Monday-June 6-2011
Humour in Law.
Law, according to a jurists, is like hole. Which is covered to prevent people failing into it. If at all we want to protect anyone from the stranglehold of law, it can be done only through lawyers and nobody else.
In law there are certain aspects which we must necessarily know. Many years ago, a meeting between Swami Vivekanda and Shri Sundarama lyer, Dewan of Travancore, gave birth to the definition of ‘Hinduism’ in two worlds as ‘Pravirthi’ and Nivrithi, meaning involvement and detachment. In the same way if anyone could define law in two words, it would be ‘Expense and ‘Suspense’.
The difference between humors in law and humor in fact is as much as the difference between son-in-law and son fact. Long ago, an eminent lawyer was explaining to an English judge the complicated aspects of the Hindu joint family system, the ‘Kartha’ being the Head of the family and so on it is a remarkable system where every member is an indivisible part of the whole as in communists society but one can get out of it at any time like member states leaving a confederation.
The law year was explaining about the coparcenery and the stars of coparcener members in a Hindu joint family. After hearing his able arguments for three days, the judge asked the lawyer what would be the share of t a son-in-law in a Hindu joint family. The lawyer was sunned by this question as all his detailed lecture came to nothing . He said “My Lord thee is no specific share as a son-in-fact may have but, he the son-in-law would grasp on whatever he lays his hands on. “
Ignorance , of law is no excuse, is a self-evident truth is it applicable only to the laymen and not to the lawman? Apparently the above maxim is not applicable to a lawyer. But every day a large number of access are decided in courts and one of the tow lawyers is defeated because of the ignorance of law as laid down by one of the judges. So ignorance of law is no excuse at all except a lawyer and perhaps a judge.
Ages of Man
The TWENTIEES are the molding years, when the young person forms those habits that will direct his career. Then the finished his school work, sands before the altar, establishes a home and looks the world in the face.
The THIRTIES are the yeas of discouragement. It is hard and trying time. It is a time of battle without the poetry and dreams of youth.
The FORTIES are the years of vision, when a man finds himself, finishes his castle in the air, and knows the values of his dreams.
In the FIFTIES, LIFE COEMS TO ITS RIPENING .These should be the years of jubilee, and a man should do his best work then.
At SIXTY a man has committed enough mistakes to make him wise far beyond his juniors. He should live better and do better work then in any decade of his life. No man has right to retire in the sixties; the world has need of his wisdom. And in the SEVENTIES some of the best work in the world has been done. It is the time when talent experience and insight combine to make a worthy and memorable life.
Divine Hand
The Hand that moves
The luster’s of stars
Through the vastness of space.
The Hand that burns
The fuels of incandescent matter
In the furnace of the blazing sun
The Hand that rages storms
And shapes the continents
With their mountain and valleys
And the Hand that fashions
The softest of flowers
Bringing to the world
The nectar of gentle showers,
May That Hand of God
Guide me protect me
Sustain me, nourishes me
And lead me on to Eternity.
Humankind –One Family
We are one family, although we do not resemble, look quite different , although I am brown, he is black, they are white; although you are rich and I am poor.
We are one family even though I am a boy, you are a girl; even though I trust one party, you trust another; whether your ancestors are from Iraq , the U.S.A and mine from Africa.
We are one family, although I am a poet, he is a journalists, or doctor; although you are old and I am young.
We are one family, even though you praise Jesus , he, Allah, and they Lord Krishna, The Buddha, Mahaveera, Guru Nanak.
We are one family even though you have a car and I have a bus to ride; although I have someone to love and you are alone; even though you dress one way, and I dress the other way.
We are one family , you and I are family , me and you are family , no matter what the difference is , family we are, because we are here, and here is the Erath , and the Earth is our home. So here we will live as a human family for Humankind is one family.
Quotes form the Essence of Gita
I am reminded of a story; A person went to a monastery and said to a monk,. “Revered sir, please make me your disciple.” The members of the monastery asked him, “Can you really handle the responsibility? It is very difficult to be a disciple. In this monastery a disciple has to cook the food for offering in the shrine, wash vessels, fetch water, run errands for the monks, memorize the lessons given by the teacher, obey al his commends and massage his feet after dusk. The person was in a terrible fixes. He thought for a while and then asked, “What does the there have to do?’ They said, “Oh, you want to know what the teacher does? Well, he does the worship, practices mediation, teaches his disciples and gets work done through them.” Then the person said, ‘In that case, sir, please make me a teacher right away!”
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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