Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
A view of Vedanta
So you can see that when it came to religion. I
did not find that I had to reject anything in Vedanta. I have practised
ritualism and found it quite satisfying i have practiced meditation and found
it quite satisfying. I have absorbed myself in devotional attitudes. I have
found that , too, quite satisfying . I have also practiced the path of janana
or reasoning a great deal and I have found that, also quite satisfying , I have
become absorbed in ACTION and I have found that satisfying too. In other words
from my own personal experience I have been convinced that all paths are
equally fruitful for all equally spell for me the same truth the same monism. I
have not , there fore, seen any contradiction in following a variety of paths.
Yes this is the great game . Something is there
because of which the one reality appears as manifold. But i am not convinced
that the individuals in this manifold difference in the quality of Divinity
that they manifest. in this , all are the same . There are difference but they
are differences of kind only . For example there is a kind of consciousness. Let
us say tree consciousness, which is different from human consciousness, but it
is equally effective, equally great. I can imagine also along the same train of
thought, that there is a kind of consciousness known as stone consciousness which
is equally as important , as significant , and as high as human consciousness
or as ANGELIC consciousness- it is just different in kind. As long as I am completely
identified with human consciousness or tree consciousness or lion
consciousness, but if i could become pure consciousness, separating myself form
the human ingredients in me. I could then identify myself with any type of consciousness
and perceive it intuitively, directly. I myself have known some who have done
that, and they say that tree consciousness, for instance , is an equally high
state of consciousness , but completely different from human consciousness, but
completely different that when the hour
passed in which their consciousness was beyond the limits of its own kind of knowing
and they had indentified once more with human consciousness, they could not
express what they had experienced in that state of elevation in terms of their
human existence.
Healing and Redeeming
The Speaking Tree | Spirituality | ET
Prayer is an earnest hope or a wish, a request
for help or expression of thanks made to God. Petition is the kind of prayer
that begs for determinate objects. Supplication is when things sought are
indeterminate. Obsecration is a solemn adjuration, asking a favour.
Thanksgiving is the returning of thanks for benefits received.
Among all the means of salvation recommended by
Jesus Christ in the Gospel, the first place is given to prayer. “Cry to me, and
I will hear you. Call upon me and I will deliver you. Ask and it shall be given
to you. Seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.” Prayer
is a source of strength.
By reading and meditating, we learn a lot, but
by prayer, we obtain the grace to do it. Worldwide, the tradition of prayer has
been a source of immense faith and strength. Brahma got the Gayatri Mantra, by
akashvani, divine voice. It is said that because of this, Brahma got the power
of creation.
The holy rosary of Mother Mary is a profound
and meaningful form of prayer. Therein we contemplate the central mysteries of
Christian life — the redemption of humankind through the incarnation, passion,
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s son born of the blessed Virgin
Mary. The rosary is a powerful form of traditional prayer; it involves our
whole person.
The rosary employs repetition, an essential
element in the language of love. As a result, we identify with our Lord and his
blessed Mother by applying their saving deeds to our own life with its joys,
sorrows and triumphs.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the
author's own.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who
spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this,
his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting
ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The
doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
7th Heaven moment of the week . Found two 7 colours Rainbow here