Monday, 18
March 2019
Caught in
The Speaking Tree
India | ET

First, we invent the symbol — see how our minds work — the
image in the church or in the temple, or the letters in the mosque, and in
worshipping that which we have created out of our thought, we derive strength.
See what is happening. The symbol is not the actuality. The
actuality may never exist, but the symbol satisfies and gives us vitality by
looking at it, thinking about it, being with it.
All the images it has created in the churches, in the
temples, in the mosques, are not truth, are not actual. They have been invented
by us and by the priests, out of our fear, out of our anxiety and uncertainty
of the future.
So, first realise that thought will always create the things
that give satisfaction, psychologically, which give comfort. The reassuring
image is a great comfort; it may be a total illusion — and it is — but it gives
comfort and, therefore, we will never look beyond the illusion.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
Quote from
the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Finding from
Sri Rama Krishna’s Experiment with God
We may now turn to the consideration of some most fascinating
and revealing findings of religion resulting from experiments with God
according to scientific methodology.
Sri, Ramakrishna’s life was a long saga of inquiry into the
nature of God. In this he never deviated from the scientific methodology of
observation and experiment . his life, therefore, should be of great interest
to the awakened scientist for a special study of the spiritual facts fo
Sri, Ramakrishna was no satisfied simply to bear about God. In
the personal religion, believing in God meant seeing God; if God is , He must
be seen.
Therefore Sri, Ramakrishna wanted to see God and he turned
his whole life and his world into a vast laboratory for experimenting on and with
As an astronaut disciplines his body and mind in a special way
for travelling in a space vehicle, Sri Ramakrishna disciplined himself entirely
for working in his great laboratory, which was life and this world itself with
the one end in view; of finding the truth about God.
Because he would see God, he did not close his eyes for months
on end. He did not take God for granted. Like any scientist, he tentatively
accepted the available data coming from the previous seers of God, but himself experimented
in his laboratory with all the painful grinding it involved- Only on the basis
of his own finding and seeing he could so forcefully say in answer to Swami
Vivekananda ‘s frontal question, “Sir have you seen God?” “Yes, I have seen God”
During his years of spiritual discipline, Sri Ramakrishna
bad adopted methods which were thoroughly experimental. What was this image he
was worshipping ? Was it merely a block of black stone gracefully sculptured?
Or was the Divine Mother living and breathing here? With that divine audacity
which in the case of Sri ,Ramakrishna was another name for infinite love for God
he held his hand before Kali’s nose to find out whether or not She breathed.
And , lo She breathed! I actually felt Here breath on my hand” said Sri
Ramakrishna courtesy can one be Scientific and yet be Spiritual
But, if He exists?
drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and
evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed
at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on
something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well,
if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He
exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten
minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy
that I derive 4m.
REVIEW : 7th
Heaven moment of the week in Isl Miku no 7 scored a goal in semi final, in budas liga Bremen no 10 scored a goal
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