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Monday, December 20, 2021

Essence of Bhagavad Gita Karma


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Essence of Bhagavad Gita Karma

Should we engage in activity or not?’ The Gita discusses this question more than once and in various ways . We know that it is necessary to work; as long as we live we must do work of some kind or together. This is so obvious! We may wonder why Sri Krishna discusses this question so much. There is a reason for it. At the time the Gita was taught. Philosophical discussions had increased to an enormous degree in India. Based on various philosophical schools a great many sects had arisen. Philosophical discussions had led to a firm conclusion that the mind was finite. It could not transcend the limitations imposed by name and form, or by space, time and causation. The mind, it was believed, would never be able to transcend these limitations. All philosophers were in unanimous agreement regarding this finite nature of the mind. All their researches, therefore, had only one purpose in view namely, to find out how we could go beyond the finite mind and realize the infinite truth. It was widely accepted that the only way to attain truth was to sit with a fully quit mind, since the mind being finite, world never be able to grasp the infinite.


The king of thinking had attracted even ordinary people with hardly any understand of the philosophical concepts involved. Only a person with perfect self-control could really calm the mind. But ordinary worldly minded people gave up only their external activities. Some of them became monks, but it was only in name! In order to remove this kind of misunderstanding, Sri Krishna felt it was right to remain active. that is why he made such great attempts to tech us the real nature of work the right way to do it, and the true meaning of giving up work and being free from all bondage. It is for this reason that Sri Krishna elaborately explains the path of Karma Yoga in the third chapter-as also in many places of the fourth and fifth chapters-of the Gita


Going on a vacation with God through meditation TOI

By Sant Rajinder Singh


As the world enters another holiday season against the backdrop of a global pandemic, vacationing in distant lands may not be in the cards.


We usually seek places that are relaxing, enjoyable and beautiful. Yet going on an outer vacation is often stressful. We have to earn money for the trip; book tickets; undergo the rigours of travel, find the right accommodations and food service. Often, we return from a vacation more exhausted than we had left.


However, there is still hope for a different kind of vacation that will leave us refreshed, rejuvenated and happy. A vacation that will fill us with relaxation of our body, mind and spirit, and put us into a state of tremendous love, joy and bliss. What would such a vacation look like?

What if we could experience a vacation that did not cost anything and in which we could instantly travel to and experience unimaginable vistas more beautiful than anything ever seen in this world? What if we could tap into a restful peace that washed away our troubles and stayed with us even when we returned from the journey? What if we could take this trip anytime we wanted, as many times as we wished, by just closing our eyes?


This journey is not imaginary. Many enlightened beings and spiritual masters have taken this inner vacation.


It is a vacation where we stay at home and spend our time with God. He is an ocean of joy, happiness, love and bliss. To vacation with the Divine would be to swim in this ocean of happiness. God is available to all of us. It is simply a question of where we focus our attention. If we are continually distracted by the activities of the outer world, we will remain oblivious to the everlasting love and bliss of Supreme within us. Our true self, the soul, rejoices in closeness to God, and we can experience this through meditation.


People have been practising meditation for centuries. Meditation has been proven to benefit both our bodies and minds.


During the day our mind is filled with thoughts. When we sit for meditation and focus our attention, we begin to quieten the mind. We become at peace with ourselves and are not bothered by the problems around us. By meditating regularly, we develop sustained concentration. This increase in concentration coupled with reduced stress and tension, renewed energy, and improved relationships, helps us achieve success in our worldly activities. We become more efficient and productive and are better equipped to deal with life’s challenges.


Meditation is the art of inverting our attention from the world outside to that within. Sightseeing in the physical world may attract our senses with interesting and beautiful sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings. Yet inner sightseeing dazzles us. The inner voyage thrills our soul with bliss, love and joy that far surpass any sensory delights experienced in this physical world. It empowers our soul and we rise into dimensions of higher consciousness. The empowered soul is a tremendous source of wisdom, love and power. This is a purely spiritual experience.


So, this holiday season, rather than focus on the attractions of the outer world, why not take some time to meditate and focus on the joys of the inner world?


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN BBL JAMES BAZELY NO 7 GOT man of the match, Brisbane thunder won scoring 196/7


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