Monday, 14 August 2017
Sure Ways to
Nourish Friendship
Permit Your
Friends To Be Themselves: Accept them as they are, Accept each one’s imperfections
–and individuality –and don’t feel threatened if their opinions and tastes
sometimes differ from yours.

Respect Their
Feelings. We are entitled to our private feelings and thoughts . Friends who
try to invade the inner feelings of one another risk destroying the
Be Ready to Give
and To Receive. Be eager to help and able to ask for help as well. But don’t be over
Make your advice
constructive: when a friend needs to talk , listen without interruption. If advice
is asked for, be positive and supportive.
Be Loyal: Loyalty
is faithfulness, It means “being with” your friend in bad
times as well as good. It means honouring confidence. It means neither dishonouring
a friend in his absence nor allowing others to do so.
Give praise and encouragement: Tell your friends
what you like about them, how thankfull you are for their presence in your
life. Delight in their talents; applaud their success.
Be Honest: Open
communication is of the essence of friendship . express your feelings good and
bad, instead of boiling up your anger or anxiety. Clearing the air helps a relationship
to grow. But be aware of what is better left unsaid.
Treat Friends As
equals; in friendship there is no number one, no room for showing off how
smart and successful you are, for envy , for feeling superior or inferior
Trust your friends: Make the effort
to believe in the inherent goodness of your friends. (Courtesy: Inspirational Quote)
Quote from the
True Charm and Power of VedantaThe Scriptures tell us that disease is the result of sin . Some define
sin as wrong thinking, others as wrong doing, but whatever divination we accept
, it is apparent that when we go against nature, we create certain results from
which we cannot escape. But why do good people and innocent children suffer?
These who ask this question do not take into account that no lie begins here
and now. What comes here may be the result of mistakes in previous lives. Also suffering
is often a great purifying agent. through how many hardships and painful experiences
have great Souls had to pass in order to
attain their greatness ! Even sickness sometimes proves a blessing. It all depends
on the mental attitude with which we meet it. If we allow ourselves to be
dragged down and made despondent and unhappy by it, then it becomes a
misfortune; otherwise it may be the means of brining to us a new spiritual awakening.
We must analyse and find out what is our real nature. We must ask
ourselves; “What part of myself is my true Self? Is it my hands or my feet? Is it
my mind or my ego? Thus we keep on lifting and lifting the thought, until we
rise to a plane where we no longer indentify ourselves with the body. The highest
form of healing is when we do not think of the body at all. We do not seek the
spirit for a little health or little prosperity. we love the Spirit wholly for
the sake of Spirit, yet every time we come in touch with it, we are revivified.
Courtesy spiritual healting
But, if He exists?I drive joy There
was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for
mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One
day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he
had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not
exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN in in TNPL karakudi won by
7 runs, in
bundas liga hamburg no 7 scored a spot goal, in epl manunited no 9 scored two
goals, and get a
Lucky7 charm email id
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