Learn to Reward Yourself for Success With These 3
By T. Harv
Celebrate Success by Learning to Reward Yourself
If you’ve ever felt like you “can’t” or “won’t”
reward yourself for your hard work, I’m going to give you three simple steps to
follow to remove all guilt… so you can celebrate each of your successes and
feel great about rewarding yourself.
1. The golden rule of rewarding yourself
When it comes to finding ways to reward yourself,
follow this golden rule: do what works for you.
That’s it!
They don’t focus on that feeling of satisfaction
and accomplishment for more than three seconds before it becomes doubt,
judgment and “What’s the next thing?”
The reason I incorporate rewards so heavily into my
“Ultimate Life Makeover System” web class is because number 1, many times it’s
tangible. When you buy that dress you’ve wanted or that jacket you’ve wanted
and you see it in your closet all of the time, you’ll say, “Wow, it’s worth
doing the things I committed to doing!”
And number 2, rewarding yourself for your
accomplishments gives you the motivation, drive, and self-confidence to keep
moving towards your goals with momentum.
Many people won’t give themselves a little reward
here and there, which is why it’s so important to take the time to do this consciously.
So, what works or WILL work for you when it comes
to patting yourself on the back for a job well done?
2. Redefine rewards
If you believe that you should only get a reward
for doing something difficult, then you need to rethink this belief
The bottom line is if you associate rewards with
something difficult, you created that belief.
In other words, you were taught that if you do
something unpleasant or difficult, you deserve and should get a reward.
But then what if you don’t do something difficult?
Well, you don’t get one… right?
This is faulty thinking, and something that holds a
lot of people back. You can and should get rewarded for accomplishing things
you actually enjoy doing, too.
For example, if you ENJOY your work, and you are
successful with it, guess what? You should be REWARDED for that!
You shouldn’t have to do work that you hate, and
that is unpleasant and difficult simply to make money because you’ve linked
rewards with unpleasantness.
If this is something you believe, then very
unconsciously you have linked getting rewards from unpleasantness—and this
singular belief is holding you back from enjoying your work, your life, and
blocking you from experiencing true happiness.
3. Move beyond “either/or”
If you associate rewards with pain and suffering,
then you’re living in an either/or world.
Remember what I said in my book Secrets of the
Millionaire Mind: most people live in an either/or world. Either it’s money or
happiness, money or spirituality, money or health, money or free time, money or
this, money or that.
It’s either/or.
How about we do what we love? How about we enjoy
what we do? How about we do very pleasant and wonderful things and we get a
reward as well?
Imagine this is your new rule: I can do what I love
and get rewarded.
I can do what I enjoy and get rewarded in all kinds
of ways, not just satisfaction and accomplishment (because the mind doesn’t
hold onto these for longer than 3 seconds).
Instead, write down what you want in your life
including all the “luxuries” you’ve ever dreamed of. They could be material.
They could be any kinds of things, but you’ve got to allow yourself to enjoy
I’ll tell you why many people don’t do this: it’s
because the conditioned, fear-based mind doesn’t want that. Because if you’re
really nice to you and really good to you, then what is your mind supposed to
Its job is to look for the problems; to mainly look
for what’s wrong. You must consciously step in and stop this in its tracks!
By unlinking rewards from unpleasantness, and
instead believing that you deserve to be rewarded for ALL the great things you
accomplish, you’ll begin operating on a higher energy plane – and living a more
abundant, happy, fulfilled life in the process.
Now it’s your turn! How do you fare when it comes
to taking rewards for your hard work? Are you able to fully celebrate your
successes and reward yourself for the things you enjoy doing? If you’ve got no
problem showering yourself with love and spoiling yourself, maybe you can help
others in the community by sharing your story.
Leave me a comment below and let me know your
thoughts and experiences on the topic!
For Your Freedom,
The Magic Of Fresh Juice
Editorial by Robin Sharma
Disciplined eating habits keep one motivated, says ROBIN SHARMA
The foods you consume affect your moods as well as
the clarity of your thinking. This is
why the ancient sages ate only light foods. They knew that anything more would
disturb the perfectly peaceful minds they had worked so hard to cultivate and
disrupt their meditations on the true meaning of life. If you owned an expensive Formula One race
car, you wouldn’t think of fuelling it with anything less than premium-grade
gas. Anything else would reduce its performance. So why would you put anything
less than the best foods into your body, which is an even more valuable
performance vehicle?
Eating the wrong foods, in large quantities, will reduce your energy level, affect your
health and prevent your mind from serving you to its fullest capacity.
Realizing that for every greasy lunch you have, you will suffer a corresponding
reduction in your level of motivation and effectiveness is the first step to
developing more disciplined eating habits.
One of the best strategies I can share with you to boost both your
energy level and your mood is to get into the daily habit of drinking fresh
fruit juice.
On the counter of our kitchen at home sits one of
my prized possessions, one that has added years to my life and life to my
years: my juice machine. Investing in a juicer and discovering the life-giving
value of fresh juice is a smart move. The juices you can make taste great and I
cannot begin to describe how wonderful you will feel once you start drinking a
glass of strawberry-apple or orange-grape juice every morning before you leave
for work. The best book I have found on the subject of juicing is The
Juiceman’s Power of Juicing by Jay Kordich. The recipes Kordich shares in this
book are worth the price alone.
Pure Environment
One of the timeless truths of successful living can
be stated simply: your thoughts form your world. What you focus on in your life
grows, what you think about expands and what you dwell on determines your
destiny. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy
— it gives you just about what you expect from it. As Helen Keller said, “No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of
the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human
spirit. ”Given this principle, the first step to becoming a happier, more
serene person is to manage your thoughts and purify your thinking.
One of the best ways to begin this inner work is to
improve the quality of your personal environment. After a speech I gave to a large gathering in
San Francisco, an elderly woman slowly walked up to me and held my hand, as
people in their golden years often do.
Looking straight into my eyes she said,
“Mr Sharma, I’ve listened to your insights for living a better life for
the past hour and I agree with everything you’ve said. For many years I have
understood that our surroundings shape our moods, our thoughts and our dreams. And so, in every
room of my little house, I have a
bouquet of freshly cut flowers.
I am not a wealthy woman. But this is one luxury I
would never do without. ”This woman knew that a first class environment is an
investment, not an expense. Take a good,
hard look at your environment. Your thoughts are shaped by the people you
associate with, by the books you read, by the words you speak and by your daily
physical surroundings.
Are you spending your time at work with negative
people? If so, they will eventually make you negative and cynical. Are you
watching violent TV shows and mindless videos at home?. . . Is the space you
work in bright, colorful and inspiring? Over the coming weeks, take steps to make the environment you work
and live in a better one. You will quickly detect improvements in the way you
think, feel and act. Who Will Cry When You Die? Jaico Publishing House ■
Quote from the True Charm & Power of
Everlasting Blissfulness
The Speaking
Tree | Spirituality | ET
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Happiness, wisdom and creativity are
characteristics of the absolute state of Being, which is Pure Consciousness.
This absolute Bliss Consciousness is the veritable source of man, and there
need be neither dullness nor apathy in the life of any individual man, for he
is born of wisdom.
Only so long as he is unaware of, and separated
from, this fountain of wisdom can he find himself in ignorance and confusion.
Aman shivers in the cold of the verandah simply because he is not enjoying the
warmth of the living room. There is no reason for man to be dull and
uncreative. He has tremendous potentialities for creation. He is born to enjoy,
not to suffer.
Man as man — having evolved into the human species
— has a nervous system developed to the point where it is within his ability to
experience the state of absolute Bliss Consciousness. The nervous systems of
beings in the lower strata of creation, like birds and animals, do not have
this capacity for the enjoyment of great happiness, for their nervous systems
are not so highly developed. But the nervous system of man is sufficiently
He is able to experience joy and consciousness in
all their abundance. This is why we dare to say that life is bliss and man is
born to enjoy. Misery, pain, happiness, all these are part of our daily
experiences. But blissfulness is happiness of a higher order; it is permanent
and enduring and does not have the transient quality of all ordinary happiness.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent
7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his
colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting
ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The
doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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