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Monday, April 4, 2022



Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta



We have taken a cursory view of the different steps in Raja-Yoga, except the finer ones, the training in concentration which is the goal, to which Raja-Yoga will lead us, We see, as human beings, that all our knowledge which is called rational is refereed to consciousness. My consciousness of this table, and of your presence, makes me know that the table and you are here. At the same time, there is very great part of my existence of which I am not conscious. All the different organs inside the body, the different parts of the brian-no body is conscious of their

When I eat food, I do it consciously, when I assimilate it, I do it unconsciously. When the food is manufactured into blood, it is done unconsciously. When out of the blood all the different parts of my body are strengthen, it is done unconsciously. And yet it is I who am doing all this; there cannot be twenty people in this one body. How do I know that I do it, and nobody else? It may be urged that my business is only in eating and assimilating the food, and that strengthening the body by a man comes out the very same man the food done for me by somebody else. That cannot be because it can be demonstrated that almost every action of which we are now unconscious can be brought up to the plane of consciousness. The heart is beating apparently without our control. None of us here can control the heart; it goes on its own way. But by practice men can bring even the heart under control until it will just beat at will slowly or quickly or almost stop. Nearly every part of the body can be brought under control. What does consciousness are also performed by us , only we are doing it unconsciously. We have, then, two planes in which the human mind wake First is the conscious plane, in which all work is always accompanied with the feeling of egoism. Next comes the unconscious plane where all work is unaccompanied by the feeling of egoism. That part of mind work which is unconscious work , and that part which is accompanied with the feeling of egoism is conscious work. In the lower animals this unconscious work is called instinct. In higher animals and in the highest fo all animals man, what is called conscious work prevails.


Time doesn’t flow, it doesn’t stop, it just is

By Jasmine Sehgal


The idea of time is not easy to grasp, its nature is a great mystery. All actions and events that happen are ordained to follow a linear order of time; they have a beginning, peak and an end. Ancient Indic scriptures have used the word ‘Kaal’ for time.


According to Vaisheshik, one of the six theist schools of Indic philosophy, founded by Maharshi Kanad, who proposed the atomistic approach to understanding the universe, kaal is an abstract entity. It is one of the nine kaaran dravyas, causative elements of creation. They are: mann, mind; atman, consciousness; kaal, time; and disha, space; and the panchbhutas, five elements – akash, ether; vayu, air; agni, fire; jal, water; and prithvi, earth. Prashastapada, the famous commentator on Vaisheshik Darshan from 500-600 BCE, spoke about kaal to be eka, one, in number – a continuum. Acharya Charaka stated: ‘Kaalah punah parinamah’, kaal is the process of parinaam, transformation.

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein’s relativistic theory relates matter and energy by the following equation: E=mc2, where E: energy, m: mass, and c: speed of light. So energy and matter are really the same thing. It is just the transformation of one into another. Einstein’s one-time teacher and colleague, Hermann Minkowski, introduced the relativity concept of proper time, ‘The actual elapsed time between two events as measured by a clock that passes through both events.’ Two events are nothing but transformation, close on heels.


Everything happens for a reason and the only reason for time to exist is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.


Talking of the qualities of time, Maharshi Sushruta said that time is swayambhu, it’s just there; Anadi madhya nidhanah – it is without a beginning, peak and an end; and Sookshmatam kalaam na leeyate – it does not stop in subtlest fractions.


Time is quantised for practical purposes of planning and execution of all activities. Another theoretical physicist, Carlo Rovelli, putting forth his idea of time, has stated that it is the human brain, not just fundamental physics that determines what we call the flowing of time and the sense of the speed at which it flows.


The term ‘space time continuum’ refers to the interpretation that time and space are without a beginning, peak and an end and are in continuity. Time doesn’t evolve into anything; it’s just there, all, at once.


Modern physicists believe that time does not ‘flow’, it just ‘is’. This view of time, according to Paramahansa Yogananda, is consistent with the philosophical view mentioned in the Bhagwad Gita: God is the Eternal Consciousness, unchanging and indivisible, in which the illusions of time, change; and space, division; present an infinite variety of forms interacting in a progressive mode of past, present and future.


The writer is an Ayurveda practitioner



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment  in ipl Gl no 7 got impact player of the match, in women cricket Aus women no 77 got motm , mvp        

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