Psychic equilibrium is necessary for peace
Editorial by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii
Psychic equilibrium is peace. What brings about psychic equilibrium and what disturbs it? Spiritual practices will bring psychic equilibrium, and belief in superstition will disturb it. Hence, we need to follow spiritual practices and fight against superstition.
Spiritual practices: Relief from dukha, suffering, is the main desire, and without fulfilment of this desire, peace is not possible. Nivritti, end of suffering, is of two types: samayiki nivritti, temporary cessation of suffering, and atyantiki nivritti, permanent cessation of suffering. That which helps in getting nivritti, is called artha, but artha is purely physical, so it can bring only physical and temporary remission. Paramarta brings not only temporary remission, but everlasting freedom as well, from dukha. Atyantiki nivritti can be obtained only by Paramarta which relieves one of all dukha -- physical, mental and spiritual.
In Ananda Marga, spiritual practices begin when the child reaches the age of five. From the very beginning of a child’s life, he is initiated into spiritual practices. With the advance of the child’s life, spiritual practices also advance, bringing within their scope both mental and physical spheres.
Fight against superstition: The natural tendency of the mind is to become like its object. Superstition of any kind – social, psychic or spiritual – influences the mind to such an extent that the mind, due to its worries, leads a person into trouble. The mental equilibrium of one believing in superstition is disturbed, and the result is that one not only loses peace, but one is also led to do some action detrimental to oneself. This only further strengthens belief in superstition. Any ordinary incident is magnified and attributed to some bad omen, by believers of superstition.
In the social sphere there is no dearth of superstitions. Witchcraft, discrimination against widows, etc., are curses in society only due to such superstitions. In the psychic sphere, there are deep-rooted superstitions such as belief in ghosts. Not only this, but superstitions related to shraddha, funeral ceremonies, have also bound down even the progeny of a person. In the spiritual field, also, ignorant people have been forced to do many things only because of the deep-rooted superstition of heaven and hell. For the preservation of peace, the fight against superstition is of prime importance.
The spiritual superstitions of heaven and hell and fear of God make individuals suppressed, and they lose their peace. Not infrequently due to fear, such superstitions create an undesirable reaction in people, and thereby cause loss of peace.
In Ananda Marga, spiritual practices are based on rationality. Fear and superstition have no part in them. A systematic and scientific method of spiritual practices in the Marga, path, leaves no place for these superstitions.
Unity in Ananda Marga is secured by evolving a casteless society where capital punishment is prohibited, and all take part unitedly in social functions, irrespective of caste, creed or race. In such a society, there can be no discrimination.
Qoute from the True Charm and Power of Vednata
In love with the divine
The sole purpose of life is Self realisation; transformation of ego into divine Self with cosmic consciousness, amidst all transient transactions of life.
Human life must not be spent in vain pursuit of mundane desires. Instead, we should aspire to experience the joy of becoming one with the Infinite.
Unconditional love for the Absolute or the Divine bridges the gap between mortals and immortality. The keynote of Sri Ramakrishna’s cosmic symphony begins, spreads and ends with love for the Divine.
This is beyond any rituals and radiates a magnetic pull to attract the Divine within and without. The same divine love must be showered without egoistic sympathy or superiority on all creatures as they are the myriad manifestations of the Divine.
The greatest impediment in practising this is our earth-bound ego that is saturated with selfishness. Since ego is the nucleus of existence of the fragmented sense of self, it cannot be annihilated from the bodymind complex.
The best course, therefore, is to surrender it with divine servitude so that, instead of hindrance, it may work like an aid. But absolute surrender is difficult for human beings enslaved by the five senses. The most effective spiritual tool to be used to overcome this is prayer.
The Divine Mother is bound to respond to the call of her children. Renunciation of worldly matters may depend on circumstances, but inward renunciation is an essential part of the process. Whether one is a monk or householder, divine grace alone can save us from being deluded.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
Economic Times in The Speaking Tree | Spirituality
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