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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Yoga its various Aspects

 Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta

 Yoga its various Aspects

With resolute hearts, we adopt some time-tested techniques in our daily life, and through assiduous practice, we ultimately realize the Truth. This realization transoms our life changes our perspective and reveals the profound significance of everything we experience. We will then see one indivisible Light Shining inside and outside ourselves. We become the embodiment of love, peace fearlessness and strength. How to accomplish this journey smoothly with a conservation of time and energy, and with the maximum benefit to oneself and others is the theme of Yoga ,


At the outset the aspirant should be definite about what he is looking for in order to lay an unshakable foundation in spiritual life, it is indispensable to have a clear idea of the spiritual ideal, and to base this life on the higher realities experienced in the life of the mystics. These realities are expressed in their teachings and also in other reliable scriptures rooted in eternal verities. Mature reasoning, reflection and mediation on the ideas contained therein strengthen his spiritual life. They stimulate his mind, removed doubts and reinforce convictions a. this reinforcement of beliefs cannot be emphasized enough. For a long time, a firm conviction is one of the main inner supports for the seeker during times of disquietude. This study also protects him from falling into the clutches of “false prophets”, mere social religious and different types of superstitions.

 Meditate, it can make you perpetually happy

By Hasmukh Adhia


Happiness is not a state of continuous excitement or rapture. It is a state of absence of sadness. Sleep is the best example of this. We feel happy in sleep because there is no sadness of any kind. A visually impaired person is not blind in sleep. A wounded person is not wounded in sleep. A poor person is not poor in sleep. At the end of the day, we all want to go to bed to feel this absence of sadness for a few hours every day. Even when one is filled with rapturous, joyful events throughout the day, one still has a desire to get sleep. Because sleep is a state of unadulterated bliss.


Scriptures say that there is only a single source of happiness, which is Consciousness called Brahman, Atman. Consciousness is the Anand, pure bliss, which is right inside us all the time. During a state of the quietude of the mind and senses, the bliss of consciousness shines fully in us. And so, we become happy. The happiness we get from objects of enjoyment is also coming from the bliss of atman.


When we have a desire for objects, our mind becomes restless. We make a lot of effort to achieve those objects. When we get them, our mind is peaceful. In these moments of peace, or absence of restlessness, the bliss of atman reflects on our mind and so we become happy. Since there is no end to our desires, we only get a small interval of happiness between two desires.



It is the sunlight only which is reflected on the Moon and comes to us as moonlight. But when we see moonlight, we don’t think of it as sunlight only. Every anand is coming from Brahmn, whether in sleep, in enjoyment of objects, meditation, or in knowledge.


Any object-borne happiness is an attempt to remove sadness or an inferiority complex, which is the cause of the restlessness of the mind. The main cause of sadness or inferiority is our identification with body and mind, not atman. The body and mind are temporary possessions, but our atman is permanent, free from any defects and a source of infinite bliss. When we focus on atman more than on the body-mind complex, we can free ourselves from an inferiority complex. Spiritual knowledge is the best psychotherapy. It is also a way of getting lasting happiness.


The happiness of the world is a mixed bag. It is interspersed with lots of unhappiness. By dropping the world into a deep sleep state every day and still being happy, we can think of the world as an undependable or rather unnecessary instrument of our happiness. When the external entity is dropped in our mind, our inner self, which is pure bliss, shines.


One cannot remain in deep sleep for long because our karma, destiny, wakes us up. The karma has to be enjoyed or suffered in the waking state. But one can always enjoy long hours of meditation in a waking state and experience the bliss of Self. That is how once we get into the habit of meditation, we get addicted to this happiness.


 The writer is former finance secretary, Government of India



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW: 7th heaven moment of the week in fifa world cup spain scored 7 goal, morata 7 scored a goal got motm, loverao of Croatia scored a goal, morocco 7 got an motm


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