Monday, 09 January 2017
Organize your mind
Mind is the great lever of all things; human
thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered. Daniel
There is
only one thing that can help you avoid chaos in business, in social dealings-
This should
be obvious to you. One’s entire life is built around organisation from the
moment of birth-even from the moment of conception. The world we live in the
universe, everything about us is organised. All our activities, whether they be
directed towards making a living, or enjoying ourselves, or both, are planned
and organised.
when the child starts school, he is faced with more order, planning and organisation.
And so it goes, until he becomes the reluctant participant in a carefully
organised funeral, So, from conception to death, we must organise our pursuits
or activities even our joys and sorrows above all we should organise our
thinking. However , it doesn’t mean that you should organise your thinking just
to aid you in your business or job; although that is quite an important part of
the entire picture. I mean you should organise your mind in general –for all things
throughout the rest of your life. If you look at life with an organised mind
instead of through the proverbial rose—coloured glasses (although they have
their place, too), you will surely see success and happiness form a much better
vantage point. If you manage to organise your mind, you will organise and
manage your life very well.
So commence the year 2017 with
well –organised mindset. Courtesy wisdom
Quote from the True Charm & Power
of Vedanta
The Threefold spiritual realisation
To the
ordinary mind the three standpoints appear to be contradictory but to the seer
they represent the three stages in the process of spiritual evolution through
which man passes in his search after Reality, Swami Vivekananda puts this clearly
– “The religions of the unthinking masses all over the world must be and have always
been, of a God who is outside of the universe, who lives to heaven, who governs
from that place, and who is punisher of the bad and rewarder of the good and so
on. As man advanced spiritually he began to feel that God was omnipresent, that
He was not a distant God, but clearly the Soul of all souls. And is few
individuals who had developed enough and were pure enough, went still further-
And they found at last that they and the Father were one”
conception of God evolves with the evolution of his own consciousness. As he
comes to possess higher and higher conceptions of himself, his idea of the
Divine Principle also grows grander and grander, and the relationship between
the two the worshiper and the worshiped , becomes more and more intimate, until
perfect union, nay, even unity is established. “O Lord,” declared the fully illumined
Hindu devotee endowed with all inclusive vision. “when I identify myself with
the body, I look upon You as my Master and myself as Your servant, When I think
of myself as the individualised soul. I regard You as the infinite Whole as
myself as Your part. When I look upon myself as the Spirit transcending all
limitations, my individuality is lost in You and I realize that i am verily
Yourself” A similar ideas is expressed by St John of the cross, the great Christian
mystic, when he says that in the last rung of the mystical ladder, divine love “makes
the soul to be entirely assimilated to God” This is a experience which only a
few can gain, and of those who gain it, none can really describe this state of ‘absolute
assimilation with the Divine Essence’ courtesy essential of spiritual life
But, if He exists?
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening
for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him.
One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something,
which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does
not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.
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