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Monday, July 22, 2019

The Divine charioteer

Monday, 22 July 2019

Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta
The Divine charioteer

Image result for The Divine charioteer gita quoteThus far, we have studied the significance of the chariot with the help of the teaching of the Gita the allegory used in the Kathaopanisahd. However  the presence of Lord Krishna on the charioteer seat , towards which Swami Vivekandna has specifically drawn our attention , adds special significance to the whole picture. He is guiding the soul in bondage represented by the confused and depressed Arjun . according to Rama Charita Manas, anyone who have devotion to the Lord need not have any fear. We to speak then of the good fortune of one who has the Lord Himself as the charioteer?

Image result for The Divine charioteer gita quoteHaving the Lord as charioteer has another significance. Sri Krishna is not just a man of steady wisdom who will reach the Vishnu –pada, the Supreme Abode of the Lord . He is Lord Vishnu Himself. So, the allegory of the chariot represents a concept higher than the sthita-prajna idea. Having attained the Brhami state a sage should help and guide other souls who are still in bondage, towards that goal. This is exactly what Sri Ramakrishna exhorted Swami Vivekandna to do when the latter expressed the desire to remain constantly merged in the bliss of Nirvikala Samadhi, . He wanted the Swami to accept the higher ideal-to be like a large banyan tree which would provide peace and shelter to thousand of weary souls-rather than care for his own salvation. This has been aptly summarised in the following verse;

May the wicked become virtues. May the virtuous attain tranquillity; may the tranquil be free from bonds. May the liberated make others fee.
Image result for The Divine charioteer gita quoteArjuna in the portrait represents the virtuous, and Sir Krishna the free who is leading him to freedom. Courtesy the secret of Happiness

To Feel Safe and Secure
The Speaking Tree  India | ET

Have you seen how peacefully a child sleeps in the lap of his parent, even in a noisy, crowded local train? The hustle-bustle disturbs everyone, but not the child, due to his implicit faith in the protection of his parent.

All of us strive diligently to overcome our many fears: financial, familial, social, academic and physical. However, the necessary security measures like insurance, helmet, buzzer alarm and health check-up fail to free us from a disconcerting sense of insecurity within us. Why? All fear originates in an unbalanced, unrealistic material conception of life.

The material aspect of our life has its importance; we need to feed, clothe, house and provide for us and our loved ones. Krishna says in the Bhagwad Gita that when we seek our sense of identity, self-worth, security and pleasure exclusively from our material positions and possessions, we open ourselves to fear.

How should we overcome fear? The more things change, the more we need to embrace the things that don’t change, “Of the material, there is no endurance, and of the spiritual, there is no cessation.” When we make our life’s work a devotional offering for His service, we focus more on the object of our service.

This shift of focus releases large reserves of mental energy, which are choked by our worry about the future. Chanting the names of God gives us the calmness to see that almost all fears are more perceived than experienced.

The more we become free from fear of the future, the more we can fully absorb ourselves in our present duties.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week  in Wimbledon djokovic won 777 , Healp no 7 won, in football Tajakistan no 7 scored a goal

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