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Monday, April 17, 2017

Law of our destiny Reincarnation and immortality

Monday, April 17, 2017
Build Your Future
Image result for destiny future quoteIt is often seen that unpleasant memories of the past haut our minds, giving us sleepless nights. It is a very painful experience and should be avoided at any cost. To err is human. Therefore, if one has made some mistakes in the past, one should not brood over them in the present , because past is past and nothing can be done about what has already gone by . But we can certainly learn from the past and vow not to repeat the mistakes in future. Only this is sufficient, for no purpose would be served by brooding over them in the present and spoil it. What is relevant now is to swear that the errors and follies of the past will not be repeated. There is timeless future unfolding itself before us with imagined possibilities. One can win laurels even if one has committed blunders in the past. Look to the future and strive to brighten it by learning from the past.
Image result for destiny future quoteIf you do not dream big, you cannot achieve success. Once you decide to burry the past follies and failures, fill yourself with positive attitude and enthusiasm which is necessary to carry on the efforts to succeed. It will keep you from trying new things that carry some element of risk. If you do not take some risk you will certainly miss opportunities that life may offer and you will certainly fail to achieve your potential. Do not forget that whatever you try to achieve is the goal of others too with whom you have to compete. Your firm resolution will be your greatest strength. Always remember that “worry gives a small thing a big shadow” it is only when you stop worrying that you  can reframe your mind for the positive action that can yield fruits. With a positive approach to life you can easily discern and visualize a new approach.
Image result for destiny future quoteEverything is possible if you are ready for a change of approach. the great poet and philosopher, Goethe says. “Life belongs to the living and he who lives must be prepared for changes” Never regret your past mistakes for they prove big roadblocks and prevent every plan from going from going ahead. Never feel sorry about the opportunism you have missed. The feeling of failure and guilt will result in such a pattern of behavior that will make you very helpless. You will feel so helpless that you will not be able to take any action at all and your movement will be blocked. You have to move on with a fresh though of success that you cherish. Never allow the sense of guilt to continue, because once you get carried away by it. Guilt will always force you to expect the worst which is a negative trait. Nobody can succeed if he is not ready to carry out his responsibility with a positive frame fo mind. In the words of Winston Churchill-“Responsibility is the price of greatness” Take on every new responsibility with self –confidence and emerge victorious courtesy wisdom.
Quote from the True Charm & Power of Vedanta
Image result for destiny future quoteWe must not always look for comfort if we do , we shall not have the kind of character we wish to have. Gold cannot be fashioned until it is burned. It is the same with our life. It must be burned many times, and that part which is not consumed by the fire is the real part in us. Truth can never be burned up. Why then should we be afraid? You may say, can we help it? We can help it. Our physical nature is full of fear and so long as we identify ourselves with the life which is dependent on perishable things, we shall continue to be fearful; but as soon as we focus our mind on something which is permanent fear will gradually drop away from us. It is this permanent aspect which we must bring closer into our life and there is no one who can do it for us, Temple Churches, Scriptures forms and rituals may aid us, if we open our hearts and know how to draw inspiration from them. It however we have not openness of heart, no outside help will awaken that higher instinct within, which is the most needful thing for our spiritual life. All other things are of secondary importance.
Image result for destiny future quoteEven in misery a wise man sees the smile of heaven; he receives it as a blessing; while we short-sighted, pleasure seeking man imagine he is going to be deprived of all happiness and want to runaway from it. But it runs after him. We can never run away from things. Whenever misfortune comes, if we try to turn our back on it, we shall find that it will follow us. There is no escape from it in that way, If , however, we face it, it will disappear; especially if we face it with understanding . we need a certain amount of courage and firmness to meet the problems of life. The weakling can do nothing. But real strength comes to us, not when we depend on our brain and muscles or on anything material, but when we depend on God and feel that He is standing by us. That is that vital thing. . we may call this supreme power God, Truth, or by any name which pleases us, but we must start with that as the foundation of all our effort. courtesy Law of our destiny Reincarnation and immortality
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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