The True Path to Spiritual Enlightenment
The journey towards spiritual enlightenment is not a simple one. It requires continuous effort and dedication, rather than occasional japa or meditation practices followed by a life filled with material pursuits. True spirituality arises when every thought, action, and circumstance in one's life is imbued with spiritual essence. It must be a part of one's being, rather than just a set of practices. To achieve this, it is necessary to work with one's hands, talk to people about work and business with one's mouth, but always keep the mind fixed on God. Only through living in God can one truly find purpose and fulfilment in life.
To reach this state of
enlightenment, one must possess humility, selflessness, and non-attachment.
Understanding that God is the only reality and truth is crucial to maintaining
this state. While it is difficult, it can be achieved through repeated
practice. Sri Ramakrishna used the example of a village woman who was able to
perform multiple tasks simultaneously while keeping her mind focused on her
work as an illustration of this practice. She could cook rice, settle accounts,
and breastfeed her baby all at the same time, while keeping her attention on
the task at hand.
In conclusion, the path to spiritual enlightenment requires continuous effort and dedication, rather than just occasional spiritual practices. It is necessary to imbue every aspect of one's life with spirituality, and to keep one's mind fixed on God. This can only be achieved through humility, selflessness, non-attachment, and repeated practice.
True Happiness Lies
Within The Illusion of Seeking Outside Oneself
The pursuit of
happiness outside of oneself is akin to trying to capture a cloud with a lasso
- an impossible feat. True happiness is not a material possession, but a state
of mind that must be experienced and lived. Seeking happiness through worldly
power or wealth is futile, as it can never be fully attained. The restlessness
that comes from an outward focus of awareness only ensures that happiness
remains elusive.
Genuine happiness can only be found within oneself, and those who seek it elsewhere are like those chasing rainbows among the clouds. One must analyze sense-pleasures and recognize that they are a form of bondage, rather than freedom. The way to true happiness is through self-control, not further indulgence.
Depending solely on
external circumstances for nourishment gradually depletes one's reserves of
energy. Material riches without inner peace are like dying of thirst while
bathing in a lake. It is spiritual poverty, not material lack, that lies at the
root of human suffering.
It is essential to differentiate between one's needs and wants, and to minister only to the former. Pursuing limitless wants and false happiness outside oneself will only lead to less happiness in the long run. Do not be a slave to possessions, and even your needs should be boiled down to their essence.
True happiness can be
achieved through self-control, plain living and high thinking, and spending
less money. It is important to earn more so that one can be of service to
others. The drama of life is an illusion, and the wise recognize this, seeking
eternal happiness within themselves.
I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who
spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this,
his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was
wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing.
The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-
ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl pbk won by 7
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