Monday, 23 January 2017
Positive Body Language For a
striking Personality
To complement
one’s striking personality. One must develop positive body language. Research
says that woman tend to be more perceptive of these non-verbal signals. Their brains
have 14 to 18 areas to evaluate people’s behaviour as to men’s four to six
areas. Therefore, when they walk into a function, they can fast read the state
of various relationships in the room by picking up on the contradictions between
people’s words and their micro-gestures.
In fact, any
gesture feels comfortable if supported by a corresponding mind-set A shy, nervous
person would be comfortable crossing her arms across her chest in a defensive pose.
Thus, it is essential to know oneself to create an imposing personality. It also
requires patient listening skills, superior understanding, clear thinking, and
precise communication. Great self-control and the ability to inspire trust . a
person is not only remembered for what they say or do. But also how they make
you feel . This is as important in a high powered corporate meeting as in a
kitty party . The art of using our bodies to express our emotions and not
contradict our words is a powerful skill envied by many, mastered by few.
How to
foster body language: we intuitively understand that it is not always what you
say that matters but what you display. When we meet someone for the first time
and are not comfortable hugging him or here then a Namaste gesture with both
hand works best. This produces a sense of equality and mutual respect.
When we are
listening to a speech, our slow head nods at regular intervals indicate our
interest. It initiates positive feelings in the speaker. Secondly head nods are
contagious and a great tool for building rapport. With the speaker and the listener
both nodding an agreement can soon be achieved .
While talking
one-to-one or in a crowd, the open arms and the palm facing –up gestures demonstrate
a non –threatening stance. Consequently, the warmth in our words and tone would
be readily accepted.
Smiles attract
people. Scientists have also proven that a genuine smile is generated by the unconscious
mind. Wrinkling several muscles near our eyes. Whereas a false smile involves
only the mouth, an infections smile and genuine laughter are transparent invitations
for people to accept us on a personal level and forge bonds.
Lastly , remember
it is almost impossible to entirely fake body language . Hence it is vital to
establish an all-round identify which is based on true emotions and ethics. To use
it effectively, we also need to be good readers. Although each gesture is invaluable.
one has to read these non-verbal signals in its clusters and in the context
that it is being sent. Keep your eyes open for small details; trust your intuition
and you will rarely go wrong. Courtesy wisdom
Qoute from the True Charm & Power of Vedanta
Ramakrishna on Prayer
Go dwells
within us . if one knows that , one feels like giving up all activities and
prying to God with a yarning soul.
One should
weep for God . when the impurities of the mind are thus washed away, one
realizes God. The mind is like a needle covered with mud. And God is like a
magnet . The needle cannot be united with the magnet unless it is free from
mud. Tears wash away the mud. Which is nothing but lust, anger, greed and other
evil tendencies, and the inclination to worldly enjoyments as well. As soon as
the mud is washed away, the magnet attracts the needle, that is to say man
realized God.
Let me assure
you that man can realize his inner Self though sincere prayer. But to the
extent that he has the desire to enjoy the worldly objects his vision of the
Self becomes obstructed
Let me tell
you that the realization of the Self is possible for all, without any exception.
One should pray to God with a longing heart. God certainly listens in prayer,
if it is sincere. There is no doubt about it.
Pray to Him
with a yearning heart and weep . That will purify your heart.
Pray God
with a yearning heart that you may take delight in His name. He will certainly
fulfil your heart’s desire.
When a man
sincerely prays to God, he is able to fix mind on God and develop real love for
His Lotus Feet.
God is the
Kalpataru, the Wish-fulfilling Tree. You will certainly get whatever you ask of
Him. But you must pray standing near the Kalpataru. Only then will your prayer
be fulfilled. But you must remember another thing. God knows our inner feeling.
A man gets the fulfilment of the desire he cherishes, while practicing sadhana.
As one thinks, so one receives.
Pray to God,
He is full of compassion. Will He not listen to the words of His devotee? He is
the Kalpatare. You will get whatever you desire from Him.
With you
tell me one thing? Why do you harp so much on sin? By repeating a hindered
times. “ I am a sinner” one verily becomes a sinner One should heave such faith
as to be able to say “What? I have taken the name of God , how can i be a sinner?
God is our father and mother Tell Him. “ O Lord , I have committed sins, but i
wont repeat them” Chant His name and purify your body and mind purify your
tongue by singing God’s holy name.
A man can
see God, if he combines in himself the force of these three attraction; the
attraction of worldly possessions for the worldly man, the husband’s attraction
for the chaste wife, and the child’s attraction for its mother. If you can
unite these forms of love and give it all to God, then you can see Him at once.
If a devotee prays to God with real longing . God cannot help revealing Himself
to him.
Abyasayoga is
the yoga of practice. You should practise calling on God every day. It is not possible
to succeed in one day; through daily prayer, you will come to long for God
courtesy The Power of Prayer and The Art of Positive Thinking
But, if He exists?
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening
for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him.
One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something,
which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does
not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.
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