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Monday, April 11, 2011

What is Life

Monday 11–April- 2011
What is life?
Man comes into this world without his consent ,and leaves it against his will. When he is little, the big girls kiss him and when he is big, the little girls kiss him. If he makes a lot of money , he is dishonest. If he is poor, he is a bad manager. If he needs credit, he cannot get it. If he is rich everyone wants to do something for him. If he is religious, he is hypocrite. If he does not go to Temple, he is hardened sinner. If he give to charity, it is for show. If he does not, he is a stingy person. If he dues young, there was a great future before him. If he lives to ripe age, he is an old fellow. If he saves money , he is a miser. If he spends , he is spendthrift. Such is life.
Positive thinking and successful living.
If you are going to build a house, the first thing you would do is to start clearing the land. You would never dream of starting to build on a site that is filled with rubbish.
Positive thinking cannot be achieved without hard work. To be effective, positive thinking must be regarded as a new life style, replacing the rubbish in the mind piled up over the years. We are all conditioned by our past. We hold many opinion and prejudices. For our past failures, we build up a pile of excuses so that when we want to try something new. The selfish ego holds on to these excuses. So in the first place, we must remove all the negatives from our minds.
For example , if you are feeling sad, tell yourself in detail how much there is to be cheerful about and thankful for. If you feel lonely , choose and interesting task and think how valuable it is to be able to work without interruption. Always try to substitute a strong, positive picture for the negative one in your mind.
At the end of each day, list all the happy things that have taken place. Remember that it has been a fine day. Get rid of the useless waste which can be poisonous if you let it accumulate.
Dr David Schwartz, a writer in psychology, says: “Of all living creatures probably not ones in ten million is a happy human being.” Talk the way you would like to be , and you will be the way you talk. This slogan should be written in block letter and kept always before you. Talk courageously, and you will be brave. If you want to be a leader, speak with confidence, if you want friends be sure all your words are friendly.
You talk the way you are. If you want to be different, alter your speech. Watch for revealing negative words and change them to positive ones at once. There is a positive side to everything. A new word means a new picture and a new picture means a new life.
In your efforts to improve, go slowly and do not bite off too much at once. Mental food takes the same processing as any other, it must be chewed well and digested before we try to take in any more. A statement like. “Today I am going to learn and grow, is good”. Affirm it and hold it for a day. When tomorrow comes, take it again a new day.
Power of Positive Thoughts.
Men are taught from childhood that they are weak and sinners. Teach them that they re all glorious children of immortality. Let positive, strong, helpful thoughts enter into there brains from very childhood, Lay yourselves open to these thoughts and not to weakening and paralyzing ones. The infinite strength of the world is yours.
Drives out the superstition that has covered your minds. Let us be brave. Know the truth and practice the truth. The goal may be distant, but awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached.- Swami Vivekananda.
Remarkable Seven
The number 7 is a remarkable number because:
The colour of the rainbow are seven. The notes of the musical scale are seven. There were seven sages of Greece; there were seven kings of Rome. The city of Rome was built on seven hills. The world was made in seven days. There are seven days in a week. There were seven famous cities of ancient times-Rome, Antioch, Nineveh, Babylon, Athens, Tyre, and Carthage. there are seven wonder of the world. There is lucky 7,There are seven seas and finally there were 7th Heaven.
What is the Meaning of September?
September was the seventh month of the old calendar, and when it became the ninth, the Romans did not rename it. Its name comes from Spetem, meaning seven.

Quotes from The Essence of The Gita
We wont be killers even if we kill hundreds and we wont dies even if others kill us”-this is what we shall experience. All of us have read or heard the stories of the chaste wife and the virtuous butcher in the Mahabharata. But we have completely forgotten to work like these role models did; hence this degradation. That is why Sri Krishna says that we must work unceasingly and our work must be without desire. When we work, w must remain non-working within. Then we will experience the serene peace of a yogi.
Serenity is rooted in the soil of love.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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