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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Live truthfully


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Live truthfully

Many do know theoretically much of what spirituality is; but alas. How few are there who put their knowledge into actual practice. The achievement will be his only who would d follow up truth. We hear many say that it is impossible to be truthful in business. But I do not believe it. Where truth resigns thee he Lord Himself abides. If the man of business. but I do not believe it. Where truth reigns there the Lord Himself abides. If the man of business carefully enshrines truth in his house, he will be looked upon as the greatest of all virtuous men and his business too is destined to thrive  Nag maharaja  (a disciple of shri Rama Krishna ) was greatly devoted to truth., once he went to buy something in the market and the shopkeeper charged four annas for that . as he was truthful he took the shopkeeper also at his words and did not bargain. A bystander seeing him pay four annas thought within himself “what sort of man is he , he did not even care to bargain!” but when he came to know that he was Nag Maharaja , the saint, who believed that no one would dupe others , he took the shopkeeper to task for charging four annas for what was worth only two annas . the shopkeeper took this to heart and so the next day when Nag maharaya came to buy something he charged only two annas for a thing which was worth five annas , at which nag maharaja with folded hands addressed the shopkeeper thus; “Why do you behave like this with me ? This is worth more than two annas . Please take from me the proper price” The shopkeeper was deeply moved in this and fell at the feet of the saint. Therefore I say that you will never be a loser if you stick to truth. If you stick to truth. Divine grace is sure to flow to you through all channels –you will prosper not only in worldly affairs, but in spirituality as well.


Divine grace is the highest gift of them all TOI

By Kamlesh Patel


It’s the season of gifts and giving all over the world, from Deepavali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year, to Pongal and Sankranti, and it continues until spring.  Actually, the timing of the gift really depends on the call of the giving heart or the hour of need of the receiver.


The best gift is one which has the intention of purity behind it. That would show the state of joy or peace of the receiver, which matters most. A cup of cool water to a thirsty man in a desert is more precious than gifts of jewels or millions of dollars to a wealthy man.


Now, how do we evaluate a gift? The capacity of the giver is more relevant than the material value of the gift. Saints like Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, Babuji, admired a few rupees donated by a needy woman more than millions from billionaires.

What gives life to the gift? It can only be love! The intention and attitude associated with the thought and the gesture are equally valuable.

 In the Ramayan, there is the story of Shabari, the tribal woman who gave half-eaten fruits to Ram and Lakshman, the sons of King Dashrath. This old woman would bite into each fruit to ensure that it was sweet and safe before offering it to them. Her loving hospitality worked as a balm to relieve some of their pain of separation from Sita.


In the Mahabharat, when Krishn chose to stay with Vidur, instead of Duryodhan, Krishn happily ate the banana peels offered by Vidur’s wife. She did this because she was so lost in love and adoration for Krishn. When Vidur pointed out her absent-mindedness, Krishn said, “The superb taste of these banana peels is not present in the banana.”




O’Henry’s ‘The Gift of the Magi’ is also very inspiring. The wife, Della, sells her beautiful hair to buy a gold strap for her husband Jim’s wristwatch. Jim sells his watch to buy a beautiful comb for Della’s luxuriant hair. Neither of them could use the gift received from the other, but it filled their hearts to the brim with gratitude.


Isn’t forgiving the best gift? Miraculously, it turns out to be a double gift, it works for the giver and receiver. It has the potential to usher in a new heaven on earth by saving the world from hatred. Babuji Maharaj, the founder of the Heartfulness movement, adds that besides forgiving, if we also express our gratitude for the lessons learnt, perhaps that is the greatest in gift giving. However, only the one who has received divine grace can do it easily.


The Divine’s grace is the highest gift. It can happen in the presence of a divinised personality and not because one is deserving, meritorious or has earned it.


While planting a sapling today is a splendid gift to future generations and there are other noble ways to give, like contributing to your favourite charities or performing acts of service, we need to continue aspiring for the highest, too! That’s my wish for you. May that grace from the Divine descend on you in your act of giving and gifting.


 The writer, also known as Daaji, is the Heartfulness Guide.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN BBL Perth Scorchers won scoreing 167/7


Monday, December 20, 2021

Essence of Bhagavad Gita Karma


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Essence of Bhagavad Gita Karma

Should we engage in activity or not?’ The Gita discusses this question more than once and in various ways . We know that it is necessary to work; as long as we live we must do work of some kind or together. This is so obvious! We may wonder why Sri Krishna discusses this question so much. There is a reason for it. At the time the Gita was taught. Philosophical discussions had increased to an enormous degree in India. Based on various philosophical schools a great many sects had arisen. Philosophical discussions had led to a firm conclusion that the mind was finite. It could not transcend the limitations imposed by name and form, or by space, time and causation. The mind, it was believed, would never be able to transcend these limitations. All philosophers were in unanimous agreement regarding this finite nature of the mind. All their researches, therefore, had only one purpose in view namely, to find out how we could go beyond the finite mind and realize the infinite truth. It was widely accepted that the only way to attain truth was to sit with a fully quit mind, since the mind being finite, world never be able to grasp the infinite.


The king of thinking had attracted even ordinary people with hardly any understand of the philosophical concepts involved. Only a person with perfect self-control could really calm the mind. But ordinary worldly minded people gave up only their external activities. Some of them became monks, but it was only in name! In order to remove this kind of misunderstanding, Sri Krishna felt it was right to remain active. that is why he made such great attempts to tech us the real nature of work the right way to do it, and the true meaning of giving up work and being free from all bondage. It is for this reason that Sri Krishna elaborately explains the path of Karma Yoga in the third chapter-as also in many places of the fourth and fifth chapters-of the Gita


Going on a vacation with God through meditation TOI

By Sant Rajinder Singh


As the world enters another holiday season against the backdrop of a global pandemic, vacationing in distant lands may not be in the cards.


We usually seek places that are relaxing, enjoyable and beautiful. Yet going on an outer vacation is often stressful. We have to earn money for the trip; book tickets; undergo the rigours of travel, find the right accommodations and food service. Often, we return from a vacation more exhausted than we had left.


However, there is still hope for a different kind of vacation that will leave us refreshed, rejuvenated and happy. A vacation that will fill us with relaxation of our body, mind and spirit, and put us into a state of tremendous love, joy and bliss. What would such a vacation look like?

What if we could experience a vacation that did not cost anything and in which we could instantly travel to and experience unimaginable vistas more beautiful than anything ever seen in this world? What if we could tap into a restful peace that washed away our troubles and stayed with us even when we returned from the journey? What if we could take this trip anytime we wanted, as many times as we wished, by just closing our eyes?


This journey is not imaginary. Many enlightened beings and spiritual masters have taken this inner vacation.


It is a vacation where we stay at home and spend our time with God. He is an ocean of joy, happiness, love and bliss. To vacation with the Divine would be to swim in this ocean of happiness. God is available to all of us. It is simply a question of where we focus our attention. If we are continually distracted by the activities of the outer world, we will remain oblivious to the everlasting love and bliss of Supreme within us. Our true self, the soul, rejoices in closeness to God, and we can experience this through meditation.


People have been practising meditation for centuries. Meditation has been proven to benefit both our bodies and minds.


During the day our mind is filled with thoughts. When we sit for meditation and focus our attention, we begin to quieten the mind. We become at peace with ourselves and are not bothered by the problems around us. By meditating regularly, we develop sustained concentration. This increase in concentration coupled with reduced stress and tension, renewed energy, and improved relationships, helps us achieve success in our worldly activities. We become more efficient and productive and are better equipped to deal with life’s challenges.


Meditation is the art of inverting our attention from the world outside to that within. Sightseeing in the physical world may attract our senses with interesting and beautiful sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings. Yet inner sightseeing dazzles us. The inner voyage thrills our soul with bliss, love and joy that far surpass any sensory delights experienced in this physical world. It empowers our soul and we rise into dimensions of higher consciousness. The empowered soul is a tremendous source of wisdom, love and power. This is a purely spiritual experience.


So, this holiday season, rather than focus on the attractions of the outer world, why not take some time to meditate and focus on the joys of the inner world?


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN BBL JAMES BAZELY NO 7 GOT man of the match, Brisbane thunder won scoring 196/7


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ego Learn to Live

 Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta

 Ego Learn to Live


All our social, political and economic reforms are intended to provide for food, clothing and shelter and thus remove obstacles in the path of physical existence . But there is another struggle that is going on for the maintenance of the ego. Man has not yet learnt the art of disburdening himself of the struggle the ego  tires to maintain its identity its superiority-in the family background where it is born, in its working environment, in the midst of friends and colleagues, in other forms of social relationships. We can imagine the maze of problems that can arise from this struggle. Existentialist writers show great sill in depicting this struggle most impressively and movingly. Bertrand Russell remarks in his book. The Conquest of Happiness. What people mean, by the struggle for life is really the struggle for success. What people fear, when they engage in the struggle is not that they will fail to get their breakfast next morning, but they will fail to outshine their neigbours.


            According to the views of western thinkers, efforts made by man to maintain and preserve the ego is one of the unavoidable existential necessitates. In the view of Kerkegard the father of existentialism, all the experiences that man can gain come through the narrow passage of the ‘ego’. He summarizes the features of human life in four words; individuality, contradiction, choice and dread . He goes on to explain the struggle of the ego. Just as man can not perch on his own shoulder, he cannot transcend the four limitations referred to above. The world “individuality” encompasses the limitations of a person who is caught in the current of forces like various impulses interests’ action reactions influences and protests in the context of the pressures emanating from, place environment and tradition. The quality of life of an individual depends on the occupation or profession he has chosen and on his attitude. But is the really free in this? He feels that nothing is impossible for him. But when he goes a few steps forward he finds insurmountable barriers around him. (Man is capable of a little and a lot, of everything and nothing –Fascal) He realizes that he is helpless. He realizes at every step, the limitation of his knowledge happiness existence. He realizes that his life is like a tree without roots a house without foundation, or a boat without a rudder. Death engulfs everything is in a fraction of a moment. However even in the midst of these contradictions he sometimes sees a principle of unity or reconciliation.


The Gita has a lot in common with physics

Speaking Tree India, Spirituality, TOI

By GS Tripathi


Try learning them superficially, both physics and philosophy will elude you. However, both become easy when you explore them thoroughly. There’s no need to go to the forest to understand a book of philosophy. You can do that at home. We live in a society and what is good for it can be done and experimented right here.


Concept of indestructibility occupies a significant space in both. While in the Bhagwad Gita the soul is described as indestructible, in physics, Einstein’s relation between mass and energy suggests that both are indestructible. The difference is that the concept of indestructibility is based on reason and experimentation in physics, whereas it is a matter of faith in the Gita. Phase transformation is another aspect that is a part of both.



In the Gita it is described that the body transforms and passes through different phases such as birth, childhood, adulthood, old age and death, and each phase has its distinctness. Childhood is characterised by tenderness and curiosity. Adulthood exhibits action, dynamism and energy. Old age shows maturity, compassion and also decay.


Similarly, matter undergoes phase transformations and changes state from solid to gaseous via a liquid phase. In the solid state, in addition, there are instances of order-disorder transformations. Off and on, physicists predict some exotic states. Their sustainability depends on how long they engage the minds and experiments of physicists and other related scientists. Solids are identified by their rigidity, while liquid and gaseous states are characterised by fluidity. All these states have their respective equilibrium phases, free of external and internal forces. Sometimes these states are disturbed naturally, or artificially to explore something new.


According to the Bhagwad Gita, the equilibrium state is the sthitapragya state in life. It is a force-free state, the ultimate state. Once a person reaches this state, he is automatically enlightened. He conquers the dualities of life. However, secluded enlightenment is of no use like gems in the deep sea or flowers in a vast desert. Maybe it purifies the soul. However, it is of no use if it is not dedicated to society’s welfare.


The Gita talks about things small and big, statics and dynamics, one and many, light and darkness, infinities and zeroes. Physics also talks about these things but with evidence.


Many physical ideas originate from conjectures and hypotheses. However, these are accepted as laws only when confirmed by evidence through experimentation and reason. True philosophers also emphasise reason. As Tagore said, “Where a clear stream of reason is not lost in dreary sands of dead habit.”


The Gita emphasises the principles of creation, preservation and annihilation. Jagatguru Krishn affirms these principles many times in the Gita. Physics is also based on these aspects. Both deal with many-body systems. Explaining about ‘sat’ and ‘asat’, the Gita says that ‘sat’ never ceases to exist, implying it is reality and ‘asat’ has no existence, that is, it is an imagination. Physics too handles real and imaginary concepts, and arrives at meaningful conclusions, substantiated by observations. However, there are clear-cut boundaries between the two, and these should not be blurred by too much correlation. The convergence is that both evoke deep thinking and are sources of eternal excitement.


The writer teaches Physics at Berhampur University



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN ISL East Bengal no 7 scored a goal, Mumbai no 7 scored a goal


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Karma and Rebirth


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Karma and Rebirth


The Self is unaffected by joy and sorrow. It is perfect. But the body is subject to change according to the laws of the material world. Now a question may be raised. What happens when a person dies? The gross body, though which the mind works, becomes worn out. The Self discards this emaciated body and acquires a new one. Just as a person thrown away a torn dress and wears a new one, all the impressions(samsakara) of the thoughts efforts and work does through the body remain in the mind . The mind the intellect, the ten sense organs and the impressions of sense experiences make up the subtle body of the Self. The subtle body is made of subtle matter. It does not die along with the gross body. It remains associated with the Self even after death in other words even after discarding the gross body the awareness that “I have a body and senses” is not destroyed.


  Impelled by the impressions of the earlier body the Self then desires to acquire or create another gross body. It becomes attracted to the parents who will be able to prove it with a body suitable for the development of its impressions. Its past actions themselves propel it towards it’s would be parents. The subtle body has neither length nor breadth nor weight. It begins to reside in the mother’s womb right from the time of conception. The subtle body is not visible to the eye, but is material nonetheless. It is more subtle than even space and air. Through the new gross body, the Self resumes its quest from where it and left off at the death of the old body and continues to gain knowledge.


How to know whether to push oneself or let go

Speaking Tree in  India, Spirituality, TOI


By Swami Sukhabodhananda


A man who is filled with arrogance suffers from it, not knowing how to free himself from it. By being arrogant he is constantly in conflict with others. He suffers this pain and finds himself alone, filled with the additional pain of loneliness. People feel scared to connect with him and he is scared of his loneliness, which makes him angrier. This is like adding fuel to fire. He approaches a spiritual healer for advice. The healer says, “Look at a flower. Irrespective of who comes by, the flower gives fragrance.”


He further adds, “Come from a context that you will be like a flower showering the fragrance of joy. Always carry a flower with you and let that flower remind you of its function. You have to awaken more of female energy.”


Arrogance is the obesity of the head, and the heart of education is the education of the heart. The head is the function of male energy and the heart is the function of female energy. The balance of head and heart means the balance of the male and female energies in oneself. We are a product of our parents, and hence, both male and female energies exist in us. This balancing is an important aspect of wise living.


What is meant by female energy? Love and acceptance are functions of female energy. Love is the most healing energy in us. To bring the energy of love is a great awakening. The moment you start accepting, you will know how to surrender, and in that state of surrender the energy of love emerges. Only in this energy of love is one truly healthy.


What is meant by male energy? This energy is one of adventure, one of achieving.


If a person is not achieving oriented, then the male energy is not alive in him. When there is a balance of both male and female energies, one knows when to push oneself and when to let go and accept. An intuitive balance happens.


What happens if I don’t have the power of acceptance? Then you can’t accept your body ageing. You can’t accept that death is a part and parcel of life. How should I go about achieving in life? Think like a winner. You should allow your dreams to be converted into destinations. You should allow your dreams to come true.


A research conducted on successful persons has found that four factors contribute to one’s success: self-confidence, mental toughness, conceptional thinking, that is mentally practising success and commitment to excel.


Should one practice this balancing of female and male energies? The ability to practise this balancing is a life-long process. If you do not start young, then you will find it difficult. Even in martial art there are soft and hard techniques. If you are hard on the other when required to be soft, then even though you have won, still you would have lost, as winning is losing and losing is winning.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the IN ISL northeast no 7 scored a goal, Chennai no 7 scored a goal. India won third test declaring 276/7


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