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Monday, July 26, 2021

The soul of man


Quote from the True charm and Power of Vedanta

The soul of man

But those souls who do not want to have the least connection with any sort of activity whatever, who want to realize their own infinite nature , do not like to remain even in Bhramaloka, as that, too, is a place which is not permanent and not free from activities. Such souls merge their individualities in the universal soul of the Supreme Lord, Narayana and become one with Him. In the bond of love. That is why Sri Krishna teaches Arjuna, All the LOkas, beginning form the highest Brahmaloka, come again and again but when a man comes to Me, he will have no rebirth an more. So, finding out our lowermost point to be centre of the earth we at least find out the lowest condition of the soul as well as its highest. We have also seen that in order to be unconditioned and liberated form repealed births and deaths the soul will have to go where there is no creation.

A man gone beyond creation , directory come to the creator, as where here is no creation, there must be he who that this idea of heaven and hell is merely mythological Heaven and hell have no real existence , By heaven we always understand a blessed condition. These are only localized in two imaginary places , which go by the names of heaven and hell. And to support their view they adduce this reason., let us take for granted the existence of heaven and hell  when I am sleeping suppose two angels take me up to heaven and there in that sleeping condition make me live for years and years together . There also angels come and worship me while I am sleeping. After the lapse of that long period in the same state of sleep, I am brought back here to my old place on earth and made to wake up Although I have been living in heaven for so many years . I have no idea of it after waking. Why? I was in heaven, and still I was not in it; for was not conscious at the time. Where then does then heaven actually exist/ it exists in my consciousness or in me. In the same maner where does hell exist? Let us see Suppose again I am sleeping and two men from hell come out and take me to hell and there I am punished in many terrible ways while I am sleeping . after some time I am brought back to my old place Although I have undergone so many punishments in hell , still I am not able to recall them ; for I was not conscious at the time . Therefore punishments or miseries must be in my consciousness or must be felt by myself. Hence heaven and hell exist only in myself and nowhere else.

Scientific and metaphysical thoughts on infinity

By Narayani Ganesh

The newest talking point in math circles is about the size of infinity. But if infinity is endless, can it be circumscribed by a particular size? This curious topic is raising several questions that are being debated; nothing is yet completely proven or tested. That makes the discussion even more exciting, throwing open many possibilities.


That infinity could come in many sizes is something that modern set theorists are exploring, looking at adding more axioms and building on the conventional continuum hypothesis, that is, hypothesising what we term as ‘real numbers’ that fill the number line. But new research says, according to a write-up in Quanta magazine, that “most with never-ending digits, like 3.14159 – outnumber ‘natural numbers’ like 1, 2 and 3, even though there are infinitely many of both.” Does this mean that the total number of real numbers is unknowable, or that there could be multiple infinities with their own totals of numbers, which, if added up, could in fact point to the size of math infinity?

This is as far as I could decipher from a write-up that talked of infinite numbers in mathematics, but it triggered a metaphysical thought train. When we talk of infinite space, the infinite nature of human consciousness and the infinite permutations, combinations and possibilities in nature, are we talking of an eternally evolving universe and consciousness where, again, the size of infinity is not cast in stone; could these infinities come in different sizes?

Can one assign a number to infinity, in numeric or other terms? If we consider the theory that the universe is expanding and that all cosmic bodies are, like spots on an inflating balloon, getting farther and farther apart, then there is the possibility that the “balloon” bursts and the universe collapses into itself. And begins all over again, continuing the infinite cycle of birth and death. This is infinity in the physical universe. The metaphysical dimension is more expansive.

The most deeply intriguing yet simple aspect of infinity could be experienced in human consciousness, where individual consciousness comes from, linked to the universal mind/ consciousness that is omnipresent, a sort of non-local metaphysical reality that is way beyond physical infinities.

Biological life is organic; some schools of thought believe that all organisms are endowed with consciousness that helps them survive, and so to that extent they are self-aware and, therefore, all life is sacred. But it is said that only the human mind has the potential to tap into the universal mind, transcending the organic, progressing from local to non-local and sometimes going back and forth with the tantalising promise of an ultimate, seamless merger.

If religious concepts were designed to understand the science of mind, then it becomes clear why the universal mind has been called brahmn, chi, energy field, divine ocean, life force and god – infinite, all-pervasive, omnipresent, not this, not that. From panpsychism in ancient Greek thought, Anaxagoras’s universal mind, Socrates’s and Plato’s ethical mind and Tibetan Buddhist efforts at mind-life-science dialogues to modern scientists willing to listen to religious interpretations to understand infinity better, we have come almost full circle, even extrapolating on the concept of ouroboros, the infinity snake eating its own tail, symbolising the endless cycle of creation and destruction. (ganeshnarayani@yahoo.com)


 I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won second one day scoring 277/7,


Monday, July 19, 2021

Mind according to Vedanta

Quote from true charm and power of Vedanta

Mind according to Vedanta 

During the dream-state, the mind becomes free from the body idea; it becomes associated with any impression that may be prevalent in the mind. When it is dominated by that impression, the mind has a particular ego idea. A dreamer can have any kind of ego. A queen may think she is a beggar-woman. Any kin d of ego can exist there because you do not know which impression will be prevalent in a person while dreaming. The will and power of judgement that are associated with the ego idea based upon the physical body, does not exist anymore. therefore, we do not have any kind of self –determination or definite will in the dream state . We do not have even any definite judgement of consistency or property in dream. In dream state a person does not have a definite ego idea, one does not have nay definite standard of judgment so nothing seems incoherent inn a dream. One also lacks in will power and one cannot resist when resistance is necessary. Any tendency, desire or idea may be prevalent of that time. We are actually at the mercy of the tendency or desire that prevails at that time. Being influenced by the desire or will, or wish, the mind creates an image or picture out of those impressions. The impressions become concretized. Just as we can see a picture painted on a canvas in al three dimensions, similarly , this mind is like a piece of canvas painted by al these imprison gathered during waking hours. 

How to fulfil your genuine desire for bliss

We all are striving hard to attain full satisfaction in a persistent manner. In the material world, nothing can give us such ecstasy. Consumption of a normal good is characterised by diminishing marginal utility; meaning that the additional consumption of the same good renders less and less satisfaction. Thus, we get fed up with it and look for another good to give us a feeling of complete satisfaction. But that also follows the same rule. There is no peace.
In the midst of this chaos, the truth is that complete bliss is possible to attain only through this life. Thus, unknowingly at the subconscious level, there is a constant struggle to seek the state of satiety, though we look for it materialistically. This happens because we get guided by our natural tendencies and the craze for an easy solution. The desire to attain bliss is genuine but the mechanisms we adopt to reach it can be faulty.

It is in this context that rationalisation and the role of conscience become important. The Buddha showed the path of withdrawal from indulgence in the material world and the perusal of the ultimate state through a disciplined life. The attainment of nirvana leaves a feeling of complete satisfaction and bliss. And interestingly, all this is possible only by accepting life. As Ramakrishna pointed out, what appears to be an illusion can actually manifest itself later as a part of truth. Thus, Ramakrishna’s Vedanta is unique and unravels a realistic approach. First attain it, spending time in silence and isolation, later look at the material world and realise the oneness. A combination of detachment and persuasion unfolds the mystic presence.

Introspection in silence establishes a unique connection between the vast and the individual. Even while one is in the midst of the duties and responsibilities in the material world, a sweeping breeze blows over to touch the mind and takes it away to an unknown state of joy. It is as if you have mingled with ecstasy itself and your every part of existence bears the ultimate happiness. Tagore tried to define it as an embodiment of an unembodied existence in your whole presence. The Vaishnavite simplify it in terms of the music flowing from the flute of Krishn, engulfing the existence of Radha and imparting ethereal joy. For, he stays nowhere but in the company of his devotees.

To an ignorant person, of course, a liberated soul may appear to be wandering aimlessly. But within that wandering, he has actually achieved what cannot be explained in words. His joy is too enormous to be defined materialistically.
The unique aspect of spiritualism is that it takes the individual to such heights that all desires get washed away with the glow of composedness that one is able to acquire. The Buddha suggested that we make repeated attempts to attain nirvana. Using an altered expression, Ramakrishna said that he would like to enjoy the enormity in different forms and in different ways. Thus, one can completely empty oneself forever. Once the lamp is lit in this world, its radiance will be evident in the path of eternity. The writer is professor of economics at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi

 I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India won by 7 wk, and in formula one no Botas no 77 won a podium

Monday, July 12, 2021



Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta


According to ancient Indian philosophy this universe is composed of two principal elements. One is called Akash an all pervading primordial substance  , imperceptible to the sense, but manifested in the basic elements-earth, water, air fire, and ether-out of which all bodies come into existence . the other which holds together these material forms is known as Parana or vital force, the force by which man lives and without which he can do nothing. The sense which appear to be such important factors in our life would be of little use without this vital force, so also the mind and every part of the physical organism. We should therefore try to understand what the nature of this life force is and how it may be controlled for the great Indian teachers have taught us that by proper control of this force a man can be not only physically healthy , but intellectually brilliant; he can also rise spiritually and become illumined.

At present there are very few who know the use or even the existence of this Prana, for we cannot see it. Most of us live here unconsciously , doing eve3ryhting automatically through habit. We utilities our energies without thinking what they are or what they should bring us; still less does it occur to us that is our duty to conserve and direct them to definite ends. Yet we shall not know what true health or happiness or illumination is until we have learned how to gather up these vital forces of our organism and command them at our will. Just as light when dissipated scarcely suffices to read by, but when we put a shade over it and concentrate its rays we are able to see the finest print. Similarly when all the forces manifested though our body, mind and sense are stored up, regulated and focused, we discover possibilities of wisdom and happiness within us of which we are wholly unconscious at present.

The spirit of self-sacrifice for a better world

By AK Merchant


Countless stories can be told of sacrifices and innocent deaths that bring to fore the real humanity. Of corona warriors risking their lives to save people and provide solace to those who lost their dear ones. Can this spirit of altruism, fortitude and self-sacrifice pave the way for a new eco-friendly lifestyle?


Religious texts are filled with narratives of tremendous sacrifice and resilience. The power of faith in a divine being binds disparate elements of society to rise to great heights. The obedience of Ram to give up his kingdom and go into exile; the deeply insightful decision of the Buddha to sacrifice his kingship to venture into the forest in search for answers to our existential reality; the crucifixion of Jesus Christ for the absolution of the sinning multitudes; the martyrdom of Imam Hussain to uphold the standard of Truth when confronted by a heartless tyrannical ruler; the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur for protecting religious freedom, are just a few examples. To this must be added, the imprisonment and public execution of the Bab, Prophet-Herald of the Baha’i Faith, whose 171st martyrdom anniversary falls on July 9, 2021. Some 20,000 of the Bab’s followers were put to death with barbarous cruelty.

“O peoples of the earth!” the Bab declared in May 1844 of the imminent appearance of the Promised One of all religions, Baha’u’llah. “Verily the resplendent Light of God hath appeared in your midst … that ye may be guided aright to the ways of peace and … step out of the darkness into the light and onto this far-extended Path of Truth.” The Bab was publicly executed by a firing squad of 750 soldiers in Tabriz, Iran. The smoke of the firing was such as to turn daylight into darkness.


As soon as the cloud of smoke cleared away, the Bab had vanished. Though the cords with which he had been suspended were rent in pieces by the bullets. Cries of astonishment, confusion and fear rang out: “The Bab has vanished!” “He is freed!” they shrieked. “It is a miracle! He was a man of God!” “They are slaying a man of God!” There was bedlam in the public square as a frantic search for the Bab began. He was found in his prison cell completing the conversation with his attendant that he had not been allowed earlier. Another regiment of soldiers was assigned and the Bab was martyred. Fortunately, some of the Bab’s followers secretly retrieved the mangled remains of his bullet-ridden body. It was kept hidden and successfully transported to Haifa city, where it is entombed in a beautiful shrine on Mount Carmel.


To build a new world is no easy task. The Baha’i believe that far from signalising the end of civilisation, today’s convulsive changes will release the spiritual potentialities and reveal the full measure of our destiny on earth. This new consciousness is possible and can emerge through embracing revolutionary love, the emergence of a caring society; a new bottom line in all our economic, political, legal, educational and cultural institutions. This should be our greatest takeaway from the Covid-19 pandemic.



I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment in Wimbledon Djokovic won semi 777, in euro Ronaldo no 7 got GOLDEN BOOT


Monday, July 5, 2021

Spiritual Initiation


Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta

Spiritual Initiation.

If there is intense yarning for the object we are meditating upon and a deep and strong desire to get Him, then shall we be careless? As Sri Ramakrishna said, pearls and jewelry  are hidden in the next rom. Knowing this can the thief sleep quietly in the adjoining room? No , he cannot. Until he enters the next room by breaking the wall and gets possession of the wealth he will not be at peace . Similarly , if we know that He is in our hearts and we must get Him, then can we be careless ? Can we sleep? We got lukewarm only due to want of yearning . Therefore one should always try to be alert and wide awake . by repeated endeavor it becomes a habit and impressions(samskara) are formed.

We to used to sit for mediation again after a short stroll when we used to feel sleepy . many ask. If we feel sleepy can we do japa while strolling?” That may be done. By that sleep may be driven away, but mediation is not achieved. Mediation means all the senses are withdrawn from their respective subjects and activities. The mind alone will then stick to the object of mediation . mediation is not achieved by walking.

The real thing is , whatever time we meditate , we should try to do it with proper feeling and mental attitude  . whatsoever time we devote to it will be really beneficial if we do it with right mental attitude . it is not possible to examine one’s own self until the mind is calm and quite . mind cannot be analyzed otherwise.


Living in sync with immortality in the world

Speaking Tree

By Valson Thampu


We, in India, are not unfamiliar with the craving for immortality. We have been praying, from time immemorial, to be led from death to immortality. Due to Covid-19, we have been overwhelmed by the everywhere-ness of death. What does it mean, in such a context, to pray to be led to immortality?


Death and immortality are two distinct orientations of human life. Whatever exists in time will perish in time. Immortality is not a natural reward of time. Even so, immortality can be sought in temporal life. The need to do so arises from the fact that temporal resources cannot meet all our needs as human beings. The longing for immortality pertains to that aspect of our being which cannot be met by such resources.

Immortality is often confused with eternity. Eternity is beyond time. We have to die out of the temporal to attain the eternal, if at all. But immortality as interminable continuity can be sought in time. The alternative to the immortality-oriented life, is the animal way of life, which is limited to, and satisfied with, material and natural resources. Human beings thirst and hunger for something more, and beyond. We are inwardly driven by a need to survive, or assert ourselves over death; to say, as Donne does, ‘Death, thou shalt die!’ That given, human beings, to the extent that they are tinged with the thirst for immortality, cannot, should not, live and die like animals.

This explains the existence of religions. But religions, as they get organised and established, turn their faces away from the discipline of immortality. Worldliness takes over. Religion becomes an adjunct to mere existence. ‘Otherworldliness’, presumably akin to immortality, becomes, at best, a pious assumption. In theory, liberation from the worldly predicament is sought. But this is done in a worldly fashion, such as all rites and rituals are. Religion and worldly gains imply each other. Immortality is alien to this orientation.


Even so, the craving for immortality clings to humanity. It is hard for human beings to accept that their life, unlike life in nature, or the life of the gods, will end with their deaths. Human beings have a need to leave a memory, a legacy of words, deeds and achievements that will survive them. This motivation is at work even in parenthood. But, given the uniqueness of individuals and the decisive importance of personal consciousness, this falls short of attaining immortality for oneself.


In light of the above, what is tragic is not that one dies. It is that one dies no better than animals. Death is inevitable. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, if it is not today, it will be tomorrow. If it is not due to Covid-19, it will be due to something else. All deaths are premature in the sense that no one is ever ready for his death. Not many die having lived to the full. The life we live is partial and perishable. The spiritual mandate is to reorient ourselves to immortality. Mere avoidance of death has no spiritual merit. Temporal life flows inexorably towards death. The challenge is to live in sync with immortality even amidst this flow. The great thing, the empowering truth, is that this is possible.



I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment in f1 no 77 Botas won a podium   


Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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