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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Elusive Nature of Happiness in Modern Life


 The Elusive Nature of Happiness in Modern Life

Strange as it may seem, tracing out the happiest people is not an easy task, and no definitive tests can be prescribed for it. Of course, in hindsight, one can judge when they were happy and when they were not, but they may not have perceived it the same way at that particular time. Often, a successful person may have found themselves happy during times of struggle. This period of struggle is sometimes considered a time of happiness, though this view is disputed by many, such as Browning, who claimed old age to be the best period of life.

Married people are generally considered happier than unmarried individuals, as bachelors are more prone to suffer emotional imbalances. However, this tendency is also observed in childless couples. Overall, it can be stated that the happiest people are those who have no particular cause to feel thrilled in life. They possess a natural contentment, though this is something not everyone aspires to. A lunatic in an asylum may be the happiest person, yet no one would choose to trade places with them.

The biographies of great individuals reveal that they passed through periods of depression. The "Sermon on the Mount" and Spinoza rank worry as one of the sins. Medieval monks spoke of dejection, sloth, and irritability, suggesting that these feelings make one believe that no good is worth doing. Religion has been considered a source of happiness. The happiness enjoyed by Hindu mystics and missionaries, who underwent various types of persecutions, must be rated differently.


On a more practical level, busy people, especially those who have found work to their taste, are generally happier than idlers. Along with happiness, recognition and wisdom are also aspired to. It is difficult to single out a particular period in history as happier than another. However, modern people seem to have fallen on evil times, as they take public affairs more seriously than their ancestors, who took even serious calamities lightly. This suggests that the modern man lacks the philosophical element necessary for true happiness.

The Eternal Debate: Belief and the Nature of God

The age-old question of the existence of God has perennially divided humanity into two distinct camps: believers and non-believers. This schism has given rise to an endless debate, with each side staunchly defending its position. Believers assert that God exists, while non-believers adamantly reject the notion. This dichotomy has shaped diverse definitions of God, reflecting the myriad perspectives arising from individual ideas and beliefs.

For believers, the concept of God is often intertwined with the dogma of organized religions. Each faith presents a unique portrayal of the Divine. The diversity in these depictions reflects the rich tapestry of human definitions but also underscores the inherent subjectivity in how God is perceived.

On the other side of the spectrum, non-believers, historically championed by communist leaders, argue that religion functions as a manipulative tool used by rulers and priests to subjugate people. They contend that in the name of God, people are deprived of necessities, such as food, clothing, and security.


However, believers and non-believers may overlook a nuanced understanding of the Divine. The point is that both are wrong. Believers claim that God exists, but have they explored and found? Non-believers assert there is no God, yet have they genuinely explored to determine this, and how do they define what God is or isn’t?

The Vedantic perspective raises crucial questions about the conventional understanding of God’s role in the world. When calamities strike or crimes occur, the common question arises: where is God? Vedanta posits that God is not an intervening force preventing atrocities or natural disasters. Instead, God is conceived as an existential truth, distinct from the human interpretations prevalent in various religions.

In Vedantic philosophy, there’s no concept of a controlling God who created the world and manages life, weather, rains, floods, and earthquakes. Vedanta defines God precisely with four words: Satya, Chaitanya, Ananda, and Vyapak – an existence that is truth, blissful, conscious, and omniscient. In this view, God is not a being nor a human-like figure manipulating the world. God is existence. Omniscience entails being pervasive across time, space, and objects, which implies that without the layers of the body, mind, and intellect – you, too, are God.


In the Vedantic worldview, God is not confined to a specific gender or form. The Upanishads refer to it as That – that Brahman, Existence, Truth, Bliss. This understanding challenges the conventional tendency to assign a gender, form, and address to the divine, emphasizing the boundless nature of existence.


Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize that if there is God, it resides within me. Conversely, if the concept of ‘me’ is nonexistent, then unquestionably, God doesn’t exist either. The evidence supporting the existence of God lies within you. You are the proof – what else could it be?


In this regard, the Upanishads prove immensely beneficial. It’s essential to note that the wisdom of the Upanishads is not exclusive to Hindus but is universally applicable. Upanishadic knowledge, known as Brahman Vidya where Brahman signifies the absolute Truth and Vidya represents knowledge, is accessible to everyone. Therefore, it is imperative to contemplate these concepts further, exploring the methods and means to realize ‘who am I.'


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

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