Monday, 08
April 2019
of Bhakti
TheSpeaking Tree Bharat Mata & Navaratri
AprThe Speaking Tree
India | ET
By: Pranav Pandya
Navratri sadhana is a popular bi-annual occasion to cleanse
and energise body, mind and soul of the individual. With the changing season,
the weather is also just right to tune in to nature. This Navratri could be
made interesting and different in one aspect. Apart from nine incarnations of
Devi, Bharat Mata could also be included as the 10th avatar of the Mother

We are the torchbearers of knowledge and spirituality. We
are the ones who believe in sarva dharma sambhava — that all faiths and
religions can live in harmony. It is suggested that devotees should include one
round of Mahamrityunjaya and Gayatri japa for the welfare of Bharat Mata in
their daily puja routine. It is well known that results of collective prayer
are always remarkable. Devotees should pray that there be positive change for
the welfare of all. May Bharat Mata bestow on us an atmosphere of peace,
brotherhood and goodwill.
We need to keep the interest of Bharat Mata topmost in minds
and avoid anything that might weaken her position. Let us all do to the best of
our ability, the work that is assigned to us. Let us spread the thoughts of
building good values in self, family and society.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
India | ET
By Ezekiel Isaac Malekar
Bhakti is the Hindu concept of supreme love and devotion to
the Divine, one of the popular ways of achieving salvation. Translated in
Jewish, bhakti connotes the idea and practice of undivided dedication to a
single universal Creator of all life and things in the unbounded universe. To
be meaningful, dedication has to be expressed in thought, word and deed.
In Judaism, the core of prayer is the Amidah or silent
prayer, which consists of deep meditation and thanksgiving for the gift of life
and all its benefits. Bhaktas express a constant feeling of reverent gratitude
for the joy and blessings of life that the Almighty has bestowed upon us.
Among Jews, the Hasidim — the pious ones — are those who
devote their lives to deeds of charity and strict observance of traditional
precepts. The system of Hasidim stresses the virtues of serving the Lord with
gladness and singing and of prayerful devotion. It emphasises the importance of
ecstatic prayers, humility, cheerful optimism, communion with God and love of
fellow creatures.
The Shema — the central Jewish prayer proclaiming the Unity
of God and the oneness of Creation — is recited with the right hand covering
closed eyes, so that attention is closely concentrated on the sublime thought
it embodies. The basis of prayer is that man can communicate with his Maker, a
personal God who can be sought, found and moved with human entreaty.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
From the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
This body is the most immediate reality to the majority of
people. We may talk of subtle spiritual forces, of an imperceptible should
abiding within , but very few can understand or believe in the reality of finer
things. For that reason we must begin with the grossest of all instrument, the
physical body. And the first question which arises is : Have we this body under
perfect control? Do our hands and feet our senses and other obey us? Can we
govern and direct them as our higher instincts prompt us? When we analyze, we
find that very few of us have any power of control over what we call the body. The
energies which manifest through it have become dissipated and because of this dissipation
our eyes cannot bring us perfect vision, our ears and all our senses can give
us only partial knowledge ; that is why our perceptions are never free from
error. But when we got to the foundation of our bring and gather up all our
forces. Then we gain command over them and can utilise them to our best
But, if
He exists?
drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and
evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed
at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on
something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well,
if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He
exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten
minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy
that I derive 4m.
REVIEW : 7th
Heaven moment of the week in Ipl Mumbai won last match scoring 136/7
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