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Monday, October 18, 2010

Find The World Within You

Monday 18-October 2010
Find The World Within You
Sometimes we face an amusing question; Where do we belong? Before we go in quest of an answer, we must realize that we belong to ourselves. That island can be as barren as rocks on the moon or as fruitful as an orchard or a beautiful countryside. It is within us to make of ourselves what we want to be-creatively, not destructively. You train for your goals, but they must be realistic, not dreams beyond your reach.
During moments of stress and tension, we can take a vacation. We can take this vacation every day for a few moments and it costs nothing the daily vacation is within you, in the room of your mind. Go on this vacation when pressures are great. Relax for a few minutes, let go of the tension, renew your energies for the problems before you.
Isn’t it wonderful to be an island within yourself briefly? But you do not stay that way. You belong to yourself, no doubt, but you also belong to world. Happiness lies within the world, not totally within yourself. Prepare yourself to create a perfect rhythm between these two. You realize that you need the help of others as they need yours. Man reaches his true big self when he shares his success and his big self with others. He shares his courage with others when times are tough, when there is pressure. He stands up for himself and for others, turning a crisis into an opportunity . The world is full of crises, and we are here to help each other rise above them, to reach fulfillment, and sooner or later, the common benefit of Man.
Health Hazard
Weekends we go on a “clean home” drive . We thin of cobwebs , kitchen cabinets, toilets, etc. very few of us think of the computers. According to a new research, the PC’s Keyboard could be dirtier that even the toilet covers. They are said to be home t millions of bacteria , which can lead to diarrhea and vomiting.
The researchers found a host of bugs, including E collie and Staphylococcus areas, which can trigger skin infection. Such bacteria can put the user at risk. Most people don’t give a thought to such grime that builds on Pc.
The researchers pointed out that the PC must be cleaned often. One of the main causes for such harmful bugs or bacteria could be the habit of munching snacks at the computer desk. The food crumbs would fall into the keyboard and encourage the growth of bacteria. Poor personal hygiene and dust that traps moisture also provide an growth. According to Professor Hugh Pennington, .Scottish Microbiologist, personal hygiene is at the root of the problems.
So take care of yourself and your computer.
Personal Commitment Pays
Unfortunately, so many people have dreamed so long. They actually don’t even know what they want any longer. You have got to stir up the dream inside yourself. Your dreams and your destiny are not determined by ‘chance’ but by ‘choice’.
You can have anything in life you want… if you know hat you want! It seems , a young boy asked his grandfather, “would you tell me, please , which way I ought to go from here?” The old man answered, “that depends a great del on where you want to go”. The boy said .”Oh, I don’t much care.” The old man answered, “Then it really does not mater which way you go”, ?Which way do you want your life to god? What do you want? It is your choice! You are in control. Quite blaming others for your disappointments! Make quality decisions to get up and get going! Life goes on ! Renew your personal commitment to life. Renew your dreams . renew your vision. Don’t let time or circumstances keep you from turning you life around. It is your choice.
You must have a vision! Helen Keller once said. “The only thing worse than not having sight is not having vision”.
Ancient Scripture says without a vision people perish !if you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
Your vision must be effective, clear, and inspiring to be valid.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belong to those who believe in the beauty of there dreams’ Never let anybody steal your dream or vision!
Life’s result are not by chance but by choice.(Source; ‘Cosmo)
Quote from Essence of the Gita
The kind of calmness should be cultivated by all. A kind of intoxication entrees into us when we work. That is bad. We lose command of ourselves. It is work that goads us on and it is the senses that drive us on. the boss surrenders at the feet of the servant and the puffed up servant treats the boss any way he life’s!
In the battle f daily life and at the workplace, we should always be calm. That is why the teachings of the Gita are not only for monastic. Nor are they only for the married. They are relevant to all people of all nations and for all times. That is why another name for the Gita is the “Gitopanishads’.The special characteristic of the wisdom and teachings of the Upanishads is there universality. After showing different paths suitable to the various types of students, the sages of the Upanishads proclaim boldly “ You are heirs to immortality . Immortality is your nature. Through delusion you may imagine yourself to e a noble person, a barbarian, a priest or a laborer. But none of these identities can bind you . you are free , you are free. You are eternally free. ‘Only after seen the Gita’s universal spirit did the author of the “Glory of the gita “(Gita Mahtmay) declare that the Gita was produced by churning the Upanishads.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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