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Monday, July 19, 2021

Mind according to Vedanta

Quote from true charm and power of Vedanta

Mind according to Vedanta 

During the dream-state, the mind becomes free from the body idea; it becomes associated with any impression that may be prevalent in the mind. When it is dominated by that impression, the mind has a particular ego idea. A dreamer can have any kind of ego. A queen may think she is a beggar-woman. Any kin d of ego can exist there because you do not know which impression will be prevalent in a person while dreaming. The will and power of judgement that are associated with the ego idea based upon the physical body, does not exist anymore. therefore, we do not have any kind of self –determination or definite will in the dream state . We do not have even any definite judgement of consistency or property in dream. In dream state a person does not have a definite ego idea, one does not have nay definite standard of judgment so nothing seems incoherent inn a dream. One also lacks in will power and one cannot resist when resistance is necessary. Any tendency, desire or idea may be prevalent of that time. We are actually at the mercy of the tendency or desire that prevails at that time. Being influenced by the desire or will, or wish, the mind creates an image or picture out of those impressions. The impressions become concretized. Just as we can see a picture painted on a canvas in al three dimensions, similarly , this mind is like a piece of canvas painted by al these imprison gathered during waking hours. 

How to fulfil your genuine desire for bliss

We all are striving hard to attain full satisfaction in a persistent manner. In the material world, nothing can give us such ecstasy. Consumption of a normal good is characterised by diminishing marginal utility; meaning that the additional consumption of the same good renders less and less satisfaction. Thus, we get fed up with it and look for another good to give us a feeling of complete satisfaction. But that also follows the same rule. There is no peace.
In the midst of this chaos, the truth is that complete bliss is possible to attain only through this life. Thus, unknowingly at the subconscious level, there is a constant struggle to seek the state of satiety, though we look for it materialistically. This happens because we get guided by our natural tendencies and the craze for an easy solution. The desire to attain bliss is genuine but the mechanisms we adopt to reach it can be faulty.

It is in this context that rationalisation and the role of conscience become important. The Buddha showed the path of withdrawal from indulgence in the material world and the perusal of the ultimate state through a disciplined life. The attainment of nirvana leaves a feeling of complete satisfaction and bliss. And interestingly, all this is possible only by accepting life. As Ramakrishna pointed out, what appears to be an illusion can actually manifest itself later as a part of truth. Thus, Ramakrishna’s Vedanta is unique and unravels a realistic approach. First attain it, spending time in silence and isolation, later look at the material world and realise the oneness. A combination of detachment and persuasion unfolds the mystic presence.

Introspection in silence establishes a unique connection between the vast and the individual. Even while one is in the midst of the duties and responsibilities in the material world, a sweeping breeze blows over to touch the mind and takes it away to an unknown state of joy. It is as if you have mingled with ecstasy itself and your every part of existence bears the ultimate happiness. Tagore tried to define it as an embodiment of an unembodied existence in your whole presence. The Vaishnavite simplify it in terms of the music flowing from the flute of Krishn, engulfing the existence of Radha and imparting ethereal joy. For, he stays nowhere but in the company of his devotees.

To an ignorant person, of course, a liberated soul may appear to be wandering aimlessly. But within that wandering, he has actually achieved what cannot be explained in words. His joy is too enormous to be defined materialistically.
The unique aspect of spiritualism is that it takes the individual to such heights that all desires get washed away with the glow of composedness that one is able to acquire. The Buddha suggested that we make repeated attempts to attain nirvana. Using an altered expression, Ramakrishna said that he would like to enjoy the enormity in different forms and in different ways. Thus, one can completely empty oneself forever. Once the lamp is lit in this world, its radiance will be evident in the path of eternity. The writer is professor of economics at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi

 I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won by 7 wk, and in formula one no Botas no 77 won a podium

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