Monday, 09 September 2019
Quote from the True Charm and Power for Vedanta
Raja yoga , Concentration
We find in studying history one fact held in common by
all the great teachers of religion the world ever had. They all claim to have
got their truths from beyond only many of them did not know where they got them
from. For instance , one would say that an angel came down in the form of human
being , with wings, and said to him “Hear, O man this is the message”. Another
says that a Deva, a bright being, appeared to him. A third says he dreamed that
his ancestor came and told him certain things. He did not now anything beyond
that. But this is common that all claim that his knowledge has come to them
from beyond not though their reasoning power. What does the science of Yoga
tech? It teaches that they were right in claiming that all this knowledge came
to them form beyond reasoning, but that it came from within themselves.
Three paths to Nirvana
The Speaking Tree | India, Spirituality | ET
Jnana Yoga is acquiring knowledge about the existence of
God and the temporary nature of this material world. Karma Yoga is earnest
efforts to realise Atamtatva, an inseparable part of Paramtatva, and to render
selfless service to Creation. Bhakti Yoga is unconditional surrender unto the
lotus feet of the Lord and a firm conviction that you belong to God and God
belongs to you and both are one entity.
The human body is a creation of nature and, therefore,
mutable, while the soul derives from God and is, consequently, eternal. It is
human susceptibility to tamoguna and rajoguna that binds us to the material
world and makes us suffer. Transcendence from these gunas releases us from the
short-lived pleasures of earthly existence and we become one with
‘Sat-Chit-Anand’, where there is no ego, but only a state of bliss. The moment
this knowledge dawns upon us, that moment is the attainment of nirvana.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7
minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his
colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting
ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The
doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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