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Monday, April 28, 2014

I believe

Monday 28h April 2014
I believe
Justice R.C Lahoti Chief Justice,
I believe in the Supremacy of God since whatever I am today is due to the will of God , Blessings of elders and good wishes of well wishers.
Being one of the six brothers and three sisters of a joint family with our mother as head. I strongly believe in the benefits to joint family system. This system is a guarantee for better development of the child and social security for the old and disabled. It facilities social events being frequently organized on a small scale within the house. The disadvantage of traditional culture and the resultant loss of values.
I believe –work is worship . the job in your had is entrusted to you by God. He would never forgive breach of trust. The trust has to be honored and executed . true and complete account has to be rendered at the end of your life.
I believe . Time is money . not a minute is to be wasted. A holiday Is not meant for laziness. It is just a change of work from routine to more enjoyable and refreshing work. This would rejuvenate body, mind and soul so as to enable you to perform your duty more vigorously.
I believe that one must strive for achieving excellence in life. The simple formula for achieving excellence is to do the work today better than yesterday . Introspection at the end of the day and proper planning at the dawn for chartering the work of the day make it easier leading to excellence in the execution of work
Do your duty to the best of your ability and leave the result to God . Never think that you are a person wrongly assigned a task of be done. Just as the head of the family has to look after his family and an executive to look after his office.  God has to look after the entire universe . Everything to be done is entrusted by Him only to the one whom He thinks deserving and worthy of it. Everyone should treat his duty which has been entrusted to him as sacred.
Walk your way to Good Health
Walking is the best exercise around.
You can do walking anytime not even think of it as exercise. You can walk to work instead of driving or you can take a walk through the park.
Exercise such as aerobics and weight trimming require lots of preparation . you have to go out or your way for them. Walking on the other hand, is something we do naturally, walking does not just help tone up our muscles but also keeps us in good physical shape.
If a person walks of a vigorous pace for long periods, chemicals called endorphin are released in the brain. These chemicals stimulate positive thinking and help us handle our daily problems better . walking is especially recommended for people recovering from injury or operations as well as those who suffer from high blood pressure. That it because everyone can walk at has or her own pace-as slowly or as fast as they want. And there is little danger of causing stress to the body, such as serious jogging can do.
For those who want to take up walking as an exercise, here are some hints to get the most our of it.
Warm up and lessen your muscles and stretch before you start walking.
Wear clothing that is both light and protective . the best is clothing that lets your body breath.
Always walk in areas that are well-lit and have little auto mobile traffic. (condensed) courtesy East & West Series.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The generalization of the Personal God is another case in point. We have seen how this generalization was reached , and was called the sum totally of all consciousness. But a difficulty arises-it is an incomplete generalization. We take up only one side
of the facts of nature, the fact of consciousness, and upon that we generalize, but the other side is left out. So , in the first place it is defective generalization. There is another insufficiency, and that relates t the second principle. Everything should be explained from its own nature. There may have been people who thought that every apple that fell to the ground was dragged down by a ghost, but the explanation is the law of gravitation, yet it is must better than the other, the other , because it is derived from the nature of the thing itself, while the other post is and extraneous cause. So throughout the whole range of our knowledge; the explanation which is based upon the nature of the thing itself is a scientific explanation, and an explanation which brings in an outside agent is unscientific.
So the explanting of a Personal God as the creator of the universe has to stand the test. If that God I outside of nature, having nothing to do with nature, and this nature is the outcome of the command of that God and produced from nothing , it is a very unscientific theory, and this has been the weak point of every. Theistic religion throughout the ages, these two defects we find in what is generally called the theory of monotheism, the theory of a personal God, with all the qualities of a human being multiplied very much , who by His will created this universe out o nothing and yet is separate from it. This leads us into two difficulties.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews. 7th Heaven moment of the Week bangalor royal won by 7 wk,  , Chennai won by 7 run and 7 wk  sign up for a lucky charm email id for your every day walks of lives www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


Sunday, April 20, 2014

No one else can Give Up Your Sin for You

Monday 14h April 2014

No one else can Give Up Your Sin for You

All your sins and sorrows , your fears and anxieties , are your own, and you can cling to them or your can give them up. Of your own accord you cling to your unrest; of your own accord you can come to abiding peace. No one else can give up sin for you ; you must give it up  yourself. The greatest Teacher can do no more than walk the way of Truth for himself, and point it out to you, you your self must walk it for yourself. You can obtain freedom and peace alone by your own efforts, by yielding up that which binds the soul, and which is destructive of peace.
We are surrounded by people who need understanding and love when you give that , you will receive it in return. The two most powerful healing forces in human relations one under standing and love.
Story of “PAAN”’
“Paan’ or betel is hall mark of Indian hospitality- to welcome and entertain guests ’Paan’ shops are found n all marketing centers in India, Betel chewing is becoming popular in South Asain counties including Pakistan, Srilnaka, Bangladesh and Myanmar
In India there are references to betel chewing in the Jalaka tales, Pali Texts and Jain scriptures the ‘bearer of the betel bag’ was one of the officials in the royal courts of ancient India, betel is mentioned n the Hitopoadesa as substance which drives out gas removes phlegm, destroys worms, overcomes bad smell, makes the mouth beautiful and brings about love . valsayan also wrote about it in ‘Kama Sutra’ a treatise on love.
Early travelers to India like Marco Polo of Venice , the Arab traveler Sharif, the Dutch traveler Lainschaten and others have mentioned about it in their account of India. There are many legends and myths about ‘Paan’ which include the one concerning the Moghul Queen Noor Jehan, She developed a liking for ‘Paan’ which was soon followed by ladies and gentlemen of the period ‘Paan’ held a special attraction for them . they liked its taste and the redness which gave glow to lips . thus ‘Paan’ can be considered the forerunner of the modern lipstick.
Belief is delicate climbing Asciatic plant called ‘Piper family Hence it is known ‘Piper betel’ Like many plants, it creeps and spreads out branches in all reactions. Ther creeper is made to climb upwards with the help of sticks or bamboos.
Betel has important vitamins like ABC in little quantities besides calcium , phosphorus, iodine and mineral iron. According to ayurveda ‘Paan’ of ‘Tambul is a health-giving leaf and has great medicinal value. It is a cure for common disease like cough tooth decay, influenza , loss of vigor etc.
There are many varieties of  ‘Paan The popular ones are Kaport, Devasri Sevda, Saker, Calcutta, Magha, Bangla, , Mahaba , Jagannathi and so on . by way of preparation there are three kinds of ‘Paan s’ simple, sweet , and tobacco-filled, in the simple paan only lime and cate chu (vegetable extract) are used. In the sweet paan , besides lie and catechu , saffron, numeg, cloves cardamom, sweetened betel nut, ani speed etc, are used for taste . in the tobacco, -filled paaan , different types of tobacco are used, in many house ‘paan is prepared at home and men moving out of work in the morning carry a days’s supply in pocket –size silver or steel boxes.
The taking of ‘Paa in a limited manner and that too after meals is beneficial and helps to keep up one’s health . excess of ‘paan chewing with the use of spices beyond normal, particularly tobacco and other s stimulating things harmful to heath. If proper care is not taken, teeth also get stained.
Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta
They have also the theory of reincarnation which says that after the dissolution of this body, the jiva will have another , and after that has been dissolved, it will again have another and so on, either here or in some other worlds; but this world is given the preference as it is considered the best of all worlds for our purpose . other worlds are conceived of as worlds where there is very little misery, but for that very reason they argue , there is less chance of thinking of higher things there. As this world contains some happiness and a good deal of misery, the jiva some time or other gets awakened as it were, and thinks of freeing itself. But just as very rich persons in this world have the least chance of thinking of higher things, so the jiva in heaven has little chance of progress for its condition is the same as that of a rich man. Only more intensified, it has it very find body which knows no diseases, and is under no necessity of eating or drinking, and its desires are fulfilled. The Jiva lives there having enjoyment after enjoyment, and so forgets al about its real nature. Still there are some higher worlds, where is spite of all enjoyments , its further evolution is possible. Some dualists conceive of the goal as the highest heaven. Where souls will live with God for ever. They will  have beautiful bodies and will know neither diseases nor death, nor any other evil, and all their desires will be fulfilled. From time to tome some of them will come back to this earth and take another ; body to teach human beings the way to God; and the great teachers of the world have been such . they were already free, and were living with God in the highest sphere; but their love and sympathy for suffering humanity was so great that they came and incarnated again to teach mankind the way to heaven.
I am the servant of that; Supreme Being who dwells n al hearts. Sitting there the Self Luminous Being spreads his light in all directions.
O my mind you are in deep sleep of ignorance, Many a time you left this world weeping and crying but never awoke from this slumber . I am always with you lie light and shadow yet you do not recognize me.
Though the Lord is present in every particle we do not recognize him. He comes to a heart that is free from pride and vanity.
What you see through your eyes is the gross world the creation of God. Who is that, who see even your eyes. That is Atman, your real nature.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews. 7th Heaven moment of the Week bangalor royal won by 7 wk,  , punjab won a game by 7 wk, fedeor won semi 7,7, in nba washington won by 9, in biva liga no 10 got a goal ww.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


Sunday, April 13, 2014

I Am Free When I Accept The Freedom of Others

Monday 14h April 2014

I Am Free When I Accept The Freedom of Others

I am free when I have loves persons and things, and when , because of my love, they are more free and I am less salve.
I am free when I believe in God who has created everything in freedom,
I am free when I accept the freedom of others
I am free when I succeed in being a person.
I am free when I succeed in discovering the goodness that exists in everything created.
I am free when I know how to give myself to others. Without demanding that I possess them in return.
I am free when I can speak to God as a friend.
I am free when I can speak to God as a friend.
I am free when I am aware that other men need me.
I am free when I believe in other people.
I am free when I am aware that other men need me.
I am free when when I believe in other people.
I am free when I feel ashamed at the enslavement of my neighbor.
I am free if I am able to give my life for a man rather than for an idea.
I am free when I know for sure that everything created helps me to realize and discover myself.
I am free when I love the welfare of my neighbor More than my own freedom.
I am free when my freedom is worth more than money.
Take constructive risks in your life . The more you master the courage to do the things you truly want for yourself, the more effective you will become at living happily.
Lemon –Remedy For Multiple Ailments.
Once the seasonal summer heat sets in , we run for a cool shade and stretch our hand for chilled drink. Yes, it is time to think of a way to heat the heat, When we thin of the hot summer season, we certainly think of our ‘desi’ drink, lemonade which not only quenches our thirst but also stre3nthens us with its rich Vitamin , C supplements. Vitamin C is an all important immunity increasing agent. Ten grams of lemons juice  contain about 25-63 mg of vitamins, besides small proportions of vitamins A and B. Help yourselves generously with lemon juice, sugar, and a pinch of salt, added to water.
Besides being tasty source to quench our thirst. Lemon is very effective in relieving coughs, colds and influenza.
It destroys toxins in the body formed due to excessive acidity.
It works as a good remedy for constipation loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, arthritis, rheumatism, backaches, sciatica, gout, nervous ailments.
Lemons strengths gums and teeth and is extensively used n treating gumboils and other gum troubles , it prevents and cures pyorrhea and other oral disease.
It is also equally effective in stimulating the functioning of kidneys, liver and sweat glands. It is an effective purifier of blood and liver.
Useful in treating asthma and cholera.
Taken on empty stomach it destroys germs . it also expels gases formed in the digestive track and improves digestion.
Lemon contains pectin which is effective in overcoming bleeding tendencies occurring internally e.g. in the lungs, stomach intestine, uterus and kidneys.
It is effective for sore throats and scurvy,
During measles and fevers, it serves as a thirst quenching drink and also gives relief in ailments like nausea and vomiting.
Lemon is a beauty aid too. It helps in weight reduction, helps in curing scalp problems , and general skin disorders. And external application of lemon juice to the skin is useful for pimples and for pain caused by mosquito bites and bug bits.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
If you dare declare that you are fee, free you are this moment. If you say you are bound, bound you will remain. This is what Advaita boldly declares. I have told you the ideas of the dualists. You can take whichever you like.
This highest ideal of Vedanta’s is very difficult to understand, and people are always quarrelling about it. And the greatest difficulty is that when they get hold of certain ideas. They deny the fight other ideas. Take up what suits you, and let others take up what they need. If you are desirous of clinging to his little individuality , to this limited manhood, remain in it. Have all these desires, and be content and pleased with them. If your experience of manhood has been very good and nice, retain it as long as you like; and you can do so for you are the maker so your own fortunes. None can compel you to give up your manhood. You will be men as long as you like ; none can prevent you . if you want to be angels, you will be angels, that is the law. But there may be others who do not want to be angels even. What right have you to think that there is a horrible notion? You may be frightened to lose a hundred pounds , but there may be others who would not even wink if they lost all the money they had in wht world. There have been such men and still there are. Why do you dare to judge them according to your standard ? you cling on to your limitations, and these little worldly ideas may be your highest ideal. You are welcome to them. It will be to you as you wish. But there are others who have seen the truth and cannot rest in these things and want to get beyond . The world with all its enjoyments is a mere mud-puddle for them. Why to you want to bind them down to your ideas? You must get rid of this tendency once for all. Accord a place to everyone.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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Monday, April 7, 2014

Rama Mantra Changed Lives of Millions

Monday 7th April 2014

Rama Mantra Changed Lives of Millions

The sweet Rama MANTRA has changed the lives of millions o people . sinners have become saints. A robber chief became Valmiki by repeating the name millions of Hindus chant the name of Rama . there was a time when the sound of Rama encircled the world. Even today we can find traces of Rama’s empire in far off lands, in Siam in the East and Mexico in the west.
Saint Tyagraraja became mad of the honeyed name of Rama. He sang ten thousand songs in praises of Rama. It is indeed beautiful to sing aloud songs that spring in the heart.
Here is a simple way to chant Ram nam,. We breathe fresh air every second and we breathe 21 thousand times a day. We take the life-giving breath unconsciously naturally, rhythmically. breathing is vital for our existence. Try and take the name of Ram with every breath.
Let this sacred world fill your whole being. Let not the lips move. Let no sound escape . in silence in secrecy, in solitude. In joy and in sorrow , while resting, while walking, while sleeping, while waking breathe in the world Rama and see the miracle that will take place (Prakash Family Magazine)
As you have come into the world, leave some mark behind Otherwise , where is the difference between you and the trees and stones?
We do not open letters.
An Indian wrote to a friend . “I don’t know if this letter will ever arrive because the censor may open it “A week later he received a note form the post office saying “The statement in your letter is not correct . we do not open letters.”
She did not know what it was
“How are you getting on at school Ram? Asked his mother . “Fine But I wish we had a smarter teacher. Today I drew a horse on the board and she did not know what it was.
Three tuypes of men
There are three dolls, -the first made of salt, and second made of cloth, and the third of stone. If these dolls are immersed in water, the first one will become dissolved and lose its form.hte second will absorb a large quantity of water but retain its from and the tried will remain unaffected by water. The first doll represents the man who merges his self in the universal and all pervading self and becomes one with it; he is the liberated man. The second represents the Bhaktas or the true lover of God, whai is full of divine bliss and knowledge. And the third represents the worldly men who will not admit even a particle of true knowledge into his heart .Sri Ramakrishna
Suggestion for sound sleep
Certain medicines may help bring sleep , but it is better not to use them if they are not absolutely necessary.
Here are some suggestions for sound sleep.
Get plenty of exercise during the day
Do not drink coffee or black tea especially in the after noon or evening.
Drink a glass of warm milk or milk honey before going to bed.
Take a warm bath before going to bed.
Work is most wonderful medicine
When asked by a young doctor which medicine he considered the greatest boon, the old doctor thoughtfully replied. “the most wonder medicine is not compounded of rare and expensive drugs; it is one of the most commonplace things I know in fact it is not a drug at all. You can spell the name fo the master medicine with four simple letter –W-O-R-K
Virtues win
Fear knocked at the door
Courage opened it
Lo! Fear was not thee.
Ignorance knocked at the door,
Wisdom opened it
Lo !ignorance is not there
Passion knocked at the door.
Discrimination opened it
Lo! Passion was not there Siva (courtesy “PEACE”)
Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.
Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you
Liberty is the essence of life
Like bone to the human body, and the axle to the wheel, and the song to a bird, and air to the wing, thus is liberty the essence of life . whatever is done without it is imperfect.
Advertising you troubles.
There is no sense in advertising your troubles. There is no market for them.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. Know that there is no darkness around us. Take the hands away and there is the light which was from the beginning . darkness never existed , weakness never existed. We who are fools cry that we are weak; we who are fools cry that were impure; thus Vedanta not only insists that the ideal is practical but that it has been so all the time; and this ideal, this Reality, is our own nature; everything else that you see is falls, untrue. As soon as you say I am a little mortal being. You are saying something which is not true, you are giving the lie to yourselves , you are hypnotizing yourself into something vile and weak and wretched.
The Vedanta recognizes no sin, in only recognize error. And the greats errors says, that Vedanta, is to say that you are weak , that you are a sinner, a miserable creature and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that. Every time you think in that way, you , as it were, revert one more link in the chain that binds you down, you add one more layer of hypnotism on to your own soul, There fore whosoever thinks he is weak is wrong whosoever thinks he is impure is wrong , and is throwing a bad thought into the world. This we must always bear in mind that in the Vedanta there is no attempt at reconciling the present life-they hypnotized life, the false life which we have assumed –with the ideal; but this false life must go, and the real life which is always existing must manifest itself, must shine out, no man become purer and purer, it is a matter of greater manifestations. The veil drops away , and the native purity of the should begins to manifest itself. Everything is our already-infinite purity , freedom, love, and power.
10. Excuses that are not recommended for ambitious men and women.
1. that is the way we have alwys done it.
2. I did not know you were in a hurry for it.
3. That is not in my department
 4. No one told me to go ahead.
5. I am waiting for an OK.
6. how did I Know this was different?
7.that is his job, not mine.
8.Wait till the boss comes back and ask him
9.forgot .
10 I did not think it was that important. Gril


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews. 7th Heaven moment of the Week Virat Kholi made highest on final as 77  Ahswin 99 got man of the match  www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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