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Monday, June 28, 2021

The Harvest field of Life.


Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta

The Harvest field of Life.

It is the motive which counts. We can do a thing either with the thought of hat it may bring immediately to us for our own selfish gratification; or we can do it thinking of the soul and our eternal life . as a man thinks so is he. A sour motive is , so is our action . we must reflect. We must think , and think such thought as will enable us to express the deeper nature of the soul . we must no longer be content to think those things which have been thought and followed by the masses. What I mean by this is that often we love the habit in our life of merely travelling along the paths which have been trodden by others. and we believe that to be the best way. It may be from the worldly standpoint , but it does not always prove true in the higher problems of life. It is very seldom we can copy the ideals of others . if we try to copy , we misrepresent. We must unfold our own ideals. What our forefathers have done or what the sages have taught may inspire us; they may start our mind to thinking , but we must work out our own salvation. This means

contemplation; it also means freeing our inner nature; now our spiritual nature is held down by our physical habits and unconditional emotions. In order to control our lower instincts and express our higher self , we must take the problem in our won hands. When we do this, at the same time we must ask God’s blessing because it is very dangerous for ours to attempt anything without the sense of concentration, that we are doing it for the sake of God

Seductive extravaganza from a Divine kitchen

 India, Spirituality, TOI

Speaking Tree

By Narayani Ganesh

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To make an apple pie, you will have to start from the very beginning. From the Big Bang, that is, when the universe started coming into being. Yes, said Carl Sagan, you need wheat, apples, herbs and spices and an oven’s heat to bake the pie. Ingredients, like sugar and water, for example, are all made up of molecules, which in turn are made of atoms – carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and others. All these are made in stars, except for hydrogen, which is not only the lightest element in the periodic table, but also the most abundant chemical substance in the universe. Hydrogen is the raw fuel that stars burn to produce energy.


Says Sagan, “A star is a kind of cosmic kitchen inside which atoms of hydrogen are cooked into heavier atoms. Stars condense from interstellar gas and dust, which are composed mostly of hydrogen. But the hydrogen was made in the Big Bang, the explosion that created the cosmos. If you wish to make an apple pie, you must first invent the universe.”

When you make a cup of coffee, and gently start stirring the cream layered on top of the coffee, you are in fact mimicking the pinwheel spin of galaxies that spiral away as the universe continues to expand infinitely. It’s a case of a ‘drone’ view of the top of a galaxy that the current powerful telescopes are yet unable to capture. We only get the view sideways.


Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh who promotes ‘tangerine meditation’ says, when you peel a tangerine and hold it in the palm of your hand and visualise all that went into its making, you will find that the entire universe is contained in that little orange orb. When he asked children to meditate on the tangerine, he says, “They saw not only their tangerine, but also its mother, the tangerine tree. With some guidance, they began to visualise the blossoms in the sunshine and in the rain. They saw petals falling down and the tiny fruit appear. The sunshine and the rain continued, and the tiny tangerine grew. Now someone has picked it, and the tangerine is here. After seeing this, each child was invited to peel the tangerine slowly, noticing the mist and the fragrance of the tangerine, and then bring it up to her mouth and have a mindful bite, in full awareness of the texture and taste of the fruit and the juice coming out. We ate slowly like that.”


So it seems that everything in the universe is hitched to everything else in the universe – the cosmos being this infinitely creative kitchen where atoms, molecules, chemicals and other ingredients are constantly being reconstituted into new avatars, enriching the process of being and becoming. The birth-sustenance-death cycle continues unabated, with every death dispersing the ingredients to create new life, new partnerships, experiences and new possibilities.


Is it a self-perpetuating, pre-programmed, automated kitchen or is there really a Divine Chef at work, creating a diverse and evolving menu with something that can seduce each one of us and also connect every one of us to every bit of creation in the universe? Be that as it may, get seduced anyway – we’re hitched for life.



I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment in f1 no 77 Botas won a podium  in euro chez republic no 9,10 scored a goal each


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