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Sunday, June 2, 2024

How to Boost Your Willpower

  How to Boost Your Willpower

For every hurdle we want to overcome, we need willpower. For every difficult decision we want to carry out, we need an inner strength that will push us to face the challenge and keep us going.


Willpower is not some inborn gift we are born with. It is a skill that can be developed and strengthened to help us achieve our goals. Among man’s inner powers is the tremendous unrealized potency of man’s own will. “The trained will is a master weapon.” Willpower helps people break habits and change their lives. The dictionary defines “willpower” as “control of one’s impulses and actions.” The power is there, but you have to control it.


Be Positive

Do not confuse willpower with self-denial. Willpower is most dynamic when applied to positive and uplifting purposes. Positive willpower helps us overcome laziness and focus on future goals. When the going gets tough, visualize yourself happily and busily engaged in reaching your goal, and keep working towards it.


Set Specific Goals


The most successful resolutions are those with the most specific goals. Do not say, “I am going to get more exercise.” Instead, say, “I am going to walk for 45 minutes every morning” or “I am going to read for an hour three nights a week.”


 Believe in Your Cause

 If you are half-hearted about exercising because you cannot see the benefits, desire alone will not help you. The greatest incentive is the burning desire to improve your self-image and seize control of your life. Acting as if you are strong-willed can help you become really strong-willed. Keep telling yourself, “I am determined to give up gambling,” and you will succeed.


Practice Will-Training Activities


Sharpen your will by repetitive “will-training activities” like standing up and sitting down on a chair 30 times, or spilling a box of matches and carefully replacing them one by one. These exercises strengthen the will so that you can face more difficult challenges. Make a list of Saturday-morning jobs and do not eat lunch until you have completed them all.


Expect Obstacles

The saying “Where there is a will, there is a way” is not the whole truth. Given the will, you still have to anticipate obstacles and plan how to deal with them. Many people have not considered how they will cope with the urge to smoke. They had summoned the strength to quit but could not remain disciplined. If you have given up alcohol, rehearse your response whenever you are offered a drink. If you are planning to jog but wake up to a storm, have an indoor exercise program ready.

Be Realistic

The strongest will may fail if the goal is to lose 27 kilos in three months or to exercise three hours a day. And failure undermines your desire to try again. It is best to set a series of small goals instead of a single big one and work out your schedule to succeed.

By following these strategies, you can develop and strengthen your willpower, enabling you to achieve your goals and overcome challenges with greater ease.

Unlocking True Bliss Through Yoga

Unlike temporary ecstasy, true bliss is an innate, self-sustaining essence within us. By exploring the layers of our existence through the practices of yoga, we can access profound joy, says Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.


Describing the sacred as brahmanand is our unique contribution to the planet. Yoga offers us a ladder to this fount of bliss that is the source of all creation.


What exactly is bliss? For many, it is simply a psychedelic drug! This is because most people confuse blissfulness with pleasure or ecstasy. However, pleasure is essentially unsustainable and dependent on an external stimulus. Bliss, however, does not depend on anything external. It is independent, self-sustaining, and constant. It is your own nature. You do not earn it from outside; you access it from within.


The yogic tradition speaks of various sheaths, or layers, that make up the human being: the physical body, the mental body, the pranic or energy body, the etheric body, and finally, the bliss body or anandamay kosh. This innermost core of our being, the source of all physical creation, is pure bliss. This does not mean there is a bliss bubble inside you; it means that if you touch this dimension, you naturally become joyful.


For instance, you watched a sunrise and felt wonderful for a moment. If that moment of sensory pleasantness could become a part of your life energy, your entire experience of life would be dramatically altered. However, for this to happen, you must be able to hold the experience for at least twenty-four minutes. This enables the experience to move from the sensory to the neurological system, and then pervade the deeper, more elaborate energetic system, or pranamay kosh. Once pleasantness sweeps through the energy body, love and bliss become your qualities. You are no longer experiencing bliss; you are bliss.


Twenty-four minutes of pleasantness should not be difficult to sustain. However, the mind intervenes and complicates things. This is where yoga becomes so vital. If you open your mouth and wait for raindrops to fall on your tongue, it can be a frustrating method to quench your thirst. The tongue is an inadequate receptacle, and the rains are only seasonal. But if you dig your own well, you have water throughout the year. The yogic science is about learning to dig your own well, so you find a bountiful water source right within you.


At one time, we believed that the will of God determined whether a tree in our home bore fruit or not. But then we learned to take charge. Now we know how to treat the problem of a non-fruit-bearing tree. Similarly, if your inner bliss has not blossomed, it simply means you aren’t doing the right things. Once you see that, a spiritual process can begin.


As we engineer the outside, there is also a way to engineer our interiority. There is a way for a piece of creation to transform itself into the creator. Yoga encompasses several methods or tantras that bring the first three layers of the human being — the physical, mental, and energy bodies — into alignment. This creates a passageway to the innermost core of the self. Now, bliss becomes our natural state of being. The time is ripe for Bliss Tantra, a method to access that kernel of limitless joy within each one of us. Let us make it happen.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week   in world cup t20 usa won by 7 wk



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