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Monday, September 2, 2019

The spirit of Krishna

Monday, 02 September 2019

The spirit of Krishna
The Speaking Tree | India | ET

Image result for krishna all attractive quotesThe name Krishna means ‘the all-attractive One’. ‘Sarva akarshati iti Krishna’ — this describes the attractive nature of the Lord and so describes the absolute Truth, the supreme personality of Godhead, in full.

The Lord administers the world through the laws of material nature — gross such as the law of gravitation and subtle such as the law of karma. But when predominance of materialism over spirituality disturbs the universal order, the Lord descends “to deliver the pious, annihilate the miscreants and re-establish divine principles”, says the Bhagwad Gita.

Image result for attractive quotesKrishna descends not just to maintain law but to awaken love. The love that our heart longs for through relationships with various persons finds fulfilment only when it is reposed in the Supreme. When we love Krishna, our love is never interrupted, never betrayed, never let down, never disappointed.

On Janmashtami, Krishna entered the material world at midnight. This is significant. Midnight is the time of maximum darkness and from the moment the Lord appeared, the darkness started diminishing. Similarly, our heart is dark being afflicted by multiple anxieties and miseries. But in the darkest hour of our lives, when we turn to Krishna, He appears in our heart, and all the darkness recedes and the light of eternal hope starts streaming in. The Lord appeared in a prison cell and freed His parents of their shackles.

This indicates that all of us who are shackled by our own self-destructive desires can be freed by the Lord who appears in our heart that is obscured in darkness.

Image result for attractive quotes
Quote from the True charm and Power of Vedanta

The harvest field of life
Whenever we see any one suffering however, our attitude should not be to stand aside and let him reap what he has sown. Knowledge of the law of just compensation should not make us indifferent or lacking in sympathy and charity. true understand never robs us of love or sympathy. It is rather lack of understanding which takes from us many possibilities of doing good to others, which is also the best way to do good to ourselves. In Indian philosophy we are told that whenever we are able to help another, instead of expecting gratitude , we should be grateful; because we have been given an opportunity to elevate yourself. Do we not receive a greater spiritual blessing when we reader service without selfish motive than when we receive service? Does it not always enlarge our heart and vision?

This law of compensation should be universally understood. It is not peculiarly and Eastern doctrine, as many think . it concerns every one, whether he live in the East or the West; whether he is a Christian or a Mohammedan, a Buddhist, or a Hindu . no one can get away form it. Every living being must reap  what he sows. And the greatest way to help people is to introduce this larger idea . Let their mind be filled with it and they will uplift themselves. The only bondage is ignorance, which separates us like a veil from Godhead; and when that veil is torn from our mind, we are free. Life is indeed a harvest field, but is it not a good harvest field for those who are asleep. It promises a fruitful harvest, however, to those who are awake and who constantly ask Gods guidance; because without God’s guidance; because without God’s help and protection we cannot do anything. We must work diligently and prayerfully and always remember that in this universe there is no such thing as chance or unjustice; we must be wakeful in everything we do. It is through wakeful, prayerful efforts that we tear the veil of ignorance. When it drops. His light shines in the innermost part of our being; and only when the Sun of Divine Wisdom sheds its radiance upon us as we labour in the field of life, do we reap a perfect harvest.  Courtesy reincarnation and immortality , The harvest field of life

King, Land and People
The Speaking Tree |India | ET

Nepal’s experience of a change in the role of the king provides occasion to look back on the original principle of kingship.

Is kingship an unjust privilege? Kingship began as a spiritual office, and not as a worldly privilege. The idea evolved from the time societies began to be formed. The earliest ‘king’ was, of course, the Village Elder.

Initially, material and spiritual well-being were not seen as two rival ends, with choice for an individual to pursue this or that. The two constituted a composite end. The indicator for well-being was fertility.

Spirituality operated at two levels: personal and social. At the personal level, you were responsible for your deeds. At the social level, the king was responsible, because he represented society’s collective spirit.

The fertility of the land depended on the virility of the king. If the king lost his virility, whether due to age or misdeeds, the land would turn infertile. The fertility of the farm, cattle and humans would decline. This again implied not just a material but more so a spiritual disaster. Hence the rule of abdication, or sanyasa. The impotent king must ‘die’.

In tribal Bastar, agriculture to this day is not merely an economic activity but a composite life ritual. At the annual fertility rite, the Maati Ti’aar, seeds and land are sanctified with sacrificial blood before a symbol of the Earth Goddess. The village becomes a ‘kingdom’; the fertility ritual is conducted by the Gaita, the Earth-priest.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week  f1 v. Botas won a podium 77

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