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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tourism –Beneficial Source For India

Monday, 30 January 2017
Tourism –Beneficial Source For India
Human beings are curious and inquisitive by nature. They like to explore things and places around them. During the entire evolutionary journey of humankind, people loved to travel to explore and seek adventure. People still love to travel, explore and seek adventure, but not out of some compulsion to ensure their survival rather for leisure and fun.
Image result for india tourism quoteThis distinct nature of human being has paved the way for the development of a full-fledged service industry in the from of tourism around the globe and India is no exception to this. Rather, India has for ages captivated and ruled the very imagination and thoughts of traveller’s philosophers, historians, traders, and adventure-seekers. So great prospects like within the Indian domain for the development of tourism.
Tourism Potential in India-
In terms of tourism potential, India is the epitome of the world. No single country in the world has been endowed with such diversity as varied geographical and climate conditions as is India. This variety to geography and climate has made each part of India-the deserts of Thor, coastal beaches of South India, the Himalayas of the North Rainforests and Wetlands in the Northeast—beaming with scenic beauty favourable for tourists destination. Throughout the year and across the country, mild temperatures of South India, pleasant and cold freezing winters at hill stations in North India, monsoonal rhythms of rainfall provide better and favourable condition for tourism.
Image result for india tourism quoteApart from geography of India, the entire course of Indian history from Hardpans civilisation to the India of today, played a significant role to promote and nurture. Indian tourism. The history has left its indelible mark in the form  of various –statues , shrines , tombs, merest, forts, palaces monuments, buildings-every piece of art or architecture gives us a glimpses into the Indian past. The performing arts-music , drama and dance traditions and customs , costumes , cousins, language, social norms and practices, religious rites and festivals- are expression of the rich Indian culture and heritage . This distinct culture of India has helped flourishing of variety of festivals lively markets, vibrant lifestyle and traditional Indian hospitality- all of which act as sources which attract foreign tourists to India. In a world based on knowledge economy, and growing health consciousness, there can be seen a pragmatic shift towards the conventional Indian wisdom based on –yoga and ayurveda.
Image result for india tourism quote
Now-a-days, yoga ayurveda and natural health resorts are contributing gretly to the growth of Medical Trousism’ in India . also significant is the urge of ‘Spiritual Tourism’ in India people visiting the Ghats of Ganga, seeking peace and self-realisation towards exploration of inner self.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta A view of Vedanta
Image result for one with god quoteHere, then is a profound question. What is the individual man- is there any such thing, if I am to speak about my philosophy is this connection. I must mention something –an idea that made a very deep impression on my mind, I still carry that impression, I still think it is true. You see, I feel even monistic Vedanta has fallen prey to a mistake. even the great Shankara, who is recognized as the greatest monistic Vedantist, even he fell into that error. However, we think he spoke in this way not because he thought it final truth but just to help us. Every philosophy has to have a standpoint, philosophy certainly is not just transcendental, ; it tries to help people , to reach them where they are .Shankara took the standpoint of objective idealism –the stand point of all men, all intelligent men. He started with what they think and perceive, and so he said that there are many beings, and infinite number of beings, and that these beings are really Spirit, but that they have, through ignorance , forgotten that fact. These beings have been endowed with a mind and a body, and they function through them. To this complex Shankara gave the name of jiva. Jiva is translated “individual self” that is to say, the Self individualized. it ahs become individualized by being encased in the mind and the body. And so it is this which is seeking knowledge, this individual , it is this which practice religion; it is this which tries to conquer ignorance , it is this which is seeking knowledge, this individual, it is this which practices religion, it is this which tries to conquered ignorance; it is this which finds its identity with Brahman or God in the end . All of which seems awfully nice. It is so satisfying all just right, true to our experience. “I am in that condition, I am a miserable individual, however, i want to conquer my misery” And Shankara goes on “Now you do this and do that, you discipline yourself  through worship, meditation , and all . in course of time you rill find that you  are free from the bondage of the body and the senses and the mind. You  will begin to realize that you are beyond these things and that you are pure Spirit; eventually you will find you are identical with God, all this things you will experiences finally “ all this time , if you think deeply, you will find you have no proof that there is any such strange animal as the jiva-no proof at all.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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