Monday, 31 August 2020
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The way to peace and Blessedness
Be bold under all circumstances. if any
difficulty comes in your way face it, having intense faith in Divine Mother.
Take everything calmly and act wisely. Doubting , quarrelling and all such
things are very unworthy . when we told such thoughts and try to defend
ourselves by fighting or disputing with our opponent , we deep down to their
level and forget the protecting hand of our . All Blissful Mother. We must
learn to forgive that gives us strength. Only the narrow minded cannot forgive.
Those who forgive are like an ocean. Do not forget for a moment that we are all
the children, good or bad, all her children. it She does not protect , there is
no other power that can save us, and when She protects there is no power that
can do any harm to us. Strength is religion so be careful not to be weak.
Beloved Soul, you have nothing to fear in the
world. You are the child of the Mother of the universe. She guides you always
by holding your hand and She alone knows how to protect Her children. Where then
can there be any danger for those who trust in Her? If any anxiety comes to
your heart, directly appeal to the Mother, for we have no voice independent of
Her will.
Learning to Be Happy
The Speaking Tree | India | ET
Knowledge is increasing, is happiness
increasing? Schools are multiplying, are happy homes multiplying? Education is
meant to help you reach out and touch the lives of others. You learn to live
beyond your own narrow self. But greed and selfishness increase with
specialised courses in strategy. In such a situation of education, happiness is
not included. Current education disintegrates the personality of students by
keeping spirituality out. So-called super education glorifies the ego. Egoism
is spiritual poverty.
Allen Bradley writes in Future Education: the
major portion of human family can see no further than the next meal, the next
entertainment thrill, or new acquisitions or the next holiday. True education
should bring the realisation that these are a means, not an end. They could be
aids to a happy life, but not happiness. Prestigious institutions claim to
motivating students to realise higher goals, but none of them even mention the
true goal of life — happiness.
Thoughts, when purified, develop into a strong
mind. A spiritual element is necessary to meet the new demands of the dynamic
world. Yoga and meditation are processes that create space for Self and love.
Practical lessons in compassion in action and love in action such as ser- vice
to community, caring for the elderly, reverence for all life —if integrated
with the regular teaching curriculum along with celebration of all festivals —
will not only spread joy of unity but will also bring a sense of fulfilment so
essential to happiness.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the
author's own.
.But, if He exists?
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