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Sunday, May 30, 2010


Monday 1–June- 2010
Tolerance Leads To Happiness
Tolerance means magnanimity and patience. Tolerance is a sign of respect and consideration for others. It is virtue.
When someone points out your mistake , don’t lose your temper. Resist the urge to quarrel with the other person. Instead, ask yourself. “Am I wrong? If the other person, perhaps, is right?’
Tolerance makes a person develop wider vision. Don’t allow yourself to be disturbed by small irritations. If your assistant hs not drafted a letter well, don’t throw it on his face; you can just explain how to improve the message. This will enable him to resolve not to repeat the mistake. Learn to accept what is disagreeable . You will then enjoy greater freedom of thought and expression.
There will be occasions when you feel incidents are taking place to try your patience. When you are in such a mood, your neighbor’s courteous enquiries seem disturbance; the laughter of the children at play seems like nerve-shattering sound. It is only when you exercise patience and tolerance in day-to-day happenings, you can enjoy peace of mind and understanding of family members, friends and others in the right way.
Indeed, developing tolerance is not easy but worth trying. Once you have learnt the art of loving and giving you can easily be tolerant.
Be kind towards the weak and poor. Never discriminate people for reasons or religion, case and creed. Learn to rise above narrow loyalties so that you can broaden your outlook.
Why should we learn from?
An ant? To go in queue and save things for the future.
A dog? To be faithful and active forever.
A honeybee? To keep ourselves busy and offer sweetness to all.
A cow? To nourish all like a mother.
A cuckoo? To please others by the sweetness in our voice.
A flower? To make all happy without any distinction.
A tree? To shelter the needy, enemy or friend.
A river? To love and serve all around.
Definite Action
Liberty does not consist, my fellow citizens, in mere declarations of the rights of man. It consists in the translation of those declarations into definite actions.
A Bit of Kindness
When you awake in the morning reach out for the day.
And do with it something worthwhile.
An amazing lot of good can be done.
With a kind word or even a smile.
If someone has strayed, please don’t judge him.
Your wisdom just is not that great.
It is better to know that you did what you could than to find you have waited too late.
Quote from Gita
Suppose a particular man has the desire to become someone great. Initially he may think that being great means being rich and having several subordinates under his control; after much struggle he perhaps does become rich and his intellect also become somewhat refined. Then this gentleman realizes that he can be greater still if he acquires knowledge. If he is ignorant, why would people accept them as a great person? He realizes that in order to get knowledge he must learn to sacrifice a little more. He must keep himself away from partying and other forms of entertainment. In this way, to the extent that he begins to understand the meaning of being “great,” he gradually realizes that no one can become great without learning to give up. In this way we all learn that nothing can be achieve in any field without giving up. The scriptures say that we learn to give up little by little in small matters and ultimately we are able to give up everything and attain immortality.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-India won by 7 wicket, and sa won by 7 wicket, ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Three Obstacles To Success

Monday 24–May- 2010
Three Obstacles To Success
Most people would like more out of life than they already have. Yet, most of them will never achieve them because they are easily discouraged.
Just think of all the things you have ever wanted to accomplish in your life and why you did not accomplish them. You would probably say you did not given hard enough or you never panned them properly. In fact you are discouraged by three things from being successful than anything else. They are:
Fear: Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to our success. Fear is negative feeling. It paralyzes us. Most people don’t succeed because they are afraid to fail. They are so afraid to fail, they don’t even take chance; which creates a vicious cycle since the only time we really fail is when we stop taking chances. Do you ever realize that if you keep working hard day after day you are giving yourself an opportunity to be successful to be best? It is only when you stop, you keep away from the opportunity you ever had to be successful.
Others: This is a big obstacle to success. Others are always ready, willing to tell us “It cannot be done”, and stop us from doing what we want to do in our lives and careers. They would like you to think that they are acting in your best interest, but they are not. In fact they are acting in there own best interest. There are too many people who want to discourage you so that you would no the more successful than they are. The next time one of them tell you. “it cannot be done”, tell them, “You are right, you cannot do it, but I can”.
Habits :Bad habits constantly stop us to reach our goal. The habit of postponement , laziness; not writing things down and many others. The problem with bad habits is not that we have them; it is how we try to break them habits are addictions (drinking, drugs, gambling). Addictions have to be stopped stage by stage. After all you did not acquire bad habits overnight. What makes you think that you can change them overnight? Bad habits must be changed a little bit at a time. Mark out one day a week, you would not postpone; make one more sales call than you normally do; wake up five minutes earlier every day.
Do it for a month, then next month do a little more. There are no overnight successes. Success is a long journey over a road that has many roadblocks; it is the people that go through these roadblocks who become successful.
Live with Superiors
A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire; not too near, lest he burns; not too far off, lest he freezes.
A single Pure Thought
A single person does not make a family; a single family does not make a community, a single community does not make the world; a single stick does not make a bundle; a single hand does not make a service; a single flower does not make a garland; but, a single pure thought does make a difference.
Heaven On Earth
Every morning is a fresh beginning. Today is a new day. I have lived all my life up to this moment to come to this day . I shall make each moment of this day a heaven on Earth.
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us, what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Quote from true religion always help
Life is not a bed of roses, as we all know Calamities, adversities, death, disease and suffering visit everybody. Those who do not have the inner strength of endurance born of the practice of spiritual discipline, cannot easily stand such impacts. Sometimes people are driven out their minds in such situations.
Bhishma says in the Mahabharata
When one’s wealth is lost, or one’s wife or son father is dead, one certainly says to oneself, alas, it is a great sorrow! But then one should with the help of mediation endevour to kill that grief.
Yet , is the practice of mediation such an easy affair that when someone dies at home, you just rise to superconsciousness and forget all about it? It requires a life long practice of mediation for it to be found helpful in times of calamity. Religion helps us to remain, as the Gita says , unperturbed in misery, and unelated in happiness.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-in,moto gp 99 won a podium (4) , ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Three Obstacles To Success

Monday 24–May- 2010
Three Obstacles To Success
Most people would like more out of life than they already have. Yet, most of them will never achieve them because they are easily discouraged.
Just think of all the things you have ever wanted to accomplish in your life and why you did not accomplish them. You would probably say you did not given hard enough or you never panned them properly. In fact you are discouraged by three things from being successful than anything else. They are:
Fear: Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to our success. Fear is negative feeling. It paralyzes us. Most people don’t succeed because they are afraid to fail. They are so afraid to fail, they don’t even take chance; which creates a vicious cycle since the only time we really fail is when we stop taking chances. Do you ever realize that if you keep working hard day after day you are giving yourself an opportunity to be successful to be best? It is only when you stop, you keep away from the opportunity you ever had to be successful.
Others: This is a big obstacle to success. Others are always ready, willing to tell us “It cannot be done”, and stop us from doing what we want to do in our lives and careers. They would like you to think that they are acting in your best interest, but they are not. In fact they are acting in there own best interest. There are too many people who want to discourage you so that you would no the more successful than they are. The next time one of them tell you. “it cannot be done”, tell them, “You are right, you cannot do it, but I can”.
Habits :Bad habits constantly stop us to reach our goal. The habit of postponement , laziness; not writing things down and many others. The problem with bad habits is not that we have them; it is how we try to break them habits are addictions (drinking, drugs, gambling). Addictions have to be stopped stage by stage. After all you did not acquire bad habits overnight. What makes you think that you can change them overnight? Bad habits must be changed a little bit at a time. Mark out one day a week, you would not postpone; make one more sales call than you normally do; wake up five minutes earlier every day.
Do it for a month, then next month do a little more. There are no overnight successes. Success is a long journey over a road that has many roadblocks; it is the people that go through these roadblocks who become successful.
Live with Superiors
A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire; not too near, lest he burns; not too far off, lest he freezes.
A single Pure Thought
A single person does not make a family; a single family does not make a community, a single community does not make the world; a single stick does not make a bundle; a single hand does not make a service; a single flower does not make a garland; but, a single pure thought does make a difference.
Heaven On Earth
Every morning is a fresh beginning. Today is a new day. I have lived all my life up to this moment to come to this day . I shall make each moment of this day a heaven on Earth.
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us, what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Quote from true religion always help
Life is not a bed of roses, as we all know Calamities, adversities, death, disease and suffering visit everybody. Those who do not have the inner strength of endurance born of the practice of spiritual discipline, cannot easily stand such impacts. Sometimes people are driven out their minds in such situations.
Bhishma says in the Mahabharata
When one’s wealth is lost, or one’s wife or son father is dead, one certainly says to oneself, alas, it is a great sorrow! But then one should with the help of mediation endevour to kill that grief.
Yet , is the practice of mediation such an easy affair that when someone dies at home, you just rise to superconsciousness and forget all about it? It requires a life long practice of mediation for it to be found helpful in times of calamity. Religion helps us to remain, as the Gita says , unperturbed in misery, and unelated in happiness.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-in,moto gp 99 won a podium (4) , ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Monday 17–May- 2010
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Direct all of your time to those activities that are worthy.
What you put in is what you get out. By determining the thoughts that go in, you are also determining what will come out in actions.
Always remember that what lies behind you and what lies in front of you is nothing when compared to what lies within you.
Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future, building something everyday.
Enthusiasm is one of the key factors for a life time of successful living.
Your life is what your thoughts make it.
Mind is like a garden you must nurture it daily. Never let the weeds of impure thoughts and actions take change of the garden of your mind.
A little bit of the fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. When you work to improve the lives of others, you indirectly elevate your own life in the process. When you take care to perform acts of kindness daily, your own life becomes far richer and more meaningful.
Fine Art of Living
Speak to people, there is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
Smile at people . It takes 72 muscles to frown…only 16 to smile.
Call people by name; the sweetest music to anybody’s ear is the sound of his own name.
Be sincerely cordial; speak and act if it were a genuine pleasure.
Be considerate of the feelings of others; no one like to be rebuffed.
Be thoughtful of the opinions of others, there are three sides to a controversy-yours , the other man’s and the right side.
Be genuinely interested people; you can like everybody if you take interest in them.
Be generous with praise uplifts-criticism lowers.
Be alert to render service; above all, what counts in life is what we do for others.
Be fair in your criticism; remember your opinion is personal with you and that doesn’t make it is always correct.

Look and you will find it; what is unsought will go undetected.
Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.
Develop Your Personality
Often we wonder whether one’s personality can be changed. Is it truly possible? Of course!
Remember , we are made up of liabilities and assets. We have within us the desire to be happy and famous the will to succeed, the desire for self-fulfillment and the thoughts of self-destruction too. So when we look in the mirror we will find two different people at two different times. Something we will have frown and feel frustrated; sometimes a happy face because we are successful. This is a common experience to all of us.
In spite of this being universal experience, unawares when you like the better ‘you’ , you are at that moment enlarging the scope of your personality. If you choose frustration as a way of life, you undermine you personality and make your image shrink. In other words, ‘you’ and ‘you’ alone can add to your assets or accumulate more liabilities. No one else can do this for you. In order to be better ‘you’ , the bog ‘you’ with a better personality you ought to do . one thing at a time, Shoot for one goal at a time; Live in the present, live today; Forget the mistakes of yesterday , but remember only lessons it taught; Stop criticizing yourself as well as others; Yearn for self-improvement ; hold on to your self-respect by appraising yourself honestly; Learn to listen to others for it helps removes bias from your opinions. Don’t be timid in your conversation. Talk even if you make a mistake; Exercise your imagination creatively to achieve success and finally remember the words of Charles Schwab. “Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower”.
One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.
Life is for everybody as sunshine is for everybody
Quote from true Religion Always Help
One Hindu scripture makes a general statement that the progeny of a couple partake of the character of the form in which the were married. That is to say, if the marriage is in the best or in an approved form, the progeny is more likely to be good; if the marriage is of a condemned form , the progeny is likely to have a low character
Off spring , says Manu, who will have spiritual eminence, beauty, virtue, wealth, fame and very long life, are born of approved, sacramental marriages; whereas those born of others forms of marriage are likely to be cruel , wicked , vicious and irreligious.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-in t20 eng won by 7 wickets, , ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Be Well Poised

Monday 10–May- 2010
Be Well Poised
People in key jobs are usually surrounded by a hype. This work based hype makes us a bit haughty. Too. It is , indeed, music to our ears when people remark many people work under him/her, or …”is like a mini boss to us”; Oh!.. is part of major official decisions’ and often, be essence of these flattering remarks goes to our heads.
If you feel that this is confined to ‘big wings’, you are mistaken. Even middle-order job positions also carry such an aura around them. The workforce concerned or candidates holding such positions truly enjoy their boosted image. But the sailing is quite smooth as long as they don’t rub the flatters on the wrong side. As long as this does not happen, you can enjoy the puff and glamour of it. The real trouble comes calling when you really start believing that “ you are the best”. When you start insisting your status, the yes-men/women never responded you honestly and have even kept bad news away form your ears.
On the other hand, your insistence paints you cold, haughty, and pompous, eroding into total destruction of your image. The trust and support of your sycophant colleagues and subordinates vanishes. The end result is the accelerated stress and anxiety as you become paranoid about losing your importance. So you must realize that such hype or false image you have let the people surrounding you, build about you, doesn’t help you in any way. You ought to strike a balance in your relationship with your colleagues, subordinates and not indulge in ‘self-love or egotism.
In order to attain this balanced state of mind, you should kick off delusions about yourself. Always strive to keep yourself firmly panted in reality, in true perspective-you are not irreplaceable at all. This is possible only when your are detached, dispassionate and work with humility by not taking your position too seriously. Don’t bother how other treat you or think of you . Be focused solely on your work. This will give you a simple and calm outlook which will help you to free yourself from the over whelming feeling of self importance.
So stay humble and focused and be ahead on your path to success.
Poised and focused are the mantra to succeed.
Don’t Be Afraid To Trust Faith
Every individual forms his own estimate of himself and that basic estimate goes far towards determining what he becomes . You can do no more than you trust you can. You can be more than you think you are . Trust simulates power within yourself. Have faith in faith. Don’t be afraid to trust faith.
Learn to Balance Anxiety
As long as we walk on a smooth and straight path, we enjoy the walk, But when a U turn comes, we pause, anxiously wait to hear the sound of the oncoming vehicles in the opposite direction. Suddenly our joy comes to an end.
Sudden changes make us anxious. To avoid anxiety, we shun and resist changes. We do not try to adapt ourselves so changes.
No doubt certain things in our lives are beyond our control. But certainly, there are things which are under our control; anxiety is one of them. Infect, it has its positive effects on us as it keeps us comes. So we must learn to balance our anxiety and use it to explore new avenues of growth. Lest it leads to adverse effect on our health and creates confusion in our career.
Remember great leaders have tamed anxiety and converted it into positive driving force. All great achievers share certain common personality traits such as; the ability to embrace change; skill to learn from every situation and openness of mind to new idea; have ambitious plans to future, ability to act appropriately at the right time by neither delaying in making decisions nor making hasty decisions, willingness to adapt new ideas and stretch to new goals and above all manage the anxiety and help others do the same. Some amount of anxiety is necessary to push you out of your comfort zone and make you realize your potentialities . learn to balance anxiety.
Quote from True Religion always help
The Bhagavad-Gita teaches
Him I hold to be the supreme yogi who looks on the pleasure and pain of all beings as he looks on them in himself.
The Dharmapada Teaches;
All men tremble at punishment all men fear death. Liking others to oneself , one should neither slay nor cause slay.:
Like wise we read in the New Testament;
This is one voice of religion everywhere on the basis of which alone protection from injury is possible. And this principle holds good in family, society and national and international relationships.
Many of our conflicts can be traced to the violation of this golden principle of human conduct, which is one of the fundamental principles of true religion.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-in t20 pak vs new 132/3-133/7, , ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Man-The Maker of His Destiny

Monday 3–May- 2010
Man-The Maker of His Destiny
Swami Vivekananda
We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.
This human body is the greatest body in the universe, and a human being the greatest being. Man in higher than all animals, none is greater than man.
Man is man, so long as he is struggling to rise above nature and this nature is both internal and external.
If we read the history of nations between the lines, we shall always find that the rise of a nation comes with the increase in the number of such men, and the fall of begins in the absence of such men. That is to say, the mainsprings of the strength of every race lies in its spirituality, and the death of that race begins the day that spiritually declines and materialism gains ground.
This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.
Men in general lay all the blame of life on their fellow men or failing that, on God and say it is fate. Where is fate? We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame , none has the praise.
Every thought that we think, every deed that we do, after a certain time becomes fine, goes into seed form , so to speak, and lives in the fine body in a potential form, and after a time, it emerges again and bears its results. These results condition the life of man. Thus he moulds his own life. Man is not bound by any other laws excepting those which he makes for himself.
My ideal, indeed, can be put into a few words, and this is; to preach unto mankind their divinity, and to make it manifest in every moment of life.
I am sure God will pardon a man who will use his reason and cannot trust, rather than a man who trust blindly, instead of using the faculties He has given him.
We must reason and when reason proves to us the truth of the prophets and great men abut whom the ancient books speak in every country, we shall trust in them. We shall trust in them when we see such saints in ourselves . we shall then find that they were not peculiar men, but only illustration of certain principles.
Why should you not try to hit the mark? We become wiser thought failures.
It is better to do something; never mind even if it proves to be wrong; it is better than doing nothing. The cow never tells a lie, but she remains a cow, all the time. Do something!
The highest things are under you feet, because you are Divine Stars;
It is the coward and the fool who says, ‘This is fate’ so says the Sanskrit proverb, but it is the strong man who stands up and says, “ I will make my fate’.
Life is very interesting. If you can learn from the mistakes you make.
My Boss…..by James
When I take a long time I am slow;
When my boss takes a long time he is thorough.
When I don’t do it-I am lazy;
When my boss doesn’t do it he is too busy.
When I do something without being told
I am trying to be smart;
When my boss does the same that is initiative.
When I please my boss I am apple –polishing
When my boss pleases his boss he is co-operating.
When I do good my boss never remembers
When I do wrong he never forgets.
Plan Wisely
Plan wisely
…Think Constructively
Eat Temperately
….Drink Slowly
Bathe Regularly
…Exercise daily
Play regularly
…Relax Adequately
Live Lovingly
…Love Sincerely
Talk Briefly
……Walk Erectly
Yield Graciously
…Oblige Gracefully
View Dispassionately
….Judge Charitably
Donate Generously
….Trust implicitly
Listen Attentively
….Wait Patiently
Observe Keenly
……Act Fearlessly
Pray Devoutly
…..Aspire Worthily
Serve Willingly
….Discuss Tactfully
Life is an opportunity
Life is An opportunity, unfold it diligently. Life is a game, play it with sportsmanship. Life has a thorn, remove it with strength and humor. Life is an opportunity; take it for service to humanity. Life is a problem, solve it with patience life is a love, enjoy it beautifully. Life is a sorrow, over come it with balance of mind. Life is a beauty, worship it obediently. Life is a difficulty; face it with a brave mind.
To Get Result
To get result, decide to have fun. Fun creates enjoyment, which invites participation, which focuses attention, which expands awareness, which promotes insight, which generates knowledge, which facilities action. And action gets results.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-in moto gp 99 got a podium, , ,SIGNUP HERE AS you@yehoo.co.in(keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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