented happiness on a radiant face.


Conversely, if our thought process is negative, focussing on frustrating, ugly, and self-defeating aspects – the entire inner make-up is disrupted. Turmoil ensues. Involuntarily, stress hormones are released, feelings and emotions plunge into gloom. Negativity of all hues assails us and festers inside. Over time, it takes a toll on both the health and looks of an individual.


Life is a roller-coaster ride, punctuated by both happy and unhappy experiences. Every challenge of life offers us a hidden lesson. One should have the sagacity to embrace the desired lesson and proceed ahead on life’s journey. Clinging to grief and bitterness of the past is folly.


Cultivating a heart filled with love and forgiveness is the only feasible panacea. Meditation is the sole and surest path leading to love and inner harmony. Meditation is the highest pedestal for God-communion. Hence, no form of negativity can coexist with meditation. With perseverant practice, even deep-rooted negativity starts getting diluted and gradually disappears. Health, happiness, and beauty are restored




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week in wct20 Aus won by 7 wk,


Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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