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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Art of Relaxation

 Monday, 28 August 2017        
Art of Relaxation
Image result for quote on art of relaxationPerson who is subject to tension and nervousness will achieve less than those who work in a relaxed mood. When there is pressure to complete a task in a short time then usual time necessary for executing the job, it becomes difficult to do it in a relaxed mood.
Such persons who learnt the art of relaxation make use of it, in shaping their lives in a happy and healthy condition. They always keep clam and cool and yet right in time with their commitments.
Image result for quote on art of relaxationBut how to achieves that relaxed mood? To do this, one has to learn the symptoms of tension and the conditions necessary for relaxation make us of it, in shaping their lives in a happy and healthy condition. They always keep calm and cool and yet right in time with their commitments.
But how to achieve that relaxed mood? To do this , one has to learn the symptoms of tension and the conditions necessary for relaxation.
Image result for quote on art of relaxationYou do require relaxation when you find yourself worrying over simple matters and when you have a sense of personal failure about your life. Tension shows itself in along period of tiredness and unwillingness to face a new day and an irritable feeling that your are over burdened.
Nail-biting, irritating habits like tapping the pencil playing with spectacles or paperweights shows that a person has tension. A person in tension can rarely smile smokes too much and also often looks at the cloak and unsteady to complete a task on hand.
Image result for quote on art of relaxationTo avoid these symptoms and to take away tension out of your life, you have to learn the art of relaxation.
Real relaxation is much more mental than physical. When you relax your limbs your mind becomes relaxed.
One excellent way to achieve the state of relaxation is autosuggestion. tell repeatedly that you are relaxed. Decide yourself to remain calm speak to yourself and speak to another person about the state of your mind and the measures you want to take to relax . believe in your capacity to relax.
Image result for quote on art of relaxationMany people do exactly the opposite . They do say to themselves “time is short”, They’ll never be able to complete the task. How can i do so much wok in so short a time? The opposite way of thinking creates remarkable effect to soothe the relax your mind.
Take one task at a time complete it before taking up another task to complete everything in time. This creates sequence, balance and harmony of mind and body.
Having learnt the art of relaxation you can regularly practices yoga and pranayama or any other good physical exercise. This would provide a basic ground for relaxation.
Image result for quote on art of relaxationDo give enough time for a deep breathing. Breathe in slowly and breathe our taking more time. it is desirable to relax your body and mind to do your work on time with as much perfection as possible.
Do observe how dogs, cats and other animals stretch before getting up after a good sleep . These tips will surely provide you a relaxed mind. Which brings out kindness courtesy and willingness to care and share.courtesy wsidom
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
In non –philosophical language, Raja-Yoga is the science and art of concentrating the mind. A mind which lacks one pointedness or concentration can never be fit instruments for the realisation of Truth. At moments for the realisation of Truth. At moments when a man’s mind is perfectly  calm and still the Truth some time suddenly dawn on him even though he has not consciously sought for it. When there is no moments of the water in a lake, when no waves or ripples disturb the surface, the moon is clearly reflected. In the same way ,when the mind is not agitated by distractions or wandering thoughts (which have been compared by contemplatives to dust, to swards of flies, to the movements of a monkey stung by scorpion”), it is possible for it to glimpse the Truth. It is said that if one can achieve perfect concentration of the mind even for a few minutes, the highest Truth will be his. But how difficult is such an achievement! The mind’s tendency is always to wander, to roam over heaven and earth, to take the past and future in its sweep. And the more you try to control it by mere force of will , the more unruly it becomes courtesy commonsense about yoga
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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Monday, August 21, 2017

Endeavour To Meet Expectations

 Monday, 21 August 2017
Endeavour To Meet Expectations
Image result for To Meet Expectations quoteWhen you become a manger, the expectations from you increases from all sides. It is not just your boss, even your subordinates expect a lot from you. You have to meet the goals. objectives and targets efficiently, and give right direction to your subordinates
Always you must make efforts to live up to the expectation or even exceed expiations on all fronts for example, your subordinates.
Always you must make efforts to live up to the expectations or even exceed expectations on all fronts. For example, your subordinates need clarification where they have to invest their precious time. Here you need to priorities and set them their goals as a team as well as individuals. Over a period of time you may have to assess their performance.
Image result for To Meet Expectations quoteYou must also be able to give a better understanding of the bigger organisational picture. So that they gain motivation to perform well by learning how their contribution is going to help faster contribution progress
Your co work force expects you to give feed back on their performance occasionally. It must be in such a way that they learn where to improve . at the same time. You ought to give them at least some degree of creative freedom to use their discretion in performing their jobs within broad boundaries. This develops trust which may even inspire them to shoulder extra responsibilities and work extra hard.
Besides the above abilities a manger must be approachable and accessible whenever they need help. From the top brass, the exceptions are always high. so what are the general exceptions are always high. So what are the general expiations of a boss? Certainly a willingness to face new challenges. Come up with innovative ideas, a tendency to collaborate with others within, a high degree of commitment, involvement, ability to keep yourself abreast of the developments, see in to the future presence of mind to take timely action in the best interests of the organization and finally, the right attitude to handle good as well as bad situations equally well.
Image result for To Meet Expectations quoteIf you endeavour to meet the above said expectation, you can easily achieve your career expectations. Courtesy wisdom
Quote from the true Charm and Power of Vedanta.
In the Upanishads this body has been compared to a chariot , the senses are the horses, the mind si the reins , the intellect is the driver, and the Self who dwells within is the Lord of the Chariot. Unless the horses are well controlled and the reins firmly held. Unless the driver is intelligent, the chariot may be thrown into the ditch and destroyed . But if the discriminative faculty is awake, that is , if the driver follows the path of right thinking then he has perfect control over both horses and chariot
There are people who appear t have complete control over their mind. What gives them this power? It comes from right thinking and right living , for right thinking and right, living go together. Only the man who lives in the right way, whose thought do not betray him whose mind and mouth are one, as Sri Ramakrishna has said that is, whose inner thought and outer activity are in perfect harmony, he  alone will be able to accomplish great things. No one can do great things unless he first thinks great things. Those who have ambitions and try to realizes them by overriding their fellow beings can only attain ephemeral results. Right thinking means that we do not wish to hurt anyone; we may want to progress, but not at the coast of another. There cannot be any selfish idea in it. We desire to grow only in order that our growth may prove to help to mankind. No one can really grow who thinks wholly of himself or even of those who stand closest to him.  Courtesy secret of right activity

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews7thHEAVEN in in TNPL koval king won by 7 wk, India won first one day by 9 wk, in test cap no 277 won man of the series,  www.7thhaven.in  and get a Lucky7 charm email id

Monday, August 14, 2017

Sure Ways to Nourish Friendship

Monday, 14 August 2017

Sure Ways to Nourish Friendship

Permit Your Friends To Be Themselves: Accept them as they are, Accept each one’s imperfections –and individuality –and don’t feel threatened if their opinions and tastes sometimes differ from yours.
Image result for quote on friendship relation
Image result for quote on friendship relationRespect Their Feelings. We are entitled to our private feelings and thoughts . Friends who try to invade the inner feelings of one another risk destroying the relationship.
Be Ready to Give and To Receive. Be eager to help and able to ask for help as well. But don’t be over demanding.
Make your advice constructive: when a friend needs to talk , listen without interruption. If advice is asked for, be positive and supportive.
Be Loyal: Loyalty is faithfulness, It means “being with” your friend in bad times as well as good. It means honouring confidence. It means neither dishonouring a friend in his absence nor allowing others to do so.
Give praise and encouragement: Tell your friends what you like about them, how thankfull you are for their presence in your life. Delight in their talents; applaud their success.
Be Honest: Open communication is of the essence of friendship . express your feelings good and bad, instead of boiling up your anger or anxiety. Clearing the air helps a relationship to grow. But be aware of what is better left unsaid.
Image result for quote on friendship relationTreat Friends As equals; in friendship there is no number one, no room for showing off how smart and successful you are, for envy , for feeling superior or inferior
Trust your friends: Make the effort to believe in the inherent goodness of your friends. (Courtesy: Inspirational Quote)
Quote from the True Charm and Power of VedantaThe Scriptures tell us that disease is the result of sin . Some define sin as wrong thinking, others as wrong doing, but whatever divination we accept , it is apparent that when we go against nature, we create certain results from which we cannot escape. But why do good people and innocent children suffer? These who ask this question do not take into account that no lie begins here and now. What comes here may be the result of mistakes in previous lives. Also suffering is often a great purifying agent. through how many hardships and painful experiences have great  Souls had to pass in order to attain their greatness ! Even sickness sometimes proves a blessing. It all depends on the mental attitude with which we meet it. If we allow ourselves to be dragged down and made despondent and unhappy by it, then it becomes a misfortune; otherwise it may be the means of brining to us a new spiritual awakening.  We must analyse and find out what is our real nature. We must ask ourselves; “What part of myself is my true Self? Is it my hands or my feet? Is it my mind or my ego? Thus we keep on lifting and lifting the thought, until we rise to a plane where we no longer indentify ourselves with the body. The highest form of healing is when we do not think of the body at all. We do not seek the spirit for a little health or little prosperity. we love the Spirit wholly for the sake of Spirit, yet every time we come in touch with it, we are revivified. Courtesy spiritual healting
 But, if He exists?I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.Illustrated live Reviews7thHEAVEN in in TNPL karakudi won by 7 runs, in bundas liga hamburg no 7 scored a spot goal, in epl manunited no 9 scored two goals,  www.7thhaven.in  and get a Lucky7 charm email id

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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