Monday, 05 September 2016
Eco-friendly Food Preservative
During Vedic
Period, the Darbha grass was also used as a disinfectant because it was the
sole grass that acted as disinfectant during eclipses during eclipses the blue and ultraviolet radiations,
which are known for their natural disinfection property, are not available in sufficient
quantities . as a result uncontrolled growth of microorganisms in food products
takes place during eclipses .
Darbha is an
effective eco friendly food preservative. The beseechers at SASTRA University .
Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu identified traditional tropical grass Darbha as an eco-friendly
food preservative . in order to find the fomenting property of this grass ,
they took five tropical grasses such as Darbha grass; Lemon grass.
The Findings
microscopy of the Darbha grass represented stunning nano-patterns and
hierachicl nano or micro structures while they were not found in others grass.
It was also
found that darbha grass also could attract enormous number of bacteria into the
hierarchical surface features . These bacteria are responsible for fermentation
of curd.
Darbah could
be used as a natural food preservative in place of harmful chemical preservatives.
And finally
the artificial surfaces mimicking the hierarchical nano patterns on the surface
of the drbha grass could find applications in health care here sterile conditions
were required. The findings are supportive of ancient Indian Wisdom.
The shortest
way to glory is to be guided by conscience. courtesy wisdom
Quote from the True Charm &
Power of Vedanta
This supreme
Person exists enveloping the whole manifest universe, cognizing through every
mind (lit head) seeing through every eye, and working through every limb (lt,
foot)- nay He exists transcending the universe.
the whole universe is He Himself ; whatever was whatever is and whatever will
be al are His manifestation . it is He who confers on all immortality by which alone
they live.
This supreme
Person is outside the range of Samsara (of birth and death) Only a part of His
(lit one-fourth) has become the whole universe; from this manifest part the
sentient kingdom has sprung consisting of both the living and non-living (lit,
eating and non-eating)
From Him has
emerged the Cosmos and out of this Cosmos which is technically called Vriaj
(all-pervading) , making It the basis as it were, the Cosmic Person, the First
Creator , came into being. That First-born Being gradually grew. He created
first this earth and then the various bodies, both ‘divine and demoniac (Devas
and Asuras)
The Devas
performed a sacrifice since there existed nothing save that Person. He Himself
was the sacrificial offering. The spring season became the ghee; the summer
became the faggots and the autumn becomes the rice offering.
In this
sacrifice the seven Vedic metres represented the seven boundaries, the twenty –five
ingredients-twelve months, the five seasons three words, and the sun-formed the
sacrificed fagots, and the sacrifices considered the supreme Person as the ‘animal’
to be tied the post.
This supreme
Person the first-born Being who become the sacrificial offering was purified by
the sprinkling water and the uttering of mantras .thus was performed the first sacrifice
by te Devas and the Rishis
For this
sacrifice in which was invoked the all –inclusive supreme Person, ghee mixed
with curds was procured, as also many animals both wild and domestic, having
the wind God as the presiding deity.
And as an offshoot
of this sacrifice in which was invoked the all-inclusive supreme Person, came
out the Rik mantras the Yajur mantras, the Sama mantras, and the various Vedic
mantras like the Gayatri
From this sacrifice
again have sprung the horse (having one row of teeth) and other animals having
two rows of teeth, different varieties of cows, goats and ewes
And one
cannot imagine how, much thought went before projection of human being! Which
of the limbs of the supreme Person could represent which section of man, what would
be his head, the two hands, the two thighs and the two feet? Curtsey Prusha
Suktam Nrayana Suktam
But, if He exists?
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening
for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him.
One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something,
which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does
not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.
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