Monday, 16 April 2018
Corporate excellence and work ethics
Talk: Swami Sukhabodhananda
Life has become one gigantic game. To succeed in this game, we have to
struggle. This struggle is consuming our life silently.
Do not discard success because of the simple reason that the creative
process which is installed in your DNA, has to be allowed to express itself.
Creativity has to be encouraged. But in this process, if you are not alert,
your inner joy will be destroyed. Hence, make sure that your commitment for
corporate excellence is based on the foundation of work ethics.
Ethics is not some set of rules based on laws. Ethics is based on
goodness. Goodness is not bound by one’s definition; it is like intelligence;
it is free flowing, but has its intrinsic wisdom. Ethics is order and action
born out of goodness. Goodness in action mode is ethics. It is an indicator of
health to be ethical in an unethical society.
An ethical process is order in motion and hence immensely crucial in the
corporate world. An important aspect of being altruistic is a high degree of
integrity. From a spiritual dimension, it is integrating the physical,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects. Abusing the body is unethical.
Abusing it through wrong behaviour, junk food … is to harm the body. When the
body is abused, it affects the mind. When one drinks alcohol, one is damaging
not only the body but also the mind, is it not? Once the mind is affected one’s
perception is also affected. So handling one’s body involves right food and
right posture.
Right posture is keeping one’s body alive and vibrant. Good body energy
has the power to do right things. Like in sports, a right posture will help one
to perform.
Next is emotional health. Enthusiasm brings you alive and that power
enables you to do the right things. Next is intellectual health, which means
being part of a solution and not victim to a problem. Lastly, the focus should
be on spiritual health, which involves operating from right values. This
involves self-discipline. A value is a value if the value of the value is
valuable to one. So, let ethical values be terribly dear and valuable to one.
Operating as a team and not as an individual should be a corporate
value; this is corporate ethics. TEAM means Together, Empowering to Achieve
More. One has to learn to drop self-love and love one’s organisation, and hence
the team. Self-love is the mother of all conflicts.
Reflect on this.
“Who is flying the kite?”
The egoistic person says, “I am flying the kite.”
The breeze says, “I am flying the kite.”
The tail of the kite says, “I am flying the kite.”
The string says, “I am flying the kite.”
Existence says, “O child, we are flying the kite.”
The value of the team is supremely beneficial, and that is possible if
one’s love is not restricted to the self but to the whole. This ethical mode,
apart from felicitating those who reach and/or surpass their targets, should be
valued and respected in the organisation.
Such a value, spontaneously brings in, the power to give, the power to
contribute and the power to serve. One should not only contribute to each other
in a team but also to the customer. This customer care is not just in
manipulative words and smiles, but stems from the value of truly contributing.
Qoute from the True Charm and Power of Vednata
Strength of mind for spiritual awareness
Speaking Tree in TOI
By Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
Cultivate spiritual awareness. Swami Sivananda has said, “The aim of
human life is not God-realisation; rather, it is the cultivation of spiritual
awareness.” How far you are able to go, does not matter. Do not think about one
hundred per cent; try to obtain even half a per cent of spiritual awareness in
your life and you will have obtained everything. When the mind is free from its
sensorial, mundane and external attachments, then, it cultivates its own
Three strengths
There are three strengths of the
mind: iccha shakti, will power; jnana shakti, knowledge power; kriya shakti,
creative power. Even now you have these three within you; however, you are not
utilising them, as there is a dissipation of mental faculties and energies.
Similarly, for example, when a bulb is turned on, the light spreads in all
directions, it is dissipated. The light is there, no doubt, but there is no
force in that light.
But, if you were able to focus the power of light to a single point, it
becomes a laser beam and thus gains in strength. You can apply that laser beam
to cut through metal, perform optical nerve surgery, and so on. It is this
focussing of mental perceptions that you attain in dharana, which leads to the
development of willpower, iccha shakti, and the mind gains its true strength
and its true character.
How the mind, the ego or intellect works, we do not know, and we should
not bother about it. We must know how we can handle the situations,
circumstances and conditions that alter our perspective of ourselves.
Once the mind becomes as powerful as a laser beam, knowledge also
becomes focussed. Right now all the knowledge that you have acquired is
dissipated, but when it is focussed, it becomes jnana shakti. The simplest way
to understand jnana shakti is as the quality of understanding. I believe the
greatest strength in the world is not love, as many people say. Love is not a
strength, nor is compassion or sympathy. The highest quality of life is
Root of life
If you can understand situations, if you can understand life, then all
the best qualities flower spontaneously within you without any effort.
Understanding is the root of life that has to be watered daily. Love,
compassion and the other sattvic qualities are flowers and fruit of the tree of
life, which you can admire and enjoy, but understanding is the root of the tree
of life. Therefore, ensure that you give water and compost to that root of life
on a regular basis. Protect the root of life from the insects and rodents that
nibble away at it, which are not visible, being underground.
Highest quality
The highest quality that anyone can have in life is understanding.
Everything else falls into place after that. If there is no understanding, you
can be going gaga with love and that will not help at all. That love will have
no meaning for you, that compassion will have no meaning for you.
Cultivate understanding. With the cultivation of understanding, that is,
with jnana shakti, kriya shakti becomes predominant. And with that kriya
shakti, creative and harmonious interaction between the individual and the
world arises
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent
7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his
colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting
ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The
doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN moment
of the week in cwg Manpreet no 7 scored a goal, Delhi dare devil won by 7 wk,