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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Knowledge and Devotion

Monday, 19 August 2019

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
 Knowledge and Devotion

Image result for The spirit of free inquiry quotesWhere then is the conflict? The conflict is in language and presentation. The conflict is due to the selfish motives of the followers. The ultimate goal of both devotion and knowledge in the same. Both are only different paths to the same goal. The goal is to destroy the worthless “unripe-I” which has bound us with desire for the world and its delights . we have to replace it with the great “ripe –I” the “I that says “I am God’s servant “ or I am a part of Him” Devotion and knowledge are merely two ways of destroying the “unripe –I”

Image result for The spirit of free inquiry quotesDevotees want to surrender everything at the lotus feet of God. The only thing they seek in life is to remember, and then to live, under all conditions and in all ways the truth that whatever they call their own-actions and thoughts, wealth spouse and children –are not really there . these belong to God. Even actions like eating, which are necessary for the upkeep of the body, are done by devotees for the service of God and not for their own sake. They live for no other reason then to serve God the beloved. Devotee want to drown their “I ness” in the ocean of “Thou-ness” they want to serve God in all beings after discarding forever at His lotus feet the “I” born of egoism the “I “which says. “I am the son of the so and so “ I am a scholars” “I am wealthy, respectable intelligent”
The spirit of free enquiry
The Speaking Tree , Fiction, India | ET
Image result for The spirit of free inquiry quotesThe spirit of free enquiry is, perhaps, best epitomised in the short and crisp Mundaka Upanishad, set amid the sylvan retreat of Sage Angiras. He is engaged in dialogue with Saunaka, a householder in search of truth.
Saunaka asks: “Sir, what is that, knowing which, everything becomes known?” Sage Angiras’s reply constitutes the entire Mundaka Upanishad in 64 verses, encapsulating the Vedantic view.
Angiras was, perhaps, the first to differentiate between knowledge and wisdom, a theme later elaborated by various seers and Advaitists. He makes the distinction between “lower” knowledge —which one would interpret as either intellectually grasped or ritualistically gathered and the “higher” form of knowledge, which one would interpret as the spiritual experience itself, beyond the web of the mind.
Image result for The spirit of free inquiry quotes
Sage Angiras differentiates further between the transitory character of the materialistic path and its fleeting benefits, and the potentially permanent nature of the path of renunciation, which he saw as a prerequisite to attain real happiness. This distinction between dharma and jnana lies at the very heart of the Mundaka Upanishad.
In three similes Angiras posits the intricate relationship between the universe and the Self: “As a spider throws afar its web and gathers in as well, as plants sprout on earth, as hair grows on the human body, so does the universe emerge from the Imperishable Self.”
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

Relationship, old vs new
The Speaking Tree | Lifestyle | ET
By Sumit Paul
“Had we never lov’d sae kindly,
Had we never lov’d sae blindly,
Never met — or never parted —
We had ne’er been brokenhearted.”
— Robert Burns, Scottish poet

Everything in life has a purpose.
There’s nothing that happens without a reason. A breakup also has a meaning. It teaches the person(s) deeper lessons of life and relationships. At the same time, when we break off with someone, however close he/she may have been, we are again open to forging new bonds. So long as one is in a relationship, it’s difficult to weigh other options. But once the earlier bond loses its grip, you are as free as breeze.
No one is indispensable in life and, after some time, one naturally forgets all. And one has to forget all, one by one, to feel a sense of blissful emptiness that permeates not just the whole universe but also pervades one’s whole existence. There’s a saying in Urdu, ‘Apni majlisein badalte rahiye’ (Keep changing your company). To welcome the new with an open heart and sans any reservations can make life meaningful.
To sum up with Allama Iqbal’s couplet, ‘Dhoondh koi nai raah khud ke liye/ Kab tak qadeem raahon pe chalta rahega?’ (Find a new path for yourself/ How long will you keep treading on the same old and beaten path?).
So, leave the beaten and welltrodden path and embark upon a new sojourn on an unknown road. Uncertainty has its own charm. Incertitude leads one to new and exotic territories.

Embrace it whole heartedly.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week  Jadon Sancho no 7 socred a goal on bundas liga  ,  

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