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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Measuring happiness?

Monday, 26 March 2018
Measuring happiness? 

Image result for Measuring happiness quoteFrom 122nd rank in 2017 to 133rd rank in 2018, India has slipped 11 places on the ‘World Happiness Index’. This ranking by the UN purports to reveal how happy the country is. On the other hand, Pakistan is at 75th position, despite being terror-ravaged.

Now, the question is: can happiness be measured? “Happiness cannot be measured. It’s to be felt,” wrote the German novelist Herman Hesse in his book Siddharth. Human emotions and feelings can never be measured or demarcated country-wise because human spirit is universal. Emotions are not differently felt and experienced by people of different countries. “What you call happiness/ Is pain to someone else/ Both are two sides of the same coin/ At times, friend and sometimes, foe,” wrote Allama Iqbal.
Image result for Measuring happiness quote 
Such surveys are bound to be lopsided and fallacious because Pakistan is placed at 75th position, whereas the ethos and emotional approximations of the citizens of both the countries are almost identical.

India is a country that believes in karma concept and fatalism. “In India, even those resigned to their fate are so happy that an outsider can’t say that they’re unhappy with their lot. They’re the forever happy people and happier than the sages in the Himalayas and the denizens of Beverly Hill or Manhattan,” sociologist Meera Kosambi said.

So, measuring something as subtle as happiness according to country, place and people is not just erroneous, it shows the limited ambit of human intelligence and inveterate condescension of a certain group.

Economic Times in The Speaking Tree    
By Sumit Paul

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

What really is religion?
Image result for Measuring happiness quote Economic Times in The Speaking Tree  
Many of the suffering, violence and hardships caused today are due to terrorism, allegedly inspired by religion, dharma. This is due to improper and incomplete understanding of dharma and sampradaya. Dharma is for the betterment of the world. Dharma is complete in itself and cannot be divided. Dharma of humanity can only be one. The dharma of agni can only be to burn or give heat. Dharma of other elements of nature is one and constant. Similarly, the dharma of human beings can only be love.
Other aspects are sampradaya, the different traditions and cultures. Today, there is conflict between various sampradaya based on different ways of invoking the Supreme. When the followers of one sampradaya think that their way is superior to that of the other, then that creates blind faith, hate and narrow thinking. This leads to creating a class which is not Godloving but God-fearing. This encourages cult leaders to sway people to follow their way and fan hatred for the other, whereas a truly religious or spiritual leader will advocate only love for all.

We should understand the difference between dharma and sampradaya. Dharma is universal, and for everyone. What is different is merely the way of prayer. The different way of prayer should not lead the most intelligent creature on Earth to bloody conflicts, hatred and division. We should be close to the essence of dharma and should be careful about the limited role and significance of sampradaya.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN  in nba Cav won by 7,

Monday, March 19, 2018

Choice vs Destiny

Monday, 19 March 2018
Choice vs Destiny
March 18, 2018  Economic Times in The Speaking Tree |  

Image result for choice vs destiny quoteAre we free to exercise our will? Or are we just puppets going through motions in life according to a plan, predetermined by asuperior power? Philosophers have pondered over this question since ages. Omar Khayyam thought we were no better than water, flowing willy-nilly, “where Destiny with men for Pieces plays”. Khayyam’s stand is predeterministic. He hints at an unalterable script.

In contrast to this is the traditional view of Judgment Day of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This view is based on the conviction that each person is wholly responsible for his conduct in life. The Hindu view of karmic transmigration also supposes choice for individual human beings.

Cheiro the palmist compares the human condition to that of a pendulum in motion. The view is close, in a way, to the law of gravity that recognises the interdependence of all bodies, animate and inanimate.

Image result for choice vs destiny quote What suffuses all beings and objects is te Alhl Pervasive: Vishnu or Vidyut in Sanskrit, the Ultimate Truth. To participate and submit to the collective rhythm of creation is to attain to bhakti, Narada conveys in his Sutras. This marks progress towards humility. Adi Shankaracharya calls it being harmonised, the samachitta.

The scope of individual will is to choose between confinement to the individual ego, and to submit to the Cosmic Self. Lord Krishna who embodies the Cosmic Self puts it succinctly in the Bhagavad Gita, “The worshippers of other gods go to them; My devotees come to Me.”

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta
How do we know that the Divine has heard our prayers?
Blog by Dadashreeji

Q- How do we know that the Divine has heard our prayers and we don’t need to pray for the same anymore?


The answer for both these questions is the same. If you pray for one cause how do you know that it has reached the Divine?

Image result for prayer answered quoteYour heart will tell you that. When you offer your prayer completely, there is peace within your heart. All of a sudden you experience completion within yourself. There is no more desire to pray for the same thing afterwards. The moment you experience this within, that there is no struggle for it, know this well that your prayer has reached the Divine. He heard it. So when you know that He heard it you don’t have to repeat it again. The prayer has already gone.

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN  in Isl Bengaluru fc no 7 scored a goals on sac, moto gp 2 no 7 won a podium

Sunday, March 11, 2018

How free are you

Monday, 12 March 2018
How free are you
March 7, 2018, 10:51 PM IST Economic Times in The Speaking Tree | Spirituality | ET
P V Vaidyanathan
Image result for how free we are quoteMost of us would say that we do have free will. We can do anything we wish. If we want to wear a red shirt instead of a blue one, we can. If we want to eat a sandwich instead of a pizza, we can. If we want to marry the girl or boy we love, we can. If we have enough money, we can buy any house, car or gadget. Likewise, we can travel wherever we want to.
Obviously, it looks as if free will exists. According to Ramesh Balsekar, all the choices that we make are from the act of exercising the will. How free is free will?
Image result for how free we are quote
Whatever we call free will or choice is finally determined by a mix of two things, nature and nurture, or by our heritage and conditioning.
We can’t choose our parents, and, hence, we have no choice over the genetic material they gift to us. Also, from birth, we are exposed to conditioning and belief systems. In the process of growing up, we are conditioned and led to believe a great many things by family, friends and strangers, the media, commercials, books and what-have-you. As an adult, we are, thus, a mixture of our genetics and all these conditionings.
This is our programming, our code. And all our decisions, our choices, our thoughts and acts, originate from this programmed mind. True freedom and free will come only if we are able to go beyond our programming. To override our basic genetic make up is near impossible.

But it is indeed possible to go beyond our conditionings, beliefs, indoctrinations and ideas. Once we can un-condition ourselves, we will be able to respond freely.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Image result for how free we are quoteMANTRAS Part 2 - by Guruji Krishnananda

Sadhana is done at several levels - physical, mental, intellectual and Spiritual. We do Sadhana at the physical level by Asanas, physical culture, etc., and gain purity at the physical level. The practice of Pranayama builds up stamina in us. The Sadhana at the mental level is by Japa, repeating Shlokas, etc. Japa generates a lot of energies and builds up harmony in the mind. When we are agitated, if we repeat the Mantra 'Om' silently, all the agitation reduces within a minute or two. Sadhana at the mental level is for controlling and sublimating our emotions.

Reciting a prayer, repeating a Mantra is a way to link up with God. There are also other ways, better ways. After sometime, the repetition of a Mantra may become mechanical. We may go on repeating a Mantra and yet remain mentally disturbed. Our attention will not be complete. Being in very positive moods and filling the intellect with positive thoughts is the first step in Yoga. We can tune up to God's vibrations better with these things. When we sit and meditate, it is a much more concerted effort.

There are three types of Meditation - Elementary, Higher and Advanced.

Image result for how free we are quote
In the ELEMENTARY MEDITATION, we use a Mantra and Dharana. When we meditate, the Mantra makes our mind silent. The energies released fill up our entire system and purify it. As we advance in Meditation, we use the energies from the Chakras and the energies from the Divine planes when we reach the Samadhi stage. When we are getting cleansed, we are cleansed of all the impressions and negativities. The effect of Karmas is not only suffering, it can also be happy experiences. The purpose of Meditation is reaching the state of God. We should have no Karmas for that; not even good Karmas.

We have to follow all the instructions, during Meditation. When we get thoughts during Meditation, we have to ignore and not worry about them. To help this, let us put all our attention on the Mantra. We should not change the Mantra or Dharana, given to us.

As we advance in Meditation, we realise that we stop repeating the Mantra while meditating. We think that we forgot to repeat the Mantra. Actually we would not have forgotten. The repetition would be occurring at the deeper layers of consciousness.

The nature of the mind is to wander. Let us not try to control the mind and let us not worry. Let the mind wander. Let us give all attention to the repetition of the Mantra. The wandering may not stop completely but you will have a lot of quietude in the mind. During Meditation when you repeat Omkara or any mantra, the mind goes on repeating. Finally it gets tired and goes into stillness.

Intellect generates thoughts. We become more aware of these thoughts while meditating. We should ignore the thoughts, allow them to pass. Dharana helps silence the Intellect. Again, here, give more attention to the repetition of the Mantra. Imagine that the whole body is repeating the Mantra.

Most of us are used to repeating a Mantra mechanically. Every time you take the name you must mean it, when you say ‘Rama’, you must address Him literally. It is as if He is in front of you. When we repeat the Mantra let us add our love. When you say ‘Om Ganeshaya Namaha’ think of Lord Ganesha with utmost love. We can add emotion. With great devotion we can repeat a Mantra. This improves the quality of Meditations. And we should know the process thoroughly, then we will never get confused. We start Meditation with emotions, with repeating of Mantras. After some time definitely we go beyond these emotions. Emotion is not the important thing. It is only a starting point.

Many listen to Mantra on a music player and meditate. I suggest please do not do so. The reason is when you go on hearing the Mantra, your attention will be focused on the Mantra. But the purpose of Meditation is to become silent, reach the ocean of stillness, expand your Awareness, but when you are listening to a Mantra you will remain at this level. You will not go beyond the Mantra, beyond the mind. Understand clearly Mantras help in Meditation only up to a point. After the initial stages, we have to let go of the Mantras, we have to let go of the mind.

Also, you cannot just coin a Mantra by yourself. When we repeat a Mantra we connect to its energy field. Before using a Mantra, a field is created. You may be repeating a Mantra but there will be no corresponding field of Spiritual energy.

If you are experiencing Light in higher stages, it is not like the physical light, the Light is God Himself. Light is a personality. You must deal with the Light, treat the Light like a person and experience it.

In HIGHER MEDITATION, we go beyond Mantras and forms. We can experience Samadhi in Higher Meditation.

Samadhi is a state of not doing anything and total silence. In this state, we expand in consciousness. The Mantra and the Dharana are limitations to this act. There should be no boundaries. So there will be no Mantra or Dharana in this stage of Sadhana. When we allow a lot of silence to develop, we enter the unconscious level easily and experience Samadhi.

In ADVANCED MEDITATION, we go beyond techniques; we go beyond Samadhi. We require the help of the Rishis, the Light beings, to go beyond Samadhi.

We have to be sincere in whatever we pursue. If we are sincere we will definitely understand Meditations, practice, and progress. If it is a half-hearted attempt naturally we do not progress. If you believe in pujas, rituals, be sincere there also. Try to understand the meaning of the Mantras. You will understand a lot. If you believe that God does not exist, be sincere to that belief.

Understand this very clearly - learning more techniques makes no difference. Practising Pranayama and Mantras help us deal with the energies at a grosser level. When we meditate we will be dealing with subtler energies. Learning more techniques does not increase the quality of our Meditations. I suggest you increase the duration of Meditation.


A person asked me a question about Mantra and Dharana, “You say you are giving individual Mantra and Dharana, but these are the same for everyone?” It is a very good question. I told him that we don’t just give the Mantra we also give individual energies with it. The same energy is not passed on to everyone. Some individuals require perhaps more or a slightly different type of energy. The Rishis are capable of that. That is why they initiate and tune up a Meditator with Spiritual energies. Every initiation is different.

The same mantra may be given to a hundred people, but to each individual it is the personal mantra. If you reveal your Mantra, the Spiritual energy charge that we have given to you will dissipate. The techniques that are given to you should not be discussed with others.


Affirmations are our intents. Affirmations are truths that we would like to actualize. The finest example of an affirmation is “Aham Brahmasmi” which means “I am God”. That is the truth we have to actualize.

How do we actualize an affirmation? It is not just by repeating like a Mantra. A Mantra can be repeated without even knowing its meaning. We go on repeating affirmations to ourselves, reminding ourselves that we are God, “Aham Brahmasmi”. Every time you repeat it to yourself you affirm, “I am God, I am God”.

Affirmation is not Japa. It is much more than that. It’s a very important point to note. Japa is repetition of a Mantra. While I affirm I know this is the truth and I will actualize it. Affirmations are intents. Like, ‘I want to meditate regularly.’ It’s a very pure intent, so if we go on repeating it, we will be able to achieve it. When you go on affirming to yourself, first you will build a Spiritual energy field, and then you go on strengthening it. That is how it works.

It’s like constructing a house. First we conceptualize, we imagine then of course then you must go on affirming ‘I want to build, I want to build’ you will be able to actualize it. Affirmations are very important in Sadhana.


The Gayatri Mantra known to human beings is original and it is complete but the special techniques and that branch of the special knowledge are lost. A lot of Spiritual knowledge is lost. But it can be regained, when we start growing in our Sadhana. This knowledge will come to us when we are ready.

Again, there are still higher levels. There is a level of direct perception. At that level, nothing is transmitted, nothing is received, but everything is known directly. It is in these levels that we receive the highest knowledge. At such a level, Rishis perceived the Vedas, Gayatri Mantra, etc directly. That is why they are known as Drashthas - people who could directly perceive knowledge. We should try to interact with the Rishis and God at all these levels.

When we repeat the Gayatri Mantra as part of the preparation for Astral travel, all the Chakras are virtually cleansed and this helps the separation of the Astral body. The meaning of Gayatri Mantra is - Let this system become Light and help me travel in the seven higher Lokas.


Sanjeevani mantra qualifies one to make an application for life extension. It prepares a person but before that, it is only a wish. The Higher intelligence has to recognize, agree and approve. Chanting Mahamrutyunjay Mantra thousands of times will not help us get over death however it could help improve health.


A person had no job and he had a lot of problems. Rishis gave him a Mantra. We expected him to repeat the Mantra and also search for a job. This person repeated the Mantra and met me after two months. He said he was still waiting for success. We had to tell him the reality that we have to make efforts both at the physical and the Spiritual levels.


Q: What is a ‘Beejakshara’?

A: It is the essence of a field of energy manifested in the form of sound.

Q: Is it different from a Mantra?

A: No. But it is not generally used as a Mantra.

Q: From where do the Mantras originate?

A: The first sound that emerged from Creation was OM, the most powerful Mantra. All other Mantras were coined by the Rishis.

Q: Since Om is the sound of Creation, does it link us to God when used in a Mantra?

A: Yes. The repetition of the Mantra ‘Om’ links us to God and also brings us a lot of energies from Him. But to establish a link with God, we need not repeat any Mantra. We don’t have to take the help of any technique. Just think of Him and you will be in link with God. This is difficult to believe and that is why we think of techniques.

Q: Is Om a personality?

A: No. Om is a Mantra.

Q: How does a Mantra work?

A: It works in two ways. One—it generates vibrations. Two—it connects us to its Energy field.

Q: Should a Mantra have a meaning?

A: Not necessarily.

Q: Should we know the meaning of a Mantra when we repeat it?

A: It is not necessary. But sometimes, where there is meaning and if we know the meaning, it helps. It gives us a great satisfaction.

Q: Should we repeat a Mantra silently or loudly?

A: There are three ways of repeating a Mantra—loudly, by whispering and silently. Repeating silently is the best way.

Q: When a Mantra is chanted loudly it is more effective. What happens when we chant the Mantra silently?

A: The first assumption is wrong. The Mantra is chanted by the mind. The mind is very efficient only when it is still. So if you repeat the Mantra silently it is very effective.

Q: Does the speed with which a Mantra is chanted matter?

A: No. Not the speed, but the pronunciation matters.

Q: Does listening to a Mantra help?

A: It helps to relax but it is not enough. We have to repeat a Mantra. Only then it becomes Sadhana. Only when we repeat a Mantra, we get connected to the source of energy and we receive the benefits.

Q: Does the recorded Mantra played through electronic gadgets carry the same effect as the oral recitation?

A: No.

Q: Is there any special time for repeating a Mantra?

A: Yes, generally it is better to repeat the Mantra after Meditation or at the Sandhi Kalas. Some Mantras have to be repeated at a particular time only and not at other times. We have to gather specific instructions from the person who initiates us into the Mantra.

Q: Will there be a negative effect if a Mantra is pronounced wrongly?

A: Yes.

Q: What does Mantra Shakti mean?

A: Powers gained by repeating a Mantra.

Q: Repeating Gayatri Mantra always is as good as practising the Shambala Principles. Is that right?

A: No. Gayatri Mantra brings Energies. The Practice of Shambala Principles transforms us.

Q: Why Rama-Mantra does not have ‘Namaha’?

A: ‘Namaha’ is not a must in a Mantra.

Q: Why are there two Mantras of the same Deity?

A: To draw two different energies from the same Deity.

Q: What is Ajapa Japa?

A: It is a Japa that continues in the subconscious levels, even when we stop repeating it at the conscious level.

Q: Is there a personal Mantra?

A: Yes.

Q: Can we repeat any other Mantra when we are not meditating?

A: Yes.

Q: Can we repeat a Mantra at any time we like?

A: No. We have to repeat certain Mantras at certain times only.

Q: Can I repeat the Mantra lying down on the bed?

A: Yes.

Q: If a person casually utters a Mantra or as a joke, will that Mantra link him to God? Will the energy flow towards him?

A: Yes. Even if we utter a Mantra jokingly or think of God, we link up to Him. The energies come to us.

Q: How to invoke God?

A: There are many ways. The simplest way is intensely thinking about God. There are different Mantras to invoke different forms.

Q: If somebody just thinks about God without a Mantra and is aware of His Presence, will he be in link and will he be guided?

A: Mantra is NOT required to relate to God. A mere thought is enough; mere Love is enough to get connected to God.

Q: When I just hold this Mala (rosary beads), I find tremendous vibrations. Why?

A: It contains wonderful energies; the vibrations of the person and of the Mantra.

Q: During Meditation, we have to silence the body, mind and intellect. But if we repeat a Mantra and visualize something, we will be keeping the mind and intellect active. Then how is silence achieved? Is this not contradictory?

A: It appears contradictory, but it is not so. The mind and intellect are parts of the ego; they are very strong when they are united. By giving two different occupations, we will be dividing their attention and thus weakening them. When they are engaged alone in a particular activity, they get bored and they go into silence. It is to send the mind and intellect into silence that we keep them engaged.

Q: When everything becomes silent in Meditation, should we then continue repeating the Mantra?

A: When we achieve silence, even the repetition of Mantra stops automatically.

Q: Is chanting a Mantra for long periods enough for Spiritual progress?

A: I always say, every way is a way towards God. But, if you chant only the Mantra, it is a slow process and somehow, we get stuck at the level of the Mantra. We have to go beyond the Mantra. Going beyond is the key factor in the Spiritual journey. Mere chanting may not be enough. If we can combine Asana, Trataka and Dharana along with the Mantra, this becomes a complete process. It helps us to move faster.

Q: When we focus our Awareness on a particular symbol at a particular Chakra, what exactly happens?

A: When our Awareness is fixed on a Chakra and a symbol, it helps in silencing the intellect. This process, called Dharana, has to be combined with a Mantra for the Chakra to activate.

Q: After meditating with a Mantra, I find it difficult to expand in Consciousness but it is easy when I practise Shambala Principles. Why?

A: Mantras do not allow us to expand beyond the Mind. There are no Mantras involved in practising the Shambala Principles. That is why our Awareness expands.

Q: Can we chant the name of a saint and meditate when we visit a Samadhi?

A: You can chant and offer respects. When you meditate you have to use the Mantra given to you.

Q: On what basis a particular Mantra is given to an individual?

A: The basis is, Karmas. Like different dosages of medicine, different Mantras for different set of Karmas.

Q: Can I repeat the Mantra of my Ishta Devata in Meditations?

A: No you cannot. The technique is like a formula. We cannot modify that. If you modify, you will not be making proper Spiritual progress. If you like the Mantra of Ishta Devata, you can repeat it all the time other than Meditation.

Q: Does the repetition of a Mantra help silencing the mind or do the energies help them?

A: It is the repetition of Mantra, not the energies that silences the mind.

Q: Is it the soul or the mind that chants the Mantra?

A: The mind repeats the Mantra. But it is the soul which asks the mind to repeat the Mantra.

Q. During Meditation sometimes my focus shifts from Mantra to Light. What shall I do?

A: If your focus shifts from Mantra to Light, let it shift. At such times do not do anything and do not worry. We just begin with a technique and let things happen by themselves. Don’t try to control your Meditations. When you forget the Mantra, know that your awareness has gone beyond the Mantra, beyond the mind and the intellect, which is exactly what we want. That is the purpose of meditating. So, be happy about this.

Q. Can I repeat the affirmations while channelling Light?

A: When you channel Light, do it wholeheartedly. Do not mix affirmations with channelling Light.

Affirmations have to be lived, not just to be repeated like a Mantra. Repeating the affirmations without understanding them and living them adds to nothing.

Q. Should we control the mind?

A: We cannot control the mind. Do not blame the poor mind. Control your Awareness. It is not the mind that wanders. It is our Awareness. During Meditation, focus your Awareness on the Mantra or on experiencing the Light, depending on your stage. You will see that the mind does not wander. Even the thoughts go to the background.

Q. What is the effect of Mantras in Meditation?

A: The main purpose of a Mantra in Meditation is to keep the mind occupied. When the body, the mind and the intellect are working together, they are very powerful. To silence them we have to engage them in different activities.

The body will be sitting in a posture. The mind will be occupied in repeating a Mantra. The Intellect will be holding on to a thought, which is Dharana. This is how Meditation happens.

When we repeat a Mantra we get connected to its source and receive energies from there. These energies cleanse the whole system, the mind in particular.

Q: What are personal Mantras?

A: Sometimes people are given Mantras individually. Sometimes they are exclusive and very special. But many times people are given common Mantras like “Om”. Along with the Mantra, energies are also given. Then the Mantra becomes a personal Mantra, even if it is a common Mantra.

When a Mantra is given, the person is told not to reveal the Mantra or the technique to anyone. This is because, when you reveal them to others, you lose the energies that you received when you were given the Mantra. The energies go to the people to whom you speak about the Mantras.

Personal Mantras are not required. Our Sadhana here is slightly at a higher level. We don’t employ Mantras. We are in an advancing age. In the New Age we don’t use any Mantras or techniques.

Q: While repeating a Mantra, some other Mantra slips in. What shall I do?

A: Do not worry. When you become aware that you are repeating a different Mantra, come back to your Mantra, that’s all. No harm is done.

Q: Should we know the meaning of a Mantra before repeating it?

A: Yes, it helps. Whenever you repeat a Mantra, you get connected to the source of the Mantra. All Mantras have a source, an energy field. For example, when we repeat the Mantra ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’, we get connected to Lord Shiva’s energies.

Repeating a Mantra continuously is Japa, which is done to achieve a material or a Spiritual goal. Before beginning the Japa, one can think of the goal. A strong thought or a resolution made before repeating the Mantra is called a Sankalpa in Sanskrit. For the Japa to be effective, the Mantra has to be repeated at least 108 times or in multiples of 108.

It is not a must to make a Sankalpa before Japa. When we repeat the Mantra without a Sankalpa, the energies that we draw from the source enter us and cleanse and tune up our system; they strengthen some processes and spiritually benefit us if we allow them. We must become aware of the benefits and thank the energies. If we resist the energies, they remain dormant in our system until we request them to help us.

When a Mantra is used as a part of the technique of Meditation, knowing the meaning is not very important. The purpose of the Mantra in Meditation is to engage the mind in repeating something so that the system gets quietened.

Q: Why do we repeat a Mantra one hundred and eight times and also what is the relevance in the times when we are going beyond Mantras and experiencing Light directly?

A: When you are experiencing Light or God directly no mantra is required. Now the ancient Rishis found out that one hundred and eight is a mystical number, just like the number nine. That is why any and every Mantra should be repeated one hundred and eight times.”

The number seven is special; it can be understood as a base unit. Ideally, we should send Light to a person for a minimum of seven minutes.

Q: What is the meaning of the Mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”?

A: Padma in Sanskrit means a lotus. Mani means a diamond. This body is like a lotus and the soul is like a diamond in the centre of the lotus. Repeating this Mantra is an affirmation that means - I am a soul in this body.


The Rishis who gave us the Vedas and Mantras are now teaching us that we are entering the Light Age; that we have stronger Divine Energies available for a faster transformation into beings of Light. In the earlier Yugas, they taught us the performance of Homas and Yagnas; later they taught that chanting the holy name of God or Divine Personalities was enough. When we live in different Yugas or periods of Time, the purity levels in our system and those in the environment are different. Corresponding appropriate Meditational techniques and approaches to the Divine are prescribed by the Spiritual Masters.

Light Channelling is an advanced Meditational technique taught by the Rishis for the times we live in. Mantra is not required. You think of Light, that is enough. Divine Light carries energies which are beyond Mantras.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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