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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Be Well Poised

Monday 10–May- 2010
Be Well Poised
People in key jobs are usually surrounded by a hype. This work based hype makes us a bit haughty. Too. It is , indeed, music to our ears when people remark many people work under him/her, or …”is like a mini boss to us”; Oh!.. is part of major official decisions’ and often, be essence of these flattering remarks goes to our heads.
If you feel that this is confined to ‘big wings’, you are mistaken. Even middle-order job positions also carry such an aura around them. The workforce concerned or candidates holding such positions truly enjoy their boosted image. But the sailing is quite smooth as long as they don’t rub the flatters on the wrong side. As long as this does not happen, you can enjoy the puff and glamour of it. The real trouble comes calling when you really start believing that “ you are the best”. When you start insisting your status, the yes-men/women never responded you honestly and have even kept bad news away form your ears.
On the other hand, your insistence paints you cold, haughty, and pompous, eroding into total destruction of your image. The trust and support of your sycophant colleagues and subordinates vanishes. The end result is the accelerated stress and anxiety as you become paranoid about losing your importance. So you must realize that such hype or false image you have let the people surrounding you, build about you, doesn’t help you in any way. You ought to strike a balance in your relationship with your colleagues, subordinates and not indulge in ‘self-love or egotism.
In order to attain this balanced state of mind, you should kick off delusions about yourself. Always strive to keep yourself firmly panted in reality, in true perspective-you are not irreplaceable at all. This is possible only when your are detached, dispassionate and work with humility by not taking your position too seriously. Don’t bother how other treat you or think of you . Be focused solely on your work. This will give you a simple and calm outlook which will help you to free yourself from the over whelming feeling of self importance.
So stay humble and focused and be ahead on your path to success.
Poised and focused are the mantra to succeed.
Don’t Be Afraid To Trust Faith
Every individual forms his own estimate of himself and that basic estimate goes far towards determining what he becomes . You can do no more than you trust you can. You can be more than you think you are . Trust simulates power within yourself. Have faith in faith. Don’t be afraid to trust faith.
Learn to Balance Anxiety
As long as we walk on a smooth and straight path, we enjoy the walk, But when a U turn comes, we pause, anxiously wait to hear the sound of the oncoming vehicles in the opposite direction. Suddenly our joy comes to an end.
Sudden changes make us anxious. To avoid anxiety, we shun and resist changes. We do not try to adapt ourselves so changes.
No doubt certain things in our lives are beyond our control. But certainly, there are things which are under our control; anxiety is one of them. Infect, it has its positive effects on us as it keeps us comes. So we must learn to balance our anxiety and use it to explore new avenues of growth. Lest it leads to adverse effect on our health and creates confusion in our career.
Remember great leaders have tamed anxiety and converted it into positive driving force. All great achievers share certain common personality traits such as; the ability to embrace change; skill to learn from every situation and openness of mind to new idea; have ambitious plans to future, ability to act appropriately at the right time by neither delaying in making decisions nor making hasty decisions, willingness to adapt new ideas and stretch to new goals and above all manage the anxiety and help others do the same. Some amount of anxiety is necessary to push you out of your comfort zone and make you realize your potentialities . learn to balance anxiety.
Quote from True Religion always help
The Bhagavad-Gita teaches
Him I hold to be the supreme yogi who looks on the pleasure and pain of all beings as he looks on them in himself.
The Dharmapada Teaches;
All men tremble at punishment all men fear death. Liking others to oneself , one should neither slay nor cause slay.:
Like wise we read in the New Testament;
This is one voice of religion everywhere on the basis of which alone protection from injury is possible. And this principle holds good in family, society and national and international relationships.
Many of our conflicts can be traced to the violation of this golden principle of human conduct, which is one of the fundamental principles of true religion.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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