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Monday, June 6, 2022

The Bliss State of Deep Sleep


Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta


The Bliss State of Deep Sleep

Every one in the world , the rich and the poor, the learned and the ignorant the saint and the sinner, even animals birds and insects , enjoy the blessed state of deep sleep In that state, the blind cease to be blind, the wounded cease to be wounded, the sick cease to be sick. Even the rich having all the objects of enjoyment, pine for sleep and take sleeping pills, if required. A person steeped in sense enjoyments loves sleep as much as a person whose life is full of miseries.

Why is it that all love sleep? In sense enjoyments there is a subject object dichotomy and the triad of the enjoyer, the enjoyment and the object of enjoyment persists. The mind moves from one to the other in quick succession which tires it.

However much a person may enjoy the waking state ultimately the subject –object dichotomy tires him out and the finally longs to go beyond it. In sleep there is no dichotomy no duality. There is only one undivided unity, the Subject alone remains covered with ignorance.

The Bliss of Samadhi

Although we experience grate bliss in deep sleep none wishes to remain sleeping forever. Well can not experience the undivided bliss like that of deep sleep in the waking state? Yes, this is what is called samadhi. In smadhi these are no mental modifications, just as in deep sleep and yet the mind is not steeped in ignorance. This blessed stat of samadhi and the superlative bliss experienced in that state cannot be compared with any of the worldly enjoyments , described before. Although we may not have experienced that state. This is what all saints and sages who have experienced it say.

We have seen that all worldly enjoyments, starting from that of a child to the one experienced in deep sleep, have some blemish or defect. But in the state of the direct experience of the Supreme Spirit, Brahman in the state of Samadhi there are none of those blemishes, just as the various lower grads of pleasures are included in the happiness which a monarch enjoys so also the bliss of realization not only surpass all lower enjoyments they are all included in it . There is a total extinction of suffering, a sense of fulfillments of all duties and none of the desire remain unfulfilled. That is the bliss we must all strive for.


The illusion of time we all live with

By Bansi Mahajan


There are three kinds of illusions of time. One is claimed by physicists, second, that happens at the mind level, and third, at the spiritual level.


After finding the theory of relativity, physicists discovered that time is an illusion. They say everything is relative, there is no Absolute Time, or Absolute Space. Every planet in the vast universe or multiverse has its respective unusual measure of time. The slowing and fastness of time depends on the relative speed. Change in time is constant.


At the mind level, fastness and slowing of time is determined by various factors. Firstly, the situation, when we are happy, we feel the time is running fast, and when in distress, it seems to be moving slowly. The duration of time also depends on the nature and aptitude of work. If our job is likeable and of interest, the time goes quickly and if it is not interesting and is forced on us, then it is difficult to spend time.


Sometimes movies cover the story of two to three generations in a short duration of 2-3 hours. Also, films we like, make our time pleasant and it flies. Boring ones upset us, and it is difficult for time to go by. It is the same for lectures, sermons, literature and reading materials. We keep looking for new and unusual pastimes to derive happiness, but it remains illusory and the pleasure one derives is often short-lived. Mostly, we postpone our happiness for the future, which is also an illusion and never satisfies us.



Change in time is a perennial phenomenon. Precise repetition of the same circumstances in time is not possible, but the mind feels, it can get the same experience from our associations as it did in the past, same fun, same talks, and this illusion keeps us motivated.


Our whole life is maya, an illusion itself, spiritually speaking. The ultimate truth is that one has to leave the body at some point. But from our early years, we never acknowledge this reality and are busy trying to secure our future. Our short-lived memory aids this illusion of time, though the passage of time changes our physical structure, conditions, status, power, job and home. Evolution is the foundation of time.


Krishn says in the Bhagwad Gita 8:16: ‘All the worlds, including the Brahmlok, are bound by time and are subject to rebirth, but for the ones who attain me, there is no rebirth, because I am Kaal Ateet – beyond time, the controller of time itself.’


The time – past, present and future – is controlled by the Supreme Almighty. In the Gita 11:32, Krishn states: ‘Time I am, I am Kaalosmi – the great destroyer of the worlds.’ He is the creator in the beginning, sustainer in the middle and destroyer at the end.


The cyclical pattern of existence has some method. It is controlled by time, which in turn is governed by the Almighty. All beings are enchanted with this illusion of time and live in it. It is extremely difficult to break free, but the one who totally, exclusively and constantly worships the Supreme, can escape or be least impacted by its chimera.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week England chased target 277 by scoreing 279             

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